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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. "Champagne" on SCW has a nice chimney pitch on it. Champagne TR
  2. Hey take some pictures and post em up here if you don't mind. I'd like to see ya'll in action.
  3. Hey griffo, Welcome to cc.com and thanks for the trip report. BTW: Fred's last name is "Beckey".
  4. It might be fun if we could perhaps possibly put certain political leaders of a particular north american country into this particular hog field.* CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK *Violence is wrong kids, it never solves anything. Except national problems. Forget I said that last part.
  5. Damn that looks great! Good on you boys! Has this thing been climbed in summer? Who's gonna get the first SUMMER ascent?
  6. The guy that fell was probably on the standard hiking trail, but here is a trip report and description of the North Coulior route in case anyone is interested: North Coulior of McClellan Trip Report
  7. Alpinfox

    New Contest

    If you find a pair of a penny, they prolly ain't worth buyin'.
  8. You are going to remember the girl in the red top you saw in the parking lot last weekend. You are going to talk about her incessantly. Then you are going to steal a bunch of napkins from McDonalds and walk around with your fly open.
  9. That's reeeeeeeeal nice there Pope. So what did you climb?
  10. That beer shrine/pizza place is good. I hope that isn't the place you are talking about that closed down!?!?
  11. Here is a picture of a squeeze I wriggled through in a cave in the Snoqualamie Pass area. I think I had to take my helmet off for that squeeze, or maybe it was a different one. I agree, it's pretty freaky. I went through a squeeze in Colorado in which I could only move when I exhaled. With my lungs full of air, I was stuck!
  12. The Finger of Fate is nearby and has several popular moderate routes on it's north face. Do a google search. There are also a couple of trip reports to be found in the California and Everywhere Else forum. Use the search function to find them. I've never climbed in the Sawtooths, but it looks cool. Post a trip report here when you come back. BTW: It's "Beckey" not "Becky".
  13. EP holds are.... PEOPLE!!!
  14. Hey sweet pics! What kind of work were you doing in the park? Just curious.
  15. Alpinfox


    Colin has wanted to climb the NR of Stuart in winter since he was 5 years old!?!?! He is even more badass than I thought. edit: I am certainly not denigrating the accomplishments of any of the FWA folks this year; they have all been impressive efforts (except for those hacks on Cruiser), but in a normal winter, I don't believe many of those routes would exist. I don't mean that they were EASY this year (again, with the exception of Cruiser), but that the ice/rock would have been buried under so much loose snow in a normal year that the routes would not be feasible/possible/safe. How many more FWAs will we see this weekend!?!
  16. Alpinfox


    Dru: Winter ascents must occur during the calendar season of winter. It's just too complicated, subjective, and arbitrary for record keeping purposes to try to establish what "winter" conditions are, so we simplify it by using the calendar; even though it's not a perfect descriptor of conditions. It is a unique characteristic of winter routes that they can be quite different from season to season. That's just part of the game. However, I agree with Olyclimber that many of the FWAs this season will have an asterix next to them (if not in actual print, then at least in the minds of those who know what it was like) stating that this was not a typical winter.
  17. Is the song order always random or can you memorize the order of the songs and therefore find particular songs that way? Olyclimber has one; why hasn't he contributed his two cents. Nudge Nudge.
  18. I lost a black Mtn Hardware glove somewhere on the trip out. If you go up there sometime soon (and someone should!) and you see my glove, I'd appreciate it if you would get it back to me. This weekend would be a great time to climb Cruiser!
  19. Any data on what caused the variation in carbon loading back before the internal combustion engine? I can see cooler temps leading to less abundant plant life/algal proliferation and carbon fixation dropping in response - but its not clear to me what would cause an increase in CO2 emissions over time cycles like that. The trough-to-trough interval seems like about 100,000 years. Interesting data though. The average CO2 concentration recorded at Mauna Loa (climate observatory station) in 2003 was 375ppm. That is well above the top of the scale of the graph shown above. Click HERE for all CO2 data from 1959 to 2003. Interesting indeed.
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