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Everything posted by fern

  1. fern

    #5 Camalot

    maybe the Scimitar too. you wanna ropegun it for me? .11b OW sounds fun . Also maybe Hypertension or whatever that .11a-ish thing at Murrin is called.
  2. fern

    #5 Camalot

    it's too small for Pipeline - #6 Friend baby. maybe Split Beaver though.
  3. this is such an important and new discussion I hope it goes to 16 pages.
  4. fern


    or maybe he's turned ghee ?
  5. fern


  6. sure - but I think PV=nRT refutes what you are saying about cold air = high pressure.
  7. cbs said: I quote from my own link above:
  8. click this one has some numbers. Still, I don't see how you can make them tell you that the effect is equivalent to a 4000' disparity. My envelope-back number crunching says maybe 1100' is reasonable, considering the Himalaya is not equatorial and Denali is not polar.
  9. I'm with Dru ... i think I read somewhere that the scientific explanation for the altitude/latitude thing was bunk. But from what I've been told it's subjectively true that a given altitude is 'harder' at high latitudes than low. Eg, I was told 5000m on Mt Logan feels like 6000m in the Cordillera Blanca. My guess is that the extra cold and dryness and remoteness play a role. Also I would bet that some of this 15% body mass loss on short expeditions involves a lot of water loss, not fat or muscle.
  10. I got a hook you guys are too easy
  11. I also went to MEC and bought something to augment my rack.
  12. I don't have a scanner. I am 99% sure now that it is the S.Face of Prussik, probably the Stanley Burger route. I guess calling it the Lost World Plateau sounds cooler even if not strictly correct.
  13. fern


    welcome back Tom
  14. this:
  15. I am not that dumb.
  16. ... the caption says "Lost World Plateau". One of the climbers is Doug Ingersoll. What formation and route is this? it looks really fun!
  17. ...or an entire box of bolts and hangers for the price of one ($2). the purchaser even asked if they were sure that was the right price, and yep.
  18. i have never been climbing. my friend did. he sent me a story about it. it is fun to read: link
  19. you are funny and dumb. lemme know if you still need it explained to you and don't call me a girlie again
  20. huh? what's erik got to do with it?
  21. I ALREADY MADE THE JOKE!!! ... so you are all suck for trying to make it again. I'm hooked up now ... so the rest of you can just keep your own peckers in hand.
  22. fern


    yep, Bushy would have manufactured a pretext if one hadn't been handed to him on a plate. its called Wag The Dog style. And that is called conjecture. yes, and you asked what I thought . Maybe you need dictionary.com? Or you do... (I didn't actually ask what you thought, unless Dalius is one of your more naive avatars. Then I guess I did.) gee, if your question was only for Dalius maybe you should have asked him via Private Message, instead of in a forum where ANYONE CAN REPLY?? YAY - we haven't had a nested quote poem in a while!!
  23. ...or two or three ... and maybe some RURPs. Don't need many. Anybody want to unload a handful? ( dirty!) i have found them online for $12.50US each, I would like to pay less
  24. hey did YOU bring the rack?
  25. the deals are on specific Schoeller fabrics in specific colours in their Spring Sale flyer. not Polartec
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