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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. Page top......if I was a Gaper No wait I am stoned. I see two Panthers attacking a Mountainman.
  2. Fairweather, My neighbor is one of the crew for the Chinook helos and they require training time and they use a rescue on Rainier (they are the copters that can go that high) as part of the time allocated for that purpose. Plus they like having a mission rather than just going out and flying around. So yes from a budget point of view it is a reallocated issue, which means that if they report more for a rescue, it means less in the training amount on budget. Either way, they like it and consider a climber rescue or a lost hunter as learning, not like they are called out on a special run to help someone with a cell phone and causing overtime. I think that what is reported as a cost for a rescue is not a real cost, except if the helocopter crashes, but then again didnt a Coast Guard boat crash at La Push trying to recover a fishing boat a year or two back? TTT
  3. Hey Polishedboob Why dont you wait until the funerals are finished before you start your troll, like after the facts start rolling in. Dont assume because it makes a ass outta U.......wait time to grab a beer.
  4. quote: Originally posted by RedMonk: i dont think that radios and cell phones are bad...i just think that it must be understood that ability comes first and foresmost....no cell phone in teh world will save you if you are caught on the summit and didn't read the weather correctly.... people dont understand this...and that is what i am pointing out.... i dont doubt that this technology is usefull.... but know your stuff.... I agree that the best way to handle this is beforehand reading weather and avi forcasts as opposed to reacting to the situation after it happens, which may be too late. For us it was an experimental use of radios, and plus a cell phone can also be used (in a friends case) to tell others that you are running late, dont send help. There is another side to the whole "come get me" attitude. Many uses for this medium, not just help me out. TTT [ 05-31-2002, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  5. I have one of those Motorola radios that was instumental in a rescue I was involved with, and once out of treeline we picked up many surrounding conversations about what to bring to the BBQ, where who was meeting who, in our instance it was non life threatening and someone got ahold of the rangers and the rangers called us. It was a success as far as the rangers helping us. Sorry for the loss to anyone involved on either peak. Ps I never rope up for the Bshrund on Hood and end run it. I would think on Rainier it would work there too. One thing to point out is the Rainier group climbed the route, and it was weather that got them, not inability to climb the route. TTT
  6. Yuck We cancelled our climb on Rainier due to the weather, probably hard if you come from outta town. Wish to never read news like this. It sounded like the snow cave collapsed, makes me remember some friends stuck up there a few years ago for 10 days. TTT
  7. I heard on the news that Highway 20 was closed due to an avalanche at milepost 167, just west of Washington Pass. There was a mention that a vehicle may have been caught in the 30' deep 100' wide slide, that may have the highway closed for sometime. Bummer, I almost went there today. TTT
  8. PP If you took time to look at trailheads for climbs around here you will see beater Subarus, old japanese cars and maybe a token Explorer. At St Hell I had the pleasure of skiing down while others (with car keys) walked down, so I waited a long time to see things. I saw way too many new Cummins Ram Trucks with turbo sleds in trailers, talk about $900 skis, well they had multi grand sleds with them, and they didnt have to pay one cent, smoked out a lot of people, and added to a ton of noise on the mountain. Most climbers I know are living paycheck to paycheck with extras going to climbing gear when on sale or buying overseas. I pay for the stadiums in Seattle while I couldnt care less who is playing who, other than planning my commute around these events. It is not fair that we have to pay extra, and have less impact than others. TTT
  9. You might be a Gaper if..... -You where the first one in the Hut on that fateful saturday. -You know Gaper #2 -You post on a thread and are happy about a page top -Crash head first when BC skiing TTT
  10. Merek Good Job They should add a section for climbers from the cascade area climbing outside of the country. Check your PM's. TTT
  11. I think it depends what time of the year you go. If early season Hannagen pass offers a good protected bivi, with a steep climbers trail the next day, and once up on the mountain it is clear with few crevasses to Ruth, and the traverse to Icy looks nice with only a mile between the two peaks. There is some scrambling to the summit of Icy (never done it) but looks straight forward. Then back to the pass for the next night. I have heard of it done in a day under prime conditions, the road to the trailhead if it is drivable. Nice views and a nice ski tour. Have fun! I haven't been there in early season. TTT
  12. check PMs
  13. quote: Originally posted by Norman Clyde: I can't pass up a pub club so close to home, but what if I can't get there until after 8? How long do these events last? Sometimes til closing time. Some show 8 or 9. TTT
  14. Will, Sorry to hear of the loss. I remember that one. The person who you saw in Treys car posts here often, and is out climbing right now, up in Alaska. TTT
  15. Yah I saw some protests in the climbers signout, and totally agree that the sleds should pay a fee too. We camped out of the festival camping area on sat night and we got buzzed by a sled at 11:30pm, talk about a surprise. I wish that if we paid they should too. Luckily no 2 stroke smoke the next day, but damn, even a mile away they annoy. I think that all should enjoy the backcountry them included, but we all have to support the fees or none at all. It was funny in the morning that the local sledders couldnt believe that we were going for the top by hiking up and skiing down in dresses. It was funner than heck. I would like to write someone who cares, like the state legistlators or whoever. I cant drive down there to attend a meeting, but would write the house or Congress. I even talked to the Sheriff who was enforcing some that where going up on sleds, and they thought that it was unfair. Write Congress! In fairness they helped out a injured climber last year after a rescue from the top, we got them to the campsites and they took out the injured from there.
  16. And Sunday the zoo continued...looked like the hike to Muir on a good day. Snow was good, skiing good, no snowmobiles but lots of people skiing in dresses and several dogs hiking the mtn. Oh yah, a naked guy too--sheesh TTT [ 05-12-2002, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  17. Wow, page top too, now thats funny.
  18. Yes, a joke is only funny if there is some humor in it, instead of personal attacks... TTT [ 05-09-2002, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  19. Well as of last year it was $25 and it was from the time you bought it and good for a year from that date bought (climbing fee). I dont know of the entrance fee, but they make it easy for those that live near the Park and go there more than once a year, so $15 one time and $25 if you feel like going up there over and over, which means you can climb it 5 times for 5 bucks a time in a year, if you are into that. TTT
  20. Nacho? Nacho? Nacho! Nacho!?!....Oh my!!! Watch out for running Gerbils!! [ 05-07-2002, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  21. Nacho I couldnt make it either, and by the way thanks for the $5 for buying your Mickeys. TTT
  22. What about the guy that flew in his lawn chair with balloons attached, and went to 16,000' over LA, or since he survived it really isnt a Darwin award.
  23. quote: Originally posted by pope: Tuesday's Club Pub should be dedicated to Mighty Thor! Yes, he was a great adventurer, Dwayner was talking about Thor at the last one. TTT
  24. If you do take up the skiis you can go down a colior that faces west to the Colchuck col and ski down the Colchuck glacier, and avoid the crap at Aasgard Pass. Otherwise would agree that going up TC with skis would not be worth the hassle, but the glacier would be a fun ski after the climb if you want to deal with it. TTT
  25. To_The_Top

    I'm a poser

    This statement is a good invite for an audit, as the IRS does not recognize the credits. "Reparation tactics being used these days are in the form of tax credits. I think about a 1/4 million people claimed it last year." TTT
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