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Good question. The gates will most surely be closed but are the rangers and park staff going to round up everyone already in the valley and tell them they have to leave?


I'm sure the park will be closed to climbing but are the rangers still getting paid and if not who is going to enforce a closure?

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how are they going to pull somebody off who's half way up the muir wall? seems like they'd have little choice but to let'em top out, then roust them out when they get back to their cars. christ, the plaidman's supposed to be on el cap soon, would like to see how patient them rangers can get :)



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how are they going to pull somebody off who's half way up the muir wall? seems like they'd have little choice but to let'em top out, then roust them out when they get back to their cars. christ, the plaidman's supposed to be on el cap soon, would like to see how patient them rangers can get :)



he'll have rangers all up in his nose hairs! :poke:

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The Republicans are probably finished as a party, IMO. And they have been since Romney lost. Despite the abomination that Obamacare will almost certainly turn out to be, it passed Congress by a single vote, was signed by a president who was subsequently reelected, was upheld by the Supreme Court (Roberts, no less!), and is now the law. If the R's were smart--and they're not--they would have passed on this fight and defunded the government in two weeks when the borrowing limit is once again reached. Now that's a legitimate issue.


Bring on the Libertarians; the R's are in the ICU.

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The Republicans are probably finished as a party, IMO. And they have been since Romney lost. Despite the abomination that Obamacare will almost certainly turn out to be, it passed Congress by a single vote, was signed by a president who was subsequently reelected, was upheld by the Supreme Court (Roberts, no less!), and is now the law. If the R's were smart--and they're not--they would have passed on this fight and defunded the government in two weeks when the borrowing limit is once again reached. Now that's a legitimate issue.


Bring on the Libertarians; the R's are in the ICU.


Who are these Republicans of which you speak?


Welcome back, FW. You couldn't keep away, could you? ;-)

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what i don't totally get is why republicans are so damned opposed to o-care - if the reality of a democracy is in fact the need for compromise, it seems there's plenty of that in the law?


certainly not a day for rabid flag-waving, if nothing else...

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It's not about the content of Affordable Care Act. A black man beat some white guys at their own politics game to pass it, and they'll never get over that. So they'll fight him tooth and nail until the day they have a rich white guy in office again.


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