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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. quote: Originally posted by erik: thats wrong, i use tied shoulder lengths as clipems all the time......though make sure to inspect your knot occasionally, maybe ill die from this practice though it hasnt happend yet... someone correct me if i am wrong.... I do the same. Leaving a liberal (2-3") tail on your waterknot is a good pre-caution as well as checking the knots just as you would the rest of your gear prior to a climb. Using shoulder-length slings also gives the flexibility to extend them to reduce rope drag on wandering routes.
  2. Greg_W

    2000 members?

    quote: Originally posted by TIMM@Y: dudes, i'd appreciate it if you didn't reveal taht most of these 2k members are infact a handful of individuals ( i think i have at least a dozen myself). ...As I suspected, everything is being controlled by a few, highly placed power-brokers protected by a nefarious shadow government.
  3. Just when you thought the news media couldn't get any worse. This has nothing to do with climbing, but I laughed my ass off. It's audio, so turn it up. http://www.weirdlinks.com/audioclips/gerbil.wav G
  4. Starbuck beats Washtucna!
  5. Thanks. Sucks bein' new
  6. Time?
  7. quote: Originally posted by dyno merchant: Greg W...I sent you a PM. dm-Got it; check yours.
  8. Pardon me for being new, but what's the skinny on the Pub Club? Would love to throw back a few with some fellow climbers. P.S. Do I need to forward this request to the Field Trip Subcommittee? "God invented whiskey so the Irish wouldn't take over the world..." - Numerous
  9. quote: Originally posted by Dru: but seriously, are you calling knowledge intelligence? seems to me they are two different things. some stupid people seem to know a lot of facts. Too true... Wouldn't you say that how one applies the knowledge they have is an indicator of intelligence? As in the application of knowledge gained through experience; if it goes unheeded, doesn't that say something about an individual's intelligence?
  10. Dru: You're right. But the people living a "Stone Age" existence have knowledge that allows them to prosper in their given situation. As far as Enron goes...which is the worse decision, having bought Enron stock or buying the "Women of Enron" Issue of Playboy?
  11. And I thought we had it bad with the Backstreet Boys!
  12. quote: Originally posted by rbw1966: I've used this system before as well. I backed it up by tying figure 8's on a bite and clipping them to an HMS on my belay loop. I liken it to jugging a fixed line--I back that up too. I've heard too many reports of jumars popping off to not back it up. Good point, dude.
  13. Yes, you can. I have rigged a Petzl Ascension ascender in between my harness and a webbing runner as a chest harness on a fixed top rope. Yes, I have taken a fall and it held. I have talked to one guy who fell and the ascender torqued off the rope; so, it can happen. There is inherent risk since there is no backup to this system. It's all risk assessment, right? Greg
  14. Recently (in the past year or so) MEC has stopped shipping most of their climbing gear to the States. I was told this is mainly due to US-based companies raising a stink. I have never had a problem buying gear on my trips to Vancouver and bringing it back across the border. ...For what it's worth.
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