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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. That was me. Partner went back two weeks later. He could not find sling. We do not know if sling broke, if sling came untied, or if it came off of the rock. But I do know this, it was two or three previous slings I rapped off of. They looked good. I pulled on the slings twice to make sure they were solid--and pulled on the rope once when it was through the slings in the direction of the rappel before my partner rapelled. My partner rapped safely off of the slings. Then it was my turn.....
  2. I have done the easiest route on Big Kangaroo. The earlier the better if you leave from the hairpin becuase there is A LOT of scree involved. Route is as Beckey states. The very last portion is a smooth slab that can be protected by throwing a rope over the summit and belaying by the partner on the opposite side if slabs are not your kinda thing.
  3. About accidents on Liberty Ridge.... For some reason I have the perception that a lot of accidents come from people who do not live in the northwest. It's as if they take vacation, go to climb Liberty Ridge, and becuase of the limited time off, cannot wait for a weather window. Just a perception.
  4. The climber who was a good friend of mine is doing fine for the time being. I talked to him and he is in the hospital with several broken bones. They are keeping him overnight for several days due to some fractures in the bones in his back (but no spinal separations). His wife said they are expecting a full recovery, albeit after some healing time. Best of luck man.
  5. I have that one too! He recently gave me a copy! I love the maps in there and the added names. Good read and updates me on the mining history of the area for which I lack a lot of knowledge of.....
  6. Hozomeen is access from Canada. You can access many peaks using Ross Lake, like Jack, Prophet, Challenger, and multiple others. But the one you are probably thinking about is Luna.
  7. I have one in very good condition. Do you mean like an extra one? Sorry, not an extra one. Just a nice one.
  8. I do not know how rare or out of print it is but I have the second version of One Day Winter Ascents by Dallas Kloke.... Has he done a third edition?
  9. I have one in very good condition.
  10. Ummmm.....that's kinda steep in the beginning.
  11. I hate 5-4 decisions by supreme court justices--whether it be state or federal. They are just too close. 9-0 decisions are the way to go. I thought the program for the inmates was a very good program. I guess I gotta learn more about why the justices said the program was inconsistent with unconstitutional language.
  12. Looks like a great time Klenke and Tod! Thanks for all the info and pictures!
  13. Was this a military helicopter? If so then they were definitely training. If this was your standard huey helicopter then they were taking pictures of you. It would be tourists in that helicopter or some professional photographer. The helicopter service out of Winthrop does not land in the national parks but they do land on the national park ridge borders.
  14. Stefan

    My REI wish list

    This is a top ten essential too!
  15. I do not know of people who have done the entire traverse. However, I do know of people who have done those mountains separately. I only have a trip reports of Mesachie and Katsuk. Let me know if you want it.
  16. Is this picture taken from Sourdough?
  17. The pictorial route description of Morningstar Peak is incorrect. The dashed line should continue to the "Swauk Formation east-dipping bed" as shown; however, the line then should continue NW (directly towards Sperry Peak in the picture) and then around the toe of the buttress (this buttress can be seen in the picture) and then heading west(directly towards Vesper Peak in the picture). The dashed dotted line would then be a little higher in the picture. The "East Side Route" is shown correctly. The route as shown will lead climbers to a large cliff with about a 350 foot droppoff.
  18. Somebody was up there the day before or two days before we were up there, but they turned around too......I would like to know who was the person(s). The hazard was the large snowblocks on the "red rocks" at the apex of the large couloir. I would suspect that those large snow blocks would be gone and not be a hazard in mid May.
  19. Sorry to hear that your hours have been cut, becuase a cut in hours means a cut in pay......
  20. REI is doing something right with a certain niche--they must be doing something right becuase they have been around a long time--and continue to grow. You don't like, then vote with your dollar. Lotsa people don't like Wal-Mart, but man they are doing swell! They must be doing something right too. It seems to me that most people who dislike REI are in the minority and post on this board...... Remember, the last word in REI is "Incorporated".
  21. I just bought a Highgear off of Ebay. My friend bought one and he has been happy with it. That's why I bought mine on Ebay and the same watch. I never use the temperature or compass functions-even on my previous Suunto. I just want an altimeter, time, date, alarm, and light on my watch. I don't use anything else.....these watches these days do way too much.
  22. Due to low snow in lower elevations this year, you will probably more than likely able to drive to the Ipsut Creek trailhead. You will not be able to drive though the White River entrance becuase the gate will still be up. The only reason why the NPS gates the road at White River is twofold. They do not want uphill traffic to Sunset becuase it is still under a lot of snow, and the campground is still covered under snow at this time.
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