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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. At least he didn't abandon them in the woods or starve them. A rather tough, humane decision; I'm sure he didn't relish it.
  2. If there were no guns around, this guy would have used a baseball bat, a 5-iron, or just stuffed them in a gunny sack and tossed them into a river.
  3. Examples, please. I'm for unfettered fundraising and full disclosure. Why not? It seems like there's more of a furor now. How else to voter groups get their messages out other than advertising? The CFRA didn't impact the politicians as much as it impacted voter groups who endorse certain candidates; groups like the Sierra Club, AARP, NRA, UAW, etc. Why shouldn't these groups be able to buy advertising time to put their endorsements out there on behalf of the people they represent?
  4. Greg_W

    More idiots?

    I don't think this was a public gathering. I'm sure it was a controlled environment.
  5. That's a good one.
  6. Greg_W

    Big issues?

    I would posit that learning to lead is never a trivial exercise. These goofs figure they flash 5.11 in the gym, they surely can handle a little old 5.10b, and then they get in trouble. How does gym experience prepare you to set up an adequate, bomber toprope belay? It doesn't. What prepares them for multi-directional or equalized toprope anchors? Loading over an edge? I don't think so.
  7. Greg_W

    Big issues?

    You're way off-base here, man.
  8. Is anyone other than Roger Strong developing that area? Alex?
  9. I always thought that McKain-Feingold was bullshit, but that's my opinion. With all these "527" ads cropping up funded by various offshoots of the major lobbying players, is the CFRA working? Groups have found ways around it, more money is being spent checking and re-checking disclosure statements, etc. It seems like it's just made free political speech more expensive. I don't see how it's stopped the supposed corruption or "financial influence" it was purported to correct. Any thoughts?
  10. Well, he is an admitted war criminal. I think he performed a citizen's arrest on himself and placed himself in protective custody.
  11. Well, we have a 20 year career as a bench-rider in Congress with which to judge Kerry.
  12. No, that's not true. You simply annoy me.
  13. Just passing on information, Jim; take it or leave it, don't fucking annoy me about it. You're a fucking dick.
  14. Why would there be any "facts" if they simply did not discipline him, or transfer him. Would a phone call from Daddy count as a "fact" and go into his files? I heard an interview last night with Simon York (?) who has studied Bush's Guard service in-depth. Apparently, by its nature and at that time, the Guard was very flexible in allowing individuals to defer their commitments. Given the time (1972/1973), the War was winding down and a lot of pilots were returning to the US. This created a glut of pilots and preference was given to active duty pilots for training hops, etc. In Oct. of 1973, Bush got an early out from the Guard to attend business school. Take it for what it's worth. Greg_W
  15. Greg_W

    lazy idiots

    What gay-ass gym you go to? I work out at Gold's and I know we do power cleans and other such shit; not sure on deadlifts, but I'll find out.
  16. Greg_W

    A message for RumR

    Given his height, I could understand the analogy.
  17. Greg_W

    A message for RumR

    I made the sportclimbing faux-pas of offering Rudy some beer at Exit 32 last year. hahaha, he looked at me like I was offering 3 year-olds crack. "No way, man, I couldn't send with that stuff in my stomach."
  18. Sheeit! We're solving belay problems left and right, here.
  19. Greg_W

    lazy idiots

    Then they'll be $50 on e-bay.
  20. Dryad, your situation sounds just plain painful. My back aches just trying to imagine it. At Vantage, you would probably just lower off, after setting a toprope anchor. If it was a hanging belay, Munter hitch.
  21. Greg_W

    Big issues?

    In my mind, this is cyclical and not something we can change. With note on fires, now that fuel loads are reduced (due to fires), fires will be reduced. With regards to outhouse cost: A Honey Bucket costs around $85 a month, more if it's handicap accessible.
  22. Greg_W

    New Spelling Contest!

  23. Greg_W

    Big issues?

    I would say that Fee Demo IS a big problem, but it is more than just a climber problem; it's a backcountry user problem.
  24. I only carry that if I have my headset two-way radio on and I know I'll be hanging by one hand from a small hold for any amount of time in a black spandex singlet.
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