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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. The Quah it should be...fair is fair!
  2. Issaquah, just watch out for the cops. The ale house has ok food, and is across the road from the new library. Really the only thing cool in Issaquah. Good access to I-90. TTT
  3. Dave this topic is about smoke in the hut! Not drugs! Sorry I couldn't go skiing.
  4. Dog, I got trapped trying to get back to Alki, they shut down that darn bridge and I had to walk, parking my car in a park and ride.
  5. RBW1966- Those army guys a couple years ago going to Muir, if it was the same group we saw there were 110 of them and we saw them coming down, all wet, some snowblind (some had no sunglasses) and really sunburned. That was wild. TTT
  6. Two years ago on the Coleman Glacier I saw a older guy that had two screwdrivers he was using for ice axes. He stopped to talk to us and handed us Billy Graham fliers, and he was up the previous weekend doing the same according to a friend of mine.Last Year on Hood a guy made an ice axe with rebar. Yah Alex that guy on Hood this year special ordered those shoes from Nike as they don't normally stock the one inch spike shoes.TTT [ 03-06-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  7. quote: Originally posted by scot'teryx: Page 23!WOOOOOHOOOOO! Page 25 has to happen! Tothe Topsucks! sverdina sucks! ----------------smoke em if you got em! So who's going to go see the Dead Kennedys play? DK's all the way! Too bad there was no hut at the top of Hood! We suck beer not bong water!
  8. 23 or 420?
  9. MJHB-"no snowshoes required" You must have missed the guy that did it in track shoes with one inch spikes! He got there at the summit at 11:30 am.
  10. Rodchester, That was a perfect day on Hood. You were telling me at the summit how you got hit in the nose with ice--yikes. I did see two go over to the Sandy headwall but didnt see them after that. TTT
  11. quote: Originally posted by Dave Schuldt: SMOKE POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Would that be sample "A" or sample "B"??????TTT [ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  12. I think that on a lower angle glacier climb it is fine, Pro Mountian Sports sells some of these ropes for that reason. They were 30 meters and 8.9 I think for around $85. I have used ropes like these, and it seems like a 60 meter rope gets to be a pain. I even pulled a guy out of a crevasse a few years back with one. TTT
  13. Another option in the winter is a snow cave..
  14. To_The_Top

    Come on Ray!

    This might surpass Muir on Saturday if you count all the seperate posts!
  15. Agreed that last night was fun, and as the auditor there we were able to leave the place with the bill paid and a tip too. It was tough with all the help we had there, and of course all the beer that was drunk.
  16. Allison,Another option is you can go to the main page on this website, click on the [Links] (far right) on top of the page. Then scroll down to Weather Avalanche & Pass Reports for the links. Bill [ 02-17-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  17. quote: Originally posted by pope: Anybody met Allison, or is that just Cavey trying to make Trask even hornier than he already is? Yes Pope, she was at the last pub club, she didnt drink beer like the Caveman. Many can confirm.
  18. Plain Wa, Trask says, but Chumstick da hit if you have a Trailer and a broken down Camaro partially covered with a tattered old blue tarp, cheaper than Plain and only 6 miles uproad. Next move is Leavenworth, because they have Gustav's. TTT
  19. If Bronco owns a house, which he does(I'm pretty sure) , then he will most likely meet the standard deduction because of his interest paid out on the home loan, then his savings in taxes will be his marginal tax rate, not a straight 1-to-1 reduction of tax payments, but rather a percentage. I think there is a limit that can be reported for non-cash charitable donations, before you may hit where you have to disclose more, like around $400. TTT
  20. [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: To The Top ]
  21. I like fridays as much as tuesdays, both can work for me unless I am leaving for the weekend somewhere.....TTT
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