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Everything posted by fern

  1. fern

    Climber women

    I have no clue what this thread is about. except for the Tsubo part.
  2. I think the lowermainland equivalent is "Have you climbed the Chief?". Or even better "Have you hiked the Grouse Grind?"
  3. It is not entirely clear to me what activities/events are included in the $60 registration fee and which will incur extra costs. Perhaps you could clarify Bernard?
  4. High Endeavours
  5. this whole thread reads like a recipe for a clusterf@#$ing epic. If you want to know how to climb efficiently with 3 people then find 2 other people who know their stuff and get 'em to take you out and show you ... preferably on a sunny saturday afternoon on Diedre. it's not rocket science but there are many many tricks depending on the climb, the equipment, who wants to lead etc.
  6. fern

    Mystery Photo

    izzat that stupid cave on the right side of icicle buttress?
  7. fredrogers says: "I picked up a pair of Garmont Sticky weekends, unfortunately a 1/2 size too small, but liked them a lot. I know Second Bounce still has a crapload of them new at $49 a pair, but with limited sizes." wear them without the footbeds and with thin socks for a while and they'll stretch to custom fit
  8. fern

    Which Hand?

    back in my shortlived competitive shooting days I knew a kid with the left-eye/right-hand issue, I think despite that he was still a better shot than me I am right handed and eat european style BUT I snowboard goofy (right foot forward is less common than left foot forward).
  9. don't stress about your crackers getting smashed. Just bring some dressings. Everybody likes cracker-salad!
  10. if you're going to be on less than vertical terrain where there is a chance you might trap the device between your body and the rock in a fall, consider getting a device where the camming action is internal or shielded. For example if you fall on a gri-gri such that there is no room for the lever to swing out it will not catch on the rope. I believe Petzl Shunts have a similar weakness.
  11. fern

    Stupor Bowl

    " I think football would be more fun if the offense had to play defense as well and people drew random position assignments. that would be entertainment. " at least it is better than baseball in that regard. I believe even more entertainment value could be squeezed out by removing all bans on performance-enhancing substances. Let 'em get all wired on crystal-meth and steroid pumped. I wanna see a freak show
  12. fern

    Stupor Bowl

    I caught the last 3 minutes - in other words the last half hour with the timeouts. A turnover and touchdown with 3s left is pure comedy! One person I was with said "he must have scored a goal because he doing that funny run" .
  13. or learn how to tie a knot
  14. sitting by the front window
  15. wish list: Logan E.Ridge, Articling Blues Buttress and This House of Sky. But I won't climb them.
  16. John had serious cancer which stopped responding to treatment late last year. He had been in palliative care for a few months.
  17. IS THIS THE PLACE???????? The Beaver Inn 1325 N. State St. - (360) 733-3460
  18. I set my options to not display autosigs or avatar pictures. Probably this is the source of our differing recollections.
  19. Apology accepted.
  20. where is this beaver of which you speak?
  21. this is not what I said. I think it likely that we disagree on a great many things. One example might be the amount of time we each are willing to devote to discussing this issue. I wish you luck finding a solution to your concerns. I am done.
  22. I was reading that thread at the time many of those posts appeared and disappeared. My recollection of both the tenor and content differ from yours. I am sure my memory of what was said is incomplete. You don't know anything about what I find appropriate or inappropriate content in any particular forum because I choose not to get involved in editorial discussions. Or perhaps I should say 'chose', since here I am. This is not my site, I have no desire to be a moderator. I've presented so far at most 40 words on the topic mainly of your actions, not on content. I haven't rejected anything. I never called you unfair once let alone repeatedly. I used the words strange and capricious. You chose to remove some but not all off-topic posts, and you locked the thread. I could not discern your criteria for choosing which posts to delete and which to leave, nor could I understand your reasoning for locking the thread which had been fairly active in previous days and probably could still have collected some on topic comments. Thus my choice of adjectives when describing my impression of the end of that thread. You have explained your reasoning in this thread and I have read it. I think Courtenay does a great job moderating the fitness forum. She doesn't cruise the boards everyday but reviews and eliminates off-topic posts after the active banter has ended. People rarely complain about the lost content, probably partly because it is removed many days after the initial activity and they have moved on to spray elsewhere. I think a similar approach to the Route Reports section would work. I think that immediate elimination of posts that are offensive on an extreme level (disguised links to kiddie porn for example) is appropriate. Childish insults and name calling are part of the culture of this BB, and part of the entertainment value for those who post frequently. Cutting off a conversation still in progress is rude, in person and on the internet, regardless of whether or not you deem it childish and off-topic.
  23. I think you are misrepresenting the content of the exchange that you initially erased. Too bad it isn't there anymore for others to make their own decision about whether it 'crossed the line'.
  24. is there touring (zero dollah!) around Baker?
  25. fern


    did you use your old Atlas shoes lots and they stood up? I had the opportunity to put some serious abuse on some brand new Atlas shoes, full 8hr field work days in wet snow, and after 1 1/2 weeks they were starting to break and fall apart.
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