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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. So did you bust a cap in the dude's ass as he dove out the bedroom window? Or was he hiding in the closet? Don't be disrespecting my girl, bro.
  2. Drove from Palm Springs, CA to Seattle, WA in 19.5 hours with a Carl's Jr. re-fuel and several coffees. Luckily, I was able to catch up on my conspiracy theories by listening to about 6 hours of the Art Bell Show on AM radio. The best part was surprising my girlfriend, who wasn't expecting me for about 14 more hours.
  3. If you want porn, why not just go to a strip club? ...cuz my atm card catches on fire...any other dumbass questions??? And it's too hard to get that fishy smell off his face before his wife nabs him at the front door! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
  4. I'm announcing Pub Club Lake Shasta tomorrow night and Pub Club Palm Springs Sunday through next Friday.
  5. I'm thinking of bivying in the Shasta Nat'l. Forest on my way Southward. I'm thinking the O'brien area and finding access to the water. Anyone have some dirtbag suggestions for bivies off I-5? I'll just need to park my truck and throw down; maybe dip my wick in the lake in the a.m. THanks Greg_W
  6. Try "Armani-suit-clad and being chased by photographers"
  7. I've got my Halloween costume now:
  8. I don't know any right wing poseurs, so I wouldn't know. All the right wingers I know are serious motherfuckers.
  9. They're worse there, from what I hear.
  10. You fuckers are sick...
  11. So. Do we need to resurrect the threads on how Presidents are elected in this country? And, CJ, I doubt it. You're probably just another spineless, Birkenstock-wearing, Seattle pussy.
  12. Cornish game hens dwarf-tossing toe sucking galoshes combine, discuss, create your own story. I'll check on your progress tomorrow. Greg_W
  13. Nice, pic, but I'm in plain blue boxers today not white as depicted in the image. Also, my hair isn't that long yet.
  14. I say you shouldn't feel the need to share if you don't want to.
  15. Yeah, those skills obviously didn't get damaged.
  16. And Tom Ridge isn't? I swear every day you get dumber Greg. Did I ring your fuckin' bell, dickneck? The subject was Ted Kennedy, hence my comment. And, further, I would argue that Kennedy is more dangerous as he is an actual LAW MAKER, whereas Ridge is simply an implementer who will be gone come a change in Administration. Who appears to have more power here? Keep your personal insults to yourself, 'cause I'm sure you'd sing a different tune if we were standing face to face. Greg_W
  17. Just sound sloshed when you call. They'll put you through on the Kennedy Hotline. That cocksucker is a danger to my way of life, that's for sure.
  18. get a guidebook Rudy, see World Wall I at Exit 32 and the Mt. washington area at E. 38. This is one of the best fucking posts I've seen in awhile. Hey, Rudy, I wanna try that 5.11 thingy you put my fat ass on last year.
  19. Greg_W


    I'm guessing one of three things: 1. Your mother beat you repeatedly with an extension cord as a child, yet you are torn by a sick, co-dependent love for her. 2. Your mother abandoned you and now you view every woman you encounter as someone who will tear your heart out in the future. You powerlessly seek out these women to feel safe, knowing they will hurt you. 3. Your first sexual experience was with an older woman who made you wear a little league baseball uniform and call her 'mama' as you fucked her. Seek help, it's okay. Emotional health IS within your grasp. Greg_W P.S. A fourth option DOES exist: You were breast-fed until the age of 4. You, unfortunately, view all women as a source of food and the fact that most of them withhold the nipple-lovin' you want causes you to see them as tyrannical and enslaving.
  20. Greg start's telling the truth after years of cut-and-paste! Yeah. The bitch is that I already had the dates in my Palm Pilot; checked it last night. Doh! What happened? Rubbed the ink off? Direct hit, Captain! What're you saying? I ain't blond.
  21. Easier than just buying the same stuff in Squamish? Why waste time pulling off the highway to shop in a Big Box when Black Diamond, Arc'Teryx, Five Ten, Petzl, La Sportiva, Wild Country, Mammut, CCH, Metolius and more are already available at the local shops in Squamish, at the same prices MEC charges? How does an extra stop in North Van make the day "easier" if you're heading for Squamish anyhow? Seems to me it would make more sense to drive to Squamish, pick up your gear and be climbing already while everyone else is sitting in a parking lot in North Van waiting for the Co-op to open. Adds a good hour of climbing time to your day, and you get a jump on the crowds on the more popular routes. Well said, Mr. Impartial Defender of The Small Climbing Shop Owner! Just kidding, Murray; support the small, local shops, people.
  22. Way to step up to the plate, Kurt. Thanks for getting the ball rolling. I'm for sure putting this one on the calendar.
  23. Are you calling me a hypocrite, shitstain? Fuck off and read my above post.
  24. Another waste of time to read. That article didn't say shit. Just a bunch of self-important wanks spouting off.
  25. This applies at least equally, and probably even more so, to the right, particularly since they cozied up to the evangelicals. It applies to each end of the political spectrum and all points in-between.
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