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Everything posted by fern

  1. easiest way to keep the terrorists out is to keep everyone out american border guards are bonafide authority figures...they have guns and all. Lots of Canadian border guards are just bored college kids. They do stuff like pick a letter-of-the-day and search all cars with that letter in the license plate. Whatever. This reminds me of a movie "Highway 61" with Jello Biafra as a border guard questioning why these people have a coffin on their roofrack. "Who's in the box?","My brother", "Is he dead?","Yes","HE BETTER BE!" ...
  2. The Europe Bound guy once bought a whole load of MEC Couloir jackets and just sewed a Europe Bound logo over the top and sold them at a loss, I presume to distract traffic from MEC into his own store. Didn't even pick off the MEC logo. I have found the occasional steal at CMS, less since they joined the Forzani group, but I got a Marmot Precip jkt at their pre-Xmas sale for $60, nothing at MEC comes close to that deal.
  3. "lead atempt has priority." well I don't actually believe this. I don't think anybody can claim "priority" or "right" or anything like that. But if a person is actually in the process of leading a climb you could 'cause them an accident if you involve yourself, so you pretty much have to back off ... if I can use that to MY advantage by hopping on the route while your back is turned then I will ... whether you think it is my "right" to do so or not.
  4. If it was a busy crowded day, and I could style the thing and be outta way in a few minutes, I'd just ignore them ... that's what I've done in the past. I'm not gonna ask if anyone minds if I take the last brownie either If I thought I (or partner) was gonna thrutch and flail or if it was an empty day and lots to choose from I'd move on.
  5. wall paper
  6. "Is it because the lower part has no ice but you can still climb it to the upper ice that would produce 4 pitches or sometimes the whole gash is iced up that would produce 9 ? " the original CAJ ref says 3-4 pitches . There's a long low angle gully (terrain trap!) then a left option (longer, little easier) and a right option (2? pitches,steepest). If you take the right option you can wander back left to catch the top of the left option. or so I'm told. was there any ice in there at all?
  7. you forgot the part where my truck ended up in a mechanics ...
  8. Depends on the Edelrid. Some of them shed like crazy. I did a few raps that ended with my Backwardo all yellow and fuzzy
  9. I like how people who just saw each other face to face need to see pictures one day later to like remember what they all look like and what they were doing or something ... no short term memory?
  10. he's only 2, though tall ... prolly need a full body rig. thanks for the offer though
  11. if anyone has a little kid's harness they don't need anymore lemme know ... I have a nephew.
  12. I looked out my window today and saw an inch of fresh here at sea level so I thought "Hey, it'll be deep and sweet a 3000' higher on the hill, I should skip school!" and I looked at the mountain conditions and they only got 2" on a 2' base.
  13. freeclimb9 shows Alpine Trekkers. They are not AT gear. You can often find them cheap used because people want to get rid of them and get real stuff. why are you asking all this Allison. Are you buying skis or bindings or boots or all 3? And what do you forsee yourself doing with this gear?
  14. "mostly" ?? well it's not about the numbers is it? I don't want to be accused of chestbeating.
  15. fern


    mattp but what information specifically is lacking from my description that you would infer if I called it a IV on top?of that
  16. fern


    I don't understand why it's desirable to try to distill a number or code or symbol from information that could more easily just be described in words. Like: Approach: 10 miles on trail, 2000' elevation gain, 2 creek crossings. Climb: 400', 10 pitches total, 2 pitches 5.9, rest easier, gear to 3", Descent: scramble down to east, 3x25 raps. If you want to indicate this route is hard than that route then just say it ... I can think of 2 guides that have a relative difficulty list of all the contain routes, as well as others which list the contained climbs relative to popular climbs in other areas. Nobody would buy a guidebook that was just a list of route names and secret codes anyways, it's the words and pictures that sell the book. And when people come here, or bivouac.com or whatever other database they for beta they aren't looking for a specific number, they are looking for anecdotal information.
  17. fern

    Classical Music

    van cliburn had better posture though
  18. Cham3s may do online sales, but I think they are primarily a big 3D store (chain of stores) in Chamonix. Do you speak French? You might get better results if you can deal with them in their own language.
  19. I have all the required facilities right here! I will PM an address. Please also enclose enough cash for me to insure it and ship it back.
  20. did someone say real world las vegas Las Vegas Rules!!!!! so did you hear like that Trishelle and Steven are still together except not really together even though he got jealous when she kissed Frank and for a while she was worried she was pregnant. And Irulan dumped that guy Gabe whose picture was by her bed and got together with Alton whose is SO totally over his ex-girlfriend. And Alton got ARRESTED for punching out a photographer at a charity benefit! and Brynn (the bisexual hot-tub psycho) is getting married to some other dude who isn't on the show
  21. last year it was in a different place though Eric. Last Year: ============ Grand Wall Closure: Due to nesting peregrine falcons, effective immediately until 31st July 2002 no climbing is allowed on the Grand Wall route above the top of the Sword (one pitch above the top of the Split Pillar). Nearby routes on both sides of the Grand Wall are also closed at about that level. The Stawamus Chief has for many years hosted a pair of nesting peregrine falcons. Even before the park was created climbers observed a voluntary nesting-season closure of routes near the nest. The nest has until now been in the area of Freeway. This year the birds are nesting in the Flats, a low-angle area the Grand Wall route passes through. Signs will be posted at various locations, noting exact details and dates of route closures. Please observe them! The many shorter routes on the lower part of Grand Wall remain open, roughly to level with the top of the Split Pillar. ======================== It's still too early in the year to know where the closure will be. It depends where George and Elsie#2 decide to nest.
  22. Dynafits: 1) ice/snow can pack in under the toe piece, chip it out or it will prevent the spring thing from popping down fully to engage the pins in the boot. 2) pull the grey tab at the front up to lock the springs into touring mode. This overrides the binding release, so if you aretouring on a sketchy avy slope don't do this, just leave them in regular release mode. Also when you switch to downhill mode release the lock-out or the bindings won't release. There are little pink and yellow cartoons on the binding that show you what to do.
  23. fern

    delicate male egos?

    what a dumb thing to argue about . If you've never seen an exception to the relationship dynamic you describe - well then you stated the truth. i.e. you're right. Looking for backup on the Internet = maybe she's right about the fragile ego bidness. maybe you get her riled up enough she'll start cranking and you guys can be the counter-example to your own premise (substituting 5.12 with whatever number is appropriate to you of course).
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