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Everything posted by fern

  1. sea otters have been observed to engage in necrophilia ... also to kidnap pups and hold them for ransom as the mother has to collect food for the kidnapper.
  2. if anybody want's to make their own Schoeller clothing, Textile Outfitters has some good deals right now ($25CAD/m =~$17US?) http://www.justmakeit.com
  3. this thread rots and has done nothing to increase my word-power.
  4. exactly - I don't see the words intimidate into silence in those definitions but I do see the word remove AND I don't think telling someone to spray elsewhere in the same forum is very intimidating, nor is it suppressing them, or removing their posts. bring it!
  5. For those people having trouble with the meaning of words there is a handy website: www.dictionary.com I use it all the time ... like a few months back when I looked up the word capricious I like the word Intemperate, to RobBob. I will try to work it into my conversations this week. Also metarelevance is pretty cool too, to Dru. In fact I think this very post is only metarelevant
  6. so it's not enough that posts made publically can be removed after a few moments ... Now they have to be vetted in private before they are even entered? This is funny ... who is that guy Ashcroft again? think it thru erik ... it's not just about the Rainier thread.
  7. Sounds like censorship to me. It's not. Censorship requires the removal of content not the relocation.
  8. maybe a more appropriate analogy though is how much would you test a rappel anchor? What is your exposure and the consequence if the piece DID fail? Factor 2 falls free-climbing are rare, Factor-2 daisy falls aid climbing are pretty easy to set up. Whatever. You can't learn to aid climb safely by reading about it written by gapers on the internet.
  9. hey - "me too", 'cept I didn't fall off - want some lessons gaper?
  10. here is something I wrote a while ago about the sled I have used: http://www.daessy.com/fern_not/skiing/sled.html
  11. fern


    fern is a sucker for arsenic fern is unique furniture store fern is sick sick sick fern is hardy in zones 5 to 8 and is evergreen here in the pacific nw fern is typically known as a frond fern is a preferred food of mountain beaver fern is not more frequently available in pet shops fern is conveniently located on queen street fern is a relatively large fern is to do a little research fern is an excellent tool for use in independent student research fern is found on sandstone fern is easily mistaken for a trunkless palm fern is a real threat fern is useful with the following fern is dominantly a coastal species fern is on british columbia's red fern is once well established fern is described as having short leaves fern is a division of a fern from my mother's mother fern is poisonous to cattle fern is rhizomatous and deciduous fern is cute and looks great paired with mini hostas fern is native to warm fern is seen growing in wet swampy woods and along stream edges fern is venturing out of the pouch to explore her box fern is polystichum acrostichoides fern is a beautiful plant fern is a native species common throughout northeastern and central north america fern is commonly called the alpine water fern fern is a leading supplier of software for business fern is a little bit different from another fern is great fern is native to africa fern is a minister of the gospel fern is in fact the same as the full fern fern is still grown today fern is very hardy to cold fern is the princess of the kingdom of light fern is climbing into trees and shading out native vegetation in hundreds of acres in east fern is adaptable to both moist fern is usually fried with shrimp paste fern is a @#%$ fern is the worst of the worst fern is the tallest fern found near a pond fern is the best variegated fern so far fern is a fairly new addition to the mri family fern is a grass fern is principal of advanced financial designs fern is considered to be “rare” fern is a strong grower which remains a glossy green for most of the winter fern is sited away from the canopy of larger trees fern is known for helping lloyd run their farm and cattle ranch and raise a family of four children fern is also green with fronds that taper fern is probably the best fern is known as the upright fern is frequently found on uplands and side slopes fern is an epiphyte or air plant which is normally found growing on the side of trees in its native habitat fern is an excellent fine fern is a cosmopolitain tropical/subtropical species but it exists at a single site in canada
  12. don't spend lots of money because I guarantee you will loathe the thing before too long. if you cannot source aluminum angle stock you could probably find a machine or mechanic shop to bend some aluminum sheet for you - automotive type places should have this sort of stuff. another alternative is to look for metal shelving angle - like those 1970s Meccano style utility shelves, already has holes in it. another sled design that doesn't require a keel is to make hard traces - use some long lengths of pvc tubing, run a cord from each of the front sled corners through the tubes, cross them to make an X and tie the ends of the cord to the sides of your hauling harness. There was a Tech-Tip a few years back about building one of these - this design would truly suck on side-hills, but might be ok for long flat trips (i.e. South Pole )
  13. fern


    http://casbc.bivouac.com/accalert.htm people have been climbing there regularily this winter. I haven't heard of any confrontation with rail cops.
  14. that would be 00:00:51 then eh?
  15. I'll go aid climbing with you Stefan. (and by aid climbing I mean I will sit in a Crazy Creek chair with a Grigri and a thermos of coffee
  16. I was caught by some Peruvian nastiness on collectivo crowded with babies and sick grandmothers and chickens and whatever. Everytime I'd look up from my Ziploc these women would gesticulate and chatter at me and squeeze their breasts ... wha? Eventually I figured out they wanted to squirt some breastmilk on a cloth for me to wipe my forehead with, some homespun remedy I guess ... retch.
  17. There is an article written by David Roberts in this month's Smithsonian magazine about the Cave Rock issue. It doesn't have much more depth than what is covered in this thread but there are some pretty pictures.
  18. fern

    sprayin canadian

    I don't think making jokes about Robert Pickton and the 50+ dead women is very funny. There's plenty of things about Dru to make fun of already without bringing in distasteful fantasy.
  19. web.mit.edu/16.62X/www/Okal_Marianne_622.pdf web.mit.edu/16.62X/www/Graham_Jon_622.pdf aluminum fatigues to failure under cyclical loading. The higher the load the fewer cycles needed to fail, the lower the force the more cycles needed. There is no lower stress limit. These people found that applying a load similar to a 220lb person taking a factor 2 fall they needed at a minimum close to 200 cycles to break a closed biner. new carabiners break, old carabiners break ... it's all sketchy.
  20. can you carry both shells but one set of thermofit liners to do double duty? I would think if you were forced to do the Frankenstein walk in stiffy skiboots all over the upper mountain you might waste more energy than you would have expended just hauling xtra boots in the sled. But then, IME bulky sleds are worse than heavy sleds and boots aren't very compact.
  21. isn't the bar reversible? mine are. just pull it apart and flip the bar over. The only truly assymetric part is the toe bail... or maybe you mean they're stamped wrong? I painted big L and R on my old crampons ... much easier.
  22. and also a not-so-subtle difference in the little "L" and "R" stamped into the bar .
  23. it's a Polack joke Stefan (CrazyPolishBob) ... just smile and nod
  24. maybe he traded the car for it?
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