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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan


    find out the global gdp, then divide it by the global population, then report back your conclusion.
  2. ivan


    i've never seen a wealthy marmot.
  3. spray's been weak for months now...fucking civility.
  4. the first tape i ever bought, w/ piggie bank money no less, was "license to ill" - i was 11 and thank fuck my parents had no idea what it was i was purchasing
  5. god knows anastasia and oleg have been up there enought times lusting after it - how can they not have a pic?
  6. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/music_blog/2012/05/the-beastie-boys-adam-yauch-dies-after-long-battle-with-cancer.html [video:youtube]
  7. some light reading for you?
  8. "Would you like to spend the rest of your life in a pain amplifier?"
  9. i put an ice-tool through my forehead the day before my 1st life insurance inspector came around to inspect my skin-suit only to find my fine, crisp stitches - shit, i said, i just hit meself in the head w/ a hammer (not even a white-lie!), what can ya do? for reasons i've still not understood, they turned me down they said somethign about climbing above 14,000 feet being unkosher, pointing to my denali climb the summer before. fuck'em.
  10. ivan

    cry for help

    from that website, oleg: "...about 240 employees (about 30% of whom, like Dave, are ex-felons)..." and the employment page: http://www.daveskillerbread.com/about-us/employment-opportunities.html
  11. ivan

    cry for help

    yeah, holy shit, how could i have forgotten daves?! wouldn't be surprised if that voodoo joint had the same origins?
  12. i'm currently putting all my assets into the stray cats slouching in ever increasing squadrons into my backyard to stay
  13. ivan

    cry for help

    isn't every fisherman in alaska a former felon?
  14. whole soylent green or white soylent green, that is the question.
  15. ivan


    and yet the average ear canal is far too narrow to fit my enormous cock
  16. if you're gonna climb at a secret crag, you have to wear a ninja costume and an occupy-mask
  17. ivan


    i win over all comers by force of my award-winning personality
  18. X2 - thinking about going up there on monday.
  19. how can you ever grow tired of watching dimwits hump doorknobs?
  20. the wheat thins of the future, not a goddamn sauce you canuckistani - speaking of which, what contribution has your culture made to the sauce trade?
  21. "Remember, this was all just a bad dream, fat boy!"
  22. thought you broke it on p2?
  23. just added my 2 cents - reckon i gotta be one of the biggest users of both the tr n' pic forums really, the most annoying thing is trying to find one of the 1000 pic i've uploaded quickly for another use - the general process of writing a t.r., which usually prompts my pix upload, is so time intensive that i skip steps where possible, and the detailed labeling is an obvious candidate - i might well go back and update them all if it was an option and would really like some easier browsing option for them all.
  24. every minute charlie squats in the pink slime he gets stronger.
  25. "is that you down there, john wayne?!?"
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