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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Who is this Babnik

    I would say that you don't know a fucking thing, because usually you don't but then when I read the feet smelling bit..... I.... I just crumbled.... if you know that ... well... I guess the rest of it is true...
  2. So like, I'm away for a long weekend, come back and there's this guy, Babnik, sprayin' all over creation, with 60+ posts and he's registered on 8/31/03!? This is preposterous! I had to ease my way into this lifestyle, gaining the friendship and trust of several "insiders", staying up late crying my eyes out over insults I received online, asking Muffy for counseling behind the scenes. Now there's this new guy acting like he's part of the "cool crowd". And everyone is letting him get away with it!!! I'm so fucking fed up with this place. I'm tired of trying so hard for acceptance while others get it without so much as a peep of indignation. What has this website come too??!!! No wonder Adamson is so pissed off.
  3. Gee, seems like it would be real easy for 'the law' to make themselves out to be heros in the northwest by baiting some cars and staking out trailheads. Too bad they would rather write 50 dollar tickets for non-compliance of voluntary programs. Cheers to Larry the Tool. P.S. Sorry bout the break ins fellas.
  4. I'm coming up next weekend. How are things going? Give Erin a pm (lodi_dodi), she's a friend and former student of mine, and I'm sure she's still up there.
  5. No way you're offering up partnership to MisterE, when i'll be down there the same weekend.
  6. Haven't you ever seent he pictures of Jesus that the Mormons have all over their churches and on their nightstands?
  7. Everytime people dis erik, I think they're talking about me.
  8. They make blue butter too, cuz, ya know, it's hard to get kids to eat their ketchup and butter.
  9. Awwww, cute. Caveman said "owies". Please don't give me an owie for picking on you.
  10. E-rock


    What are you talking about? People who have the courage and creativity to mix-up everyday or mundane tasks should be applauded... like the goofy bus driver who pretends he's giving you a tour, or the overly-animated parking attendant.
  11. What for? It's all clearly shit talk.
  12. Route setters will sometimes advocate for the use of these things on all new sport routes. But then you realize that said route setters are usually total fucking morons.
  13. Standard Rack: As many #2 camalots and 2.5 Friends as you can get your hands on (maybe a #1 camalot). Climb only perfect hand-cracks. Climbing will always be fun!
  14. Wirlwind, stop reading this pointless drivel and answer my PM.
  15. The great thing about having 29 posts per page is that all the self-assisted page-tops are blatantly obvious.
  16. Anyone else notice that Ryland's colonel Sanders image looks like Anna's airplane avatar out of the corner of your eye. Twice now it has happened to me.
  17. Huhhuh. Titties are neat arent they? They make me laugh. Titties are so cool, there's nothing cooler.
  18. Hey Ken, So sorry that you feel the annual need to rant about cyclists, a major scourge in your eyes, no doubt. I'm sure it's really frustrating when you see us between lanes, riding faster than cross-town traffic, endangering really no one but ourselves. Unfortunately, your rant is not based on any real statistics, just the astute observations you seem to be able to make from behind your windshield, from within your air-conditioned personal space. I have a little bit of advice for you... an ounce of tolerance goes a long way, both for your health, and the safety of others. Next time you cut off a cyclist (or even another CAR, yes they DO that to EACH OTHER even... and they don't get tickets for it....), and I'm sure at some point in your illustrious and privileged driving career you have, be glad nobody is chasing you down and running you off the road (as happens to cyclists even when we OBEY the rules). I hope the boys and girls in Iraq appreciate your cynicism, because really you're the guy they're risking their lives for. Drive on. Sincerely,
  19. So you're saying that it's OK for bikes to run red lights, and then when they get hit by a car, it's the driver's fault cause bikers can't be blamed? Any cyclist will tell you it's the cyclist's fault. Even if they were the one hit.
  20. E-rock

    GW in the hizzouse

    Sweet! I hope all you dumb Portland Hippies wind up in a one-way paddie-wagon to Arizona. I'm sick of looking at your bare feet when I visit my superior anarchist friends in P-town.
  21. Please don't I'm trying to plan a climbing trip via Pm's right now PLEASE!
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