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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Jim, I was addressing the comment regarding scientists furthering their own agendas within agencies. I was not taking issue with the validity of the report in question. Is the marbeled murrelet tasty?
  2. Take it somewhere else, cbs. This ain't spray. Don't litter a serious thread about an injury with your idiotic antics.
  3. Oh, really? What "radically-environmental" side has the money to provide significant financial support to ANY research? Greenpeace? The Sierra Club? The research that this administration refuses to accept is funded by "radicals" such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other highly respected agencies that do not have a specific political agenda. Ideologically-driven "scientists" have infiltrated governmental departments such as the US Forest Service, and I am sure others. They are, like Jim, pushing their tree-hugger, animal-worshipper agenda from the inside. You guys were wrong on the spotted owl, weren't you? Come to find out another predator started eating the shit out of them. The logging ultimately had nothing to do with it - you worship nature and don't care that you are putting people out of work.
  4. I'll back it up. Bring it on.
  5. Alright you fuckers, I knew this would happen. Snowbyrd, keep your editorial about helmets to yourself or start another thread. This isn't about bashing an injured climber for his choice in headgear, it's about informing the climbing community of an accident. Start a thread to completely teardown everything these two climbers did and Monday morning quarterback it to death. Don't do it here. Greg_W
  6. He elbowed me in the chest the last time I saw him...without provocation. I think I got a bruise. Bwahahahaha!!!!! Mike's good people, man. I think that the internet has led to a loss of understanding of the true meaning of words. People sit, completely anonymous, and spew shit, call names, and posture without thought to what they are really saying and how it is heard. When debates, such as the ones that crop up here, were had in past days individuals were more measured with their words becuase their opponent was right in front of them and they could see the reactions to what they said. It doesn't seem to be that way anymore. Say what you intend to say. If you intend to threaten Gotterdamerung, or Robbob, or Caveman, or me for that matter, understand that it will be taken as you say it. Understand the measure of your words. Greg_W
  7. Maybe you should watch F9/11 again particularly the part comparing the miniscule force sent to Afghanistan with the much larger force committed to Iraq. I said that that was my understanding; I'm confident that it could be (is) wrong. I don't think Michael Moore's fantasy docu-drama isn't a great place for facts.
  8. Glad to hear all will recover.
  9. Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy. Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick? Wait, wait. I want to be there when you find out.
  10. I want that one on video (and the aftermath).
  11. My understanding was that they went in light due to the size of the force commitment in Afghanistan.
  12. It's worth remembering, too, that we've been asked to show ID at check-in for years now, long before 9/11. It's just that, prior to the Patriot Act, no-one saw it as a sinister government plot to imprison us all. But in the paranoid atmosphere these days, every little thing casts a much longer shadow and looks far scarier than it used to. And I think that is because the Federal Government took over the security screening process.
  13. Well, first of all, Bush hasn't even spoken yet to lay down HIS platform. Second, I haven't heard much from Kerry other than, "Bush did this wrong, I wouldn't do that..." With no clear message or agenda.
  14. Agreed. He is choosing to engage in commerce with a private entity. In doing so, he has entered a contract; the airline requires, as part of the contract, that he show ID. If he doesn't want to, he should take the train or the bus or simply drive.
  15. Free medical is called "County Hospital"
  16. Jesus Greg, I didn't take Iain's post as self-righteous. I understood him as offering a different perspective. Did you run out of fabric softener again? Well, actually, I don't use fabric softener as it can be harsh on the skin. I prefer to use the moisture sensor dryer setting on Permanent Press and then make sure I am right there to pull the clothes out so they don't wrinkle.
  17. Whatever Iain. We'll see how self-righteous you are in person, you little fuck.
  18. Usually you hear this from someone who has not yet experienced a serious climbing accident. I don't take one a lot of times either, but when it has been needed, it may have made the difference between life or death for some people. It also stops rescues from happening unnecessarily when overdue. Or, it's simply the ethic they've chosen.
  19. ...catbirdseat is thousands of miles away...Wow, the advantages are piling up!!!
  20. THOSE were in the washer at the time.
  21. Training my dog and, well, folding whites.
  22. Gee, dps, you're some kind of super sleuth!!!
  23. How does one debate this point of view, Greg? That is an undebatable fact of the cosmos, dude. There's nothing I can do to change it.
  24. Gee, you're original. You know nothing about how open or closed my mind is; we've never debated. I am simply sharing MY experience. Share yours and get off my fucking back.
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