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last nights debate


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tried to watch but got so bored i couldn't even summon the will to masturbate :(


can't we just give these guys nerf armor and nerf bats and let them beat the shit out of each other? would be about as useful a way to pick your poison...

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Holy crap! Per exclusive ChemtrailTM recon report, we learn teh bone mebbee not so a pecked pooh-butt (not that there's anything wrong with that) as estimated. Recon sez: through the night, teh boNe kept waking up from nightmares -- only to realize he was just remembering the debate in his sleep, notes and all.


So what was it that was so bad?

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Its all bullshit. How can these two guys debate the economy without talking about the inherent flaws that are built in. Nothing will ever change when you have a private company (fed reserve) be able to add and take away value on our money. Until the Fed Reserve goes down in flames we will not stop going rapidly towards the cliff of financial destruction.


These two clowns stand up there yapping away purposing band aids to fix certain things but never purpose actual fixing the root of the problems.

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Its all bullshit. How can these two guys debate the economy without talking about the inherent flaws that are built in. Nothing will ever change when you have a private company (fed reserve) be able to add and take away value on our money. Until the Fed Reserve goes down in flames we will not stop going rapidly towards the cliff of financial destruction.


These two clowns stand up there yapping away purposing band aids to fix certain things but never purpose actual fixing the root of the problems.

you musta been a huge andrew jackson fan - the original ron paul!


nope, nary an economic catastrophe prior to the founding of the fed, it was sunshine n' buttercups before that bastard wilson had to step in...

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The media needs a story, and a comeback underdog is a sure bet. Obama sauntering over home plate doesn't make for riveting copy.


The Great Re-Branding was an interesting twist. Looks like that Teabagger bowel movement has become somewhat impacted, and another VP pick has begun to sour. Romney badly needed a narrative, ANY narrative, to call his own. Now he's Friend to the Working Man, complete with apologies for everything he's said previously and everything.


America love's a good public apology, too. Mitt couldn't quite muster tears, but still.



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The "value of our money" seems to be doing fine - inflation's really low, home prices are really low, borrowing costs are really low, exchange rates are stable (and excellent re: CAD).


Sluggish job growth has a lot more to do with a popped real estate bubble (exactly the kind of thing that happens more regularly in an unfettered, Paulian economy), smaller, more urban (and thus less consuming) households, and technology's effect on individual productivity and the ability to share, rather than own, expensive assets. These are not conversations you'll see much on the tely - too intractable, real, and scary. They also poke pinpricks in the American Dream of owning a whole lot of shit and having that 2.2 kid family, which, of course, go hand in hand.


There's no going back, so we're all going to have to adapt. Access to education one thing gubmint can help with - I noted that Romney wants us to have the best institutions (we already do), but fails to mention access to same - the real issue.


Health care costs will eventually be brought under control by a single payer system. Delaying the inevitable will cause a lot more unnecessary pain, but we'll do exactly that, most likely.


Bloated military spending is, of course, gubmint's other elephant in the room. Again, Romney fails to grasp a way forward, here. Tricky one, though. We've already seen higher unemployment among vets, and flooding an already shitty job market with same probably wouldn't make things too much better, right now. I wouldn't mind seeing some Tridents go commercial, though. Always wanted to con one of those fuckers, if only for a few paid minutes.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Access to education one thing gubmint can help with - I noted that Romney wants us to have the best institutions (we already do), but fails to mention access to same - the real issue.

How the fuck do you figure we have the best institutions? People have to get off the treadmill of hype and bullshit and see what is happening in other parts of the world. Why is it that Japanese kick our asses in auto production and electronics? Constant hearing about how this is the greatest is like hearing addict saying that there is no addiction problem. What used to be great about this country is that if they were problems, they would get acknowledged, addressed and fixed. Saying something is not good doesn't make you un-patriotic, it makes you wise. One of the reasons this recession is lagging as it is, it's because of lack of skills. And this is because people choose to major in political science or sociology, and then they end up working as a barista with 100K in debt from student loans and fuck all worth of a degree.


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