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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. "Well, the Bible says it's unnatural and a sin" - that's some deep thinking there alright Sherlock. Nice single data point, dickneck. My experience debating liberals is that the vast majority (of the ones I've debated) are dogmatically stuck on their stump and can't even consider thinking about entertaining the potential of seeing my point of view. I try to hear people out unless they are complete idiots (like the close-minded dogmatists I mentioned).
  2. I really like my Cingular Wireless service. I don't take my phone in the backcountry (why?), so I don't know how it works there.
  3. Right on, Mike! Fuck you, liberal assclown motherfuckers.
  4. I haven't seen you come up with anything decent yet. Regarding your earlier comment, I don't speak for Gotterdamerung; he does that on his own. I only give my opinions. Now run along, dickneck, I am sure there are trees that need hugging or counting or whatever it is that you do.
  5. Dru - You are from Canada. Shut the fuck up. No, this isn't a "hey you're not American, so you can't comment" thing. You should just shut the fuck up. You're annoying.
  6. You are an idiot.
  7. Re-read it, shitstick. I did not compare anyone to Hitler. I can't believe I have to explain everything to you; you must be simple. The justification 'bird' used can be used for other things which are not okay. Simply because it achieves one's goal, doesn't make the action acceptable. Get it?
  8. Your reading comprehension sucks. Let me guess, you were educated by the State of Oregon. Let me spell it out for you: justification of an illegal act simply because it suits someone's purpose is wrong-headed. Saying that all the violence of the WTO protests was okay because it "raised awareness" is bullshit.
  9. This is such a stupid, wrongheaded way of thinking. Hey, Adolf slaughtered the Poles, but it was for a good cause: Germany needed the space. Violating an individual's rights simply to get your voice heard is bullshit.
  10. Unfortunately, I disagree. The hippies of yesteryear have infiltrated the nation's universities and are now inculcating a new generation of "activists" with their ideas. I do agree that the generation now involved in these activities are simply grafting on to the neato idea of civil disobedience. However, long-time "activists" like Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, and other less recognizable names glom onto new pet movements all the time. I think it's an attempt to feel that they are somehow useful in this world. Pathetic really.
  11. Greenpeace sucks.
  12. There apparently have been several violent attacks on convention delegates by protesters. This is bullshit and should be reined in harshly.
  13. I'm confused. What if you think Viet Nam and Iraq 2 were stupid fucking wars and Bush needs a visit from. But you also smoke dope and cut down trees. How does that fit into your world view Greg. You are obviously schizophrenic and need to be institutionalized.
  14. Let me guess, Ted Kennedy was the Democrat's expert on the subject.
  15. hahaha, you limp-wristed liberal pussies make me laugh. You want to protest this and protest that, then you cry when Daddy Government cuts your handouts. Eat shit and work for a living, instead of smoking dope and chaining yourself to someone else's trees.
  16. Like AlpineK said, Ken, don't judge it by the singular event last year. In 2002, we had TG Stout and a blast. Lots of folks showed and it was a fun time; the weather was good. Early October in Leavenworth is a great time - brisk nights (snuggle with that special someone), cool sunny days (no greasy whimpering), and granite, granite, granite! (Yes, I am aware that I sound like a writer for the Leavenworth Tourism Board )
  17. Better yet, find your birth year and birth month.
  18. It's funny you should post. I was going to compare you to the GI and suggest that he take a leaf from your book whereby you also promote conservative views but don't necessarily come across as an unstable gun-toting lunatic. I thought better of it though and with your last post you just proved my intuition correct Nice to see you back in the mix, you crazy fucking Scot.
  19. Haven't you been deported yet, fuckwad? G-man CAN say anything he wants...this is America. Go home.
  20. not quite, tree-boy
  21. discuss
  22. Clueless with baseless opinions - I see you haven't changed much.
  23. Here we go again..."There's plenty of good routes, there, Rudy. Just read the guidebook.
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