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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. How can you sue after you die? I want to know.
  2. I am surprised by the chainsaw thing too. Ask the WTA here in Washington. When they do a work trail party, everybody brings these big band saws--sometimes they look to be 6 feet in length. I have asked why bandsaws. Same answer everytime is: "It's in a Wilderness Area and we cannot use chainsaws". Ask Marylou. She is more up on it than I am. However, I will say I believe some backcountry horsemen will use a chainsaw...if nobody knows about it.
  3. A trail is also a fixed installation....but then again, leave a trail alone without usage and maintenance and within 20 years it will be gone (except Kendall Catwalk section).... Trailhead signs on trees are fixed installations. Get this about motorized usage. Trail maintenance people are NOT allowed to use chainsaws.....but they can use explosives for trail maintenance! Explosives have been used within the past two years by maintenance folk for the Middle Fork Snoqualmie trail to make the trail usable for horses!
  4. Maybe becuase they have not been written in a guidebook like the Wilman's Spires. I have been up both Crested Buttes. North Crested was sporty when I did it in May of one year. I would have liked to have seen the original register but it was under 10 feet of snow.....
  5. I would like to know where this route is exactly. I am a person who gets little booty. I need some more. Please be very specific as I do not want to walk all over to find it. Thanks!
  6. I vote everything is up for grabs. Even the bolts. Bolts are for people who are afraid of falling. Trust me. Falling is like parachuting. Do it once, and you're hooked.
  7. Stefan

    Big issues?

    The main reason I do car to car--I have to work. Not enough days to play. Work is a big issue!
  8. I have started using a mountain bike more than I used to for these logging roads. I believe someday I will be using a motorbike....
  9. I never climbed with Frank but I did meet him several times. He was vivacious and full of energy and ideas. He had a great smile.
  10. I would like to rope marked in 5 meter increments. For example 5 meters from the end would be one mark. 10 meters from the end would be 2 marks. The middle would be 6 marks. This lets the belaying person an idea of how much rope is left instead of guessing from the wad laying on the ground. (60 meter ropes)
  11. I can't speak for all Argentinians, but stuff has been hard to come by in Argentina for the past several years. Something about their currency. They probably thought it was booty. I can't blame them.
  12. Come on Erden. You are strong enough--just pull the boat behind your bike!
  13. Although I don't go into spray much--this has been a great thread!
  14. Good job stolz. Tell your partner good job too.
  15. Not in the spring it isn't. I have done the scramble route.
  16. I like this caption on one photo. If only I could have photos of the future like this..... from website: http://www.mtnphil.com/RainierCam2.html "May 25, 2005 (11:38am). A few hours later, clouds start enveloping the summit."
  17. I was on top of Sherpa on Saturday. Couldn't see any new snow on Stuart whatsoever. Thanks for all the past info people!
  18. Don't know it. All I know is the trail from the Stillaguamish/Forgotten col to the summit. All other areas would be hideously in brush. However, I do know that there is a moderate cleft at the 4480+ pass east of Beaver Peak (Peak 5113) Might bring a rope for that small section.
  19. Thanks for the info. Any new info from anybody?
  20. I am interested. But cannot go. But would like to go on future times. Question. I have a daughter turning 4. What age did it seem right to you to have your daughters start climbing? Sons I think are a little different becuase they are a little more ballsy.
  21. This is what is happening in Europe. Banks are starting to refuse loans to skiing operations for enhanced lifts becuase of global warming. The banks believe they won't get their money back becuase they believe the ski area operaters will have less revenue from the lessened ski seasons.
  22. Anybody seen any snow up high in the Enchantments this week or heard of people talking about snow? I know the freezing level is at 7500 feet today, but I was wondering if and how much the Enchantments received in snow way up high. I would like to climb on something high....just not on slippery wet rock this weekend. Thanks for the beta!
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