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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I feel so manipulated. You mean... the stinky ego... the mean pm's... it.. it's all just a troll?
  2. I should add, FOX dropped the charges against Franken. Appears they practically got laughed out of court.
  3. Is it worth it to come up, or are things getting crowded?
  4. What's the story? Can you still climb on the Squaw, the Chief and the Malamute?
  5. I know, maybe the GOVERNOR can help us out on this one. Whattaya think?
  6. Fresh Air is not a news program. Should they interview David Letterman because they're interviewing Conan O'Brien? Also, Fox IS suing Franken for copyright infringement. It's a mean-spirited attack against Franken for pissing off O'Reilly. The point Matt is making is that in THIS INSTANCE the people at FOX would be suing Franken for Libel also, if they actually COULD.
  7. Uh-oh, sounds like the "Fairweather" code needs updating.
  8. I had some friends trigger a slide while sledding when they were in hight school. The next day the avalanche report went something like "Yesterday a group that can only be described as Extreme Sledders triggered a slide on Mt. Olympus (Utah)."
  9. I concur, he did a phenomenal job on my last resole, which included new rands. I've climbed on them until the soles were paper thin, and they never even THREATENED to delam.
  10. Wow, Sigurd looks like it would be a phenomenal ski descent.
  11. E-rock

    fat chicks . . .

    Not getting laid very often are ya, sphinxter?
  12. E-rock

    fat chicks . . .

    Fellas, if you can't get dates with the ladies you are probably one of three things: Too shy Too socially inept or too damn ugly
  13. E-rock

    fat chicks . . .

    because we have missing teeth, bad body odor, and no manners, sheesh.
  14. Hey, Eric, go do all the cracks on Starr Wall at the Upper Malamute if you haven't already. And I mean ALL of them. They are all easy sends on super fun, clean cracks.
  15. What? You mean his pussy ass hasn't done it yet?
  16. Look at him winding up to elbow that chick in the blue.
  17. Shut up fence_sitter. You sound so fucking retarded it makes me laugh.
  18. Minister Who Killed Abortion Doctor Awaits Execution By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 3:23 p.m. ET STARKE, Fla. (AP) -- Anticipating his reward in heaven, an unrepentant Paul Hill awaited execution Wednesday for the shotgun slayings of an abortion doctor and his bodyguard outside a Pensacola clinic nine years ago. The 49-year-old former Presbyterian minister stood to become the first person executed in the United States for anti-abortion violence. Advertisement Death penalty opponents and others called on Gov. Jeb Bush to halt the execution, some of them warning Hill's death would make him a martyr and unleash more violence against abortion clinics. The governor said he would not be ``bullied'' into stopping the execution, the third in Florida this year. Florida abortion clinics and police were on heightened alert for reprisals. ``Paul Hill is a dangerous psychopath,'' said Marti McKenzie, spokeswoman for Dr. James S. Pendergraft, who runs clinics in Orlando, Ocala, Tampa and Fort Lauderdale. Hill was to be executed by lethal injection for the deaths of Dr. John Britton and his bodyguard, retired Air Force Lt. Col. James Herman Barrett. Barrett's wife, June, was wounded. Hill had final visits Wednesday with his wife and son, along with his spiritual adviser, parents and two sisters. His two daughters visited him earlier in the week. Extra law enforcement officers, explosives-sniffing dogs and undercover officers were posted outside Florida State Prison to prevent any protests by death penalty and abortion foes from getting out of hand. ``We don't want an incident of national proportion,'' Sheriff Bob Milner said. After losing his automatic appeals, Hill did not fight his execution and insisted in a jailhouse interview a day before he was to die that he would be forgiven by God for killing to save the unborn. ``I expect a great reward in heaven,'' he said in the interview, during which he was cheerful, often smiling. ``I am looking forward to glory.'' He added: ``More people should act as I have acted.'' Members of the mainstream anti-abortion movement have denounced the calls for violence. ``You do not take the law into your own hands and kill in the name of life, that is a contradiction in terms and is absurd,'' said Lynda Bell, a spokeswoman for Florida Right to Life. Inspired by the 1993 shooting death of another abortion doctor in Pensacola, Hill bought a shotgun, went to the Ladies Center in Pensacola on July 29, 1994, and shot Barrett in the head and upper body. He then reloaded and fired again, hitting Britton in the head and arm. June Barrett was wounded in the arm. Hill put down the shotgun because he did not want to get shot by police and walked away. When officers arrested him within minutes, he said, ``I know one thing: No innocent babies are going to be killed in that clinic today.'' Several Florida officials connected to the case received threatening letters last week, accompanied by rifle bullets.
  19. E-rock

    latest books read

    Now I'm sorry but I cannot let this one by (nothing personal, ehmmc). As an MBA who started with one employee 18 years ago and now has a bunch of 'em, I can tell you that there are plenty of good management books out there. They range from most anything by Peter Drucker or Michael Porter or Theodore Levitt to feel-good books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or anything by Dale Carnegie. The most-timeless mgt strategy book perhaps is The Art of War. Winnie The Pooh is for kids. AA Milne wrote it for his son Christopher. Disney bastardized Pooh enough, for god's sake. I don't give a fuck what Pooh or Jesus think about business...because they don't know shit about business. NERD ALERT! The Pooh books (Tao of Pooh, etc) are fun enjoyable reads. Yeah I'm sure there's TONS of interesting, fun reads on BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.
  20. E-rock


    All-Night Diner I was at an all night diner The sign said triple-X but they were talkin' bout root-beer I'm just sittin down thinkin' bout nuthin lookin at the thin air, breathin up the oxygen Chorus: Have I told ya? have I told ya? You can really get it on. You can really get it on. Have I told ya? have I told ya? You can really get it on. You can really get it on. A guy comes up, he's lookin pretty 8-balled snaggle-toothed smile. Sits down at my table. Puts his arm around me, starts to share his information. He said, he said. He said, he said, he said, HE SAID He said, he said, he said, this is what he said... "When I have sex I'm always thinkin' bout the pavement, so I can avoid premature ejaculation" I got up rememberin' to thank him Better things to do so I'll start drinkin'
  21. What about MY cry for attention and love. You insensitive apes just sprayed all over it as though I didn't exist!
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