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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Mass transit only works in larger population centers. Mass transit does not work well for the U.S. in agricultural areas becuase the spread of people. Food distribution in the U.S. would be severly damaged...but then again people might modify.
  2. I was on the Chelan Sawtooth this past weekend at 8000 feet. There was about 2 feet of snow in a leeward bowl at 7500 feet. Up higher on the ridge, nothing. On the windward side I would say snow was about 6 inches deep. Snow started at the 4800 foot level. All powder of course being further east than Icy-Ruth...
  3. I would like to know his VO2 Max. I wonder if it is larger than Michael Induran's?????
  4. I know you are not looking for mountain guide services. But you still could give a shot. RMI and others look for people who have medical training.
  5. Took 3 months for me to get the muscle power back in my leg after ACL surgery. Did all the moves the trainer recommended EVERY DAY. 4 months after surgery was back to normal climbing. However I noticed a lot of pain in my knee for about 20-30 minutes after a trip and getting into a car. This pain in the car lasted for about one year. I was in a lot of pain the first 3 days after the surgery, but drugs helped. After that, no pain.
  6. The Secret Service fed up with anti-Bush protesters at rallies are now creating a natural wall for security reasons to protect the President.
  7. I guess I am still interested. PM me with your phone number. I can't guarantee I will buy. I am leary of buying 10.5 size because I know I am in between 10.5 and 11.0 for boots....and 11.0 would eventually suit me better due to swelling of the feet.
  8. Yes, but that's George Bush.
  9. This is what the next to last paragraph said: Interviews with Saddam left Duelfer's team with the impression that Saddam was more concerned about Iran and Israel as enemies than he was about the United States. Saddam appeared to hold out hope that U.S. leaders would ultimately recognize that it was in the country's interest to deal with Iraq as an important, secular, oil-rich Middle Eastern nation, the report found.
  10. Thanks guys for the reentry engineering talk in plain English. I understand the general concepts now.
  11. Can someone explaine something to me about this space thingy they built? There is a big concern for reentry into Earth's orbit becuase an object could be burned up. Like the last shuttle. In looking at the plane that won the prize, it does not appear to have any heat shield. Or is there a heat shield?
  12. Unofficial name for Peak 5144 or as USGS Maps shows (5145T) is Bushwack Peak. I have been up it from Ragged Ridge. Easy scramble on south. Exited via Salmon Creek on the east under snow conditions. Snow conditions are essential in this area.
  13. Ragged Ridge stretches from basically from east of Isabell Lake to your peaks near Boulder Lake. Ragged Ridge is marked on the USGS map at the southern edge. Could it be this? This can be done in a day. Frostbite-Weber
  14. Get your mother on your side and have her withhold sex from your father if he does not rest. If he is resting, then tell your mother to have as much sex as your father wants to reinforce the behavior. If they do not have sex often, then tell your mother to start making his favorite meals ALL THE TIME if he stays off of his feet. If you are not influencing your father, then your mother might be second best.
  15. It is true. I am anti-bolting. Not an anti-bolting nazi. Bolting in certain areas are acceptable to me. But I also use trails and so that is hypocritic to my anti-bolting opinion. glassgokiss. Are you a teenager? I just want to know becuase you use vulgarity so often in your writing.
  16. Good for you nalo sticking out your neck. If I knew anybody single and in their low 20's then I would send them to you...alas I do not. One recommendation: Always keep all your possibilities open and do not limit yourself to just a climbing woman. Why fish in a lake when you can fish the ocean!
  17. I have heard someone did it 15 hours round trip.
  18. Powerdrilling in wilderness is bad? I think so. What about standard bolting in wilderness areas only? I advocate for the standard use of trails, but I don't advocate for the use of bolts in wilderness areas. I find my own stance hypocritical.
  19. I would like to climb 5.14......but I don't want to spend the time to get there....hence I know I will never get there.... but some folks do want to eventually get to that grade...is it any more necessarily right to impose YOUR style and its corresponding limitations on them as it for them to impose their's on you? I am sure people want to get to that grade. Good for them for putting in the effort and the time! People right now are free to do whatever style they want. Bolting can be done whenever and wherever they want to in these current days (except I think around Indian paintings). I think Smith Rocks/Index are beautiful places to bolt and I have accepted that as okay. And I am sure people want to do it in the sport style rather than do the traditional time learning of pro placement. Here's an analogy for you. I don't want second hand smoke. I avoid smoking areas. I avoid smoking bars. If I go to a park and sit down with my woman, I do not expect to be interrupted by a smoker who comes up and decides to sit next to me. There are areas for smoking and there are areas for nonsmoking. I do not like smoking and wish people would stop, but that choice is up to them. In the end, there will be areas for bolting. There will be areas not allowed for bolting. I do not like bolting, but that choice is up to the user. But how do you stop someone from bolting in a nonbolting area? You cannot. Once you bolt in a nonbolting area that is permanent (geologic time will remove the bolt). Besides I think bolting where people cannot see it is okay with me. I don't like, I just accept it.
  20. DFA, When you create a sport route, do you traditionally top rope it to set up the bolts and look for how you want to the route to go? not on steep routes like rifle or along the east coast, they are bolted ground up because they are too steep... Steep as in overhanging? Or steep as impossible to toprope which is similar in fashion to Smith Rocks?
  21. Bird Creek Meadows is one of the top 5 most beautiful meadows I have ever visited in this state.
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