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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. On the way to the Pubclub I saw a Sub' with a fish (you know the one) that had "N'Chips" inside where Darwin was. TTT
  2. Forget the face, the guy at the bottom left looks like the Cingular Guy! "I was there on a O.B.E. and it was choss" [ 04-15-2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  3. I climb best when having an O.B.E.
  4. quote: Originally posted by projecthex: and after a long weekend of climbing all the little cc.comers went to bed early, with their pals PROJECTHEX there to tuck them in safe and sound. And that was the end of the story............................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................or was it the beginning of the nightmare?
  5. Sounds like you had a good trip. Did you decend the ledges? I heard there was a short steep ice section above the ledges, did you encounter this? TTT
  6. Get the NRA sticker. They figure you are crazy and wont wait for the police to come around. Sorry to hear of your loss and I went out and cleared my (crappy) climbing stuff out of my hatchback. PS the Pubclub was good. TTT
  7. No Toes, my understanding is that these people are only allowed on the Easton and up to the crater, at 9000+, The rest of the mountain is wilderness, thus off limits to sleds. These gear heads always wonder why their rights are taken away. Duh! Go outside the national Rec area and into wilderness, aka off limits, people complain, and no more snowmobiles. If it matters I know of three seperate incidents where they lost the sleds in crevasses. Tell the snowmobiler club that it is off limits, and if they dont listen tell the ranger. TTT
  8. quote: Originally posted by JERRY SANCHEZ: Going down Mt. Si in my plastic boots with tons of people going up and blocking your way. The worst is when people run down the trail in their tennis shoes and almost knocking you over. JERRY, GET THE HECK OUT OF THE WAY. IT IS BETTER TO RUN UP AND DOWN THAT MOUNTAIN IN RUNNING SHOES THAN YOU OR OTHERS IN PLASTICS!!TTT [ 03-28-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  9. Speaking of stickers, one of my climbing partners only sticker on his Trooper is a NRA sticker, Keeps the locals from thinking you are an enviormentalist or liberal and it has never been broken in with 100's of trailhead parks, even when others got broken into. [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  10. Is that a blunt???
  11. Kautz is nice, but I would also look at the Emmons route. You start out in a forest, then a meadow and then a snowfield, then either rock 3rd class or a glacier. I like the Emmons for a first time up recommendation, but the Kautz is worthy, but can get a little icy above the icefall and it can be a long slow snow slog to basecamp (dont stay at Hazard, but lower on the Turtle at the ridge). TTT
  12. Blackice rapidfix, do a search for Charlet Moser and there are a lot of hits including bentgate mountianeering.com. Simple is better, and consider antibot plates, to keep snow from balling up when it gets warm over mixed downclimbing or traversing.
  13. For general use with Kolfachs I use Charlet Moser 12 point crampons with the strap that clicks in around the boot, locking the toe bale to the front of the boot. There are many more here that know the details, of what to use, steel or aluminum, 10 0r 12 point, but my main advice is to stay away from the crampons that you have to lace or strap into, and 12 point. Look for general use crampons that are easy to put on, and something for a rigid boot. Ask around, just look for something simple. TTT
  14. What kind of boots did you get? There are several kinds of crampons that will work for general use, or as mentioned by Kweb there are specialized crampons that will work for more specific uses. It comes down to what you are planning to climb, and how often you plan on using them. Are you going for glacier walkups or waterfall ice? The toe on plastics will be compatable with most if not all crampons, so it really comes down to the crampons being the defining use, for the most part. TTT
  15. Weather bad beer good, I'll show. TTT
  16. Weather or whether? now I am totalie connfused?! Too, to two or 2? Now it is time for a Schmidtyies! [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ] [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  17. As for dealing with the French, Telemark-Pyrenees (no spell check), I went to their website, ordered the stuff I wanted, got a confirmation a few hours later via email, the package four days later, and a letter thanking me for the purchase. Sorry to hear about the cham3s.com thing, I almost ordered through them, but didn't. TTT
  18. Wow 33 pages, sigh. -AlexW
  19. I was there to make sure the independant groups did'nt lose part of the pie that the guides were looking to divide, and spoke about that, as did the guy just before me. It seems that the reservation system will change this year, where you will possibly have to pay up front, then if you decide not to go two weeks in advance you would get the refund. Also, you may reserve your place more than the two months ahead with this system. This would possibly eliminate groups loading the system up with reservations that groups might not show up for or would show up in reduced numbers. The independant climbers will not lose part of the pie, and as W stated showing up and requesting that that be the case helps ensure that we dont lose a spot to the guides.Forrest pointed out too that the guides will show more support for the weekday summit climbs.The Jackson Center aka UFO is going to be rebuilt, and generally the rustic nature of MRNP will stay as is (not many new consesionairs (sp). The forum like others said in prior posts did see interest in the shuttle idea and several climbers gave their input on that (it could work). Al asked about being locked in after coming back late, when the gate is shut, and it was pointed out that the front desk (Longmire Hotel) has the combo, which changes often, btw.Pretty constructive really and they are accepting written responses (See Mikes original post).Oh yah, there will only be smoking in the Muir hut at certain hours.TTT [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  20. Stuart Range, good rock, nice walkups, and better mixed alpine, oh also slightly better weather then other parts of the cascades.
  21. A 45 degree bag releases heat, especially at the bottom. That is why a bowl was melted out.
  22. Dru, Is it true you have more posts than the Caveman? TTT
  23. Yah we shutdown the place! TTT
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