Partisan he said-she said aside, the guy's premise is interesting. I don't think that GWB is quite the "he-man" that this guy puports, but whatever. Based on generational cycles (Read "The Fourth Turning"), this generation of youth is the next "hero" generation akin to the men who fought and won WWII.
Great I would like to not offer you the Assistant Expedition Leader position. Based on your non-experience, we think you will not do a great job for the team.
Hmmm...fenderfour I'm not sure you're not qualified. Could you not provide a climbing resume of high altitude climbs you have not done? Don't take it personally, but I do not have the safety of the rest of the team in mind.
Yeah, that's why I'm running away to Palm Springs. It sounds nice, cool, wet, and tropical. It's going to be great!!! Have fun suffering in the heat suckers!!!! BWahahahahahahaha!!!
Great, A/F. Welcome aboard. Now we need someone to not plan all the food and packaging and shipping of same. Also, we're going to need someone to not research permits and not make contact with the proper Board of Tourism authorities.
I'm going to hijack 007's thread for a moment to advertise MY 'No Pay to Not Climb Cho Oyu Expedition 2005'. Come join my expedition where we won't pay shit and won't climb Cho Oyu next year. As you can guess, training for this expedition is minimal - adopt whatever training regimen you want, it'll work.
What, evidence, no way that is expecting too much from people who are too close minded to see that Al Jazeera is no different than any other news organization. If anything they probably do a better job at being objective than most news organizations. That is probably why they have been critized so much by US and Arab nations.
I can't believe this opinion actually exists in minds of people. Al Jezeera has been pegged as the media mouthpiece of militant Islam for several years. Yeah, they're super-objective and unbiased; that's why our side doesn't like them.
Jim - I'll give you another endorsement for the Garmont Vetta. I climbed the N.E. Couloir of Colchuck in them (1 an a half times, actually) this Spring; they take BD Sabertooths with the heel bail really well. I did some frontpointing in them and they worked great.
HAHAHA! I'm sure many the Starbucks toting latte wannabe anti-capitalists worship at the statue of Uncle Joe. He's a great role model of a leader who watches after the welfare of his "constituents" mass murderers go, anyway.
That's a statue of Lenin.
What-fucking-ever. It's one of those Commies that ended in "-in". Bastards...
As a curious note, I just learned that the major Federal involvement in the public education arena happened right around the time Sputnik was launched and the ensuing panic about the "Space Race".
Yeah, well, the cop said that "Lisa Latex", my "alternative non-human companion" doesn't count either. Plus, the dog "dispatched" her (read: "popped"), so now I'm REALLY bitter.
HAHAHA! I'm sure many the Starbucks toting latte wannabe anti-capitalists worship at the statue of Uncle Joe. He's a great role model of a leader who watches after the welfare of his "constituents" mass murderers go, anyway.