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Republican debates


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Should we go full corporate or full mafia?


I gotta hand it to a guy who's governor of the state that is going through the hottest summer of any state on record...and who believes global warming is hoax. That is true commitment to the lack of an idea.


But then again, so does our dear Ron Paul.


Idiocy doesn't qualify for 'independent thinking'. Sorry.

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Debate 1: all candidates raise their hands when asked if they would torture someone.


Debate 2: audience applauds Perry's 200+ executions


Debate 3: Audience cheers death of hypothetical man who can't afford insurance




Don't worry, the Obama team will roll out some sound, coherent, and compelling responses sometime around late October of next year.

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Debate 1: all candidates raise their hands when asked if they would torture someone.


Debate 2: audience applauds Perry's 200+ executions


Debate 3: Audience cheers death of hypothetical man who can't afford insurance



chicken or the egg? who's worse, the audience or the candidates? to my mind, the candidates are more the thermometer showing the fever that's burning through the body politic than the actual virus causing the disease...

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Gawker’s Seth Abramovitch has a piece revisiting the heartbreaking story of Kent Snyder, the brains behind Ron Paul’s innovative online strategy during the 2008 presidential campaign, in light of the congressman’s recent comments endorsing the position that people should have the “freedom” to suffer and die from lack of health insurance. During the CNN debate earlier this week, Wolf Blitzer asked Paul if he would let an uninsured man die in a coma or would he advocate some government role in saving his life. After saying that he would let the uninsured man suffer the consequences of not having health insurance, Paul hedged slightly and said churches and charity would take care of him most likely.


But as Abramovitch notes, Snyder, a volunteer strategist who eventually became a campaign manager for Paul’s presidential bid, fell ill of pneumonia during the campaign. Snyder did not have health insurance, like the hypothetical example given by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, and stacked up $400,000 in medical bills. On June 26, 2008, exactly two weeks after Paul ended his bid for the presidency, Synder passed away due to complications from his pneumonia. Synder’s family could not pay the bills left by Snyder, so friends set up an online campaign to raise the money for Synder’s procedures.


Snyder experienced Paul’s world of free market health care, a peculiar system that distinguishes the United States as the only Western country that does not provide basic care to its citizens. A look back at the charity effort launched to save Snyder’s life reveals a grim failure. Despite Paul’s insistence that charity is the appropriate response to America’s uninsured crisis, Snyder’s friends raised $34,870.53, far short of the $400,000 necessary to pay off his bills.




I wonder how much Ron Paul's charity enabled him to contribute to the failed attempt to raise $400k (obviously less than $35k).

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I wonder why nobody likes Huntsman? He seems less crazy than the rest. I might even give him my vote if he had a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I bet he could attract a lot of moderates in a general election. It's just a shame he's not crazy enough to survive the GOP primaries.


"To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy."



Edited by rob
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I like(d) Huntsman. I also liked Mitch Daniels and Gary Johnson much better than Romney or Perry.


Slim pickings in this country if you aren't a protectionist or a creationist. I personally wish that the creationists and the protectionists would unite in a single party (maybe if Pat Buchannan and John Edwards have a love child) and people who are socially and economically (classically) liberal could vote for without holding their noses would be a significant improvement.


Really don't think that government has any business telling you what to do with your body or your money as long as it involves interactions between consenting adults that don't directly harm anyone else.



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I wonder why nobody likes Huntsman? He seems less crazy than the rest. I might even give him my vote if he had a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. I bet he could attract a lot of moderates in a general election. It's just a shame he's not crazy enough to survive the GOP primaries.


"To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy."




There's still a real chance Sarah you know who may enter the race. :grlaf:


In the old days Republicans were good at accounting and budgeting. Today most of them are :crazy:

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Debate 4: audience boos soldier serving in Asscrackistan because he's gay.


If anyone of those GOP candidates were a man, they'd have stood up for him against the throngs of crazy, inbred florida republicans that were booing him. Of course, they chose to ignore it, instead.


Also, I was fascinated to watch Santorum try to explain how the repeal of DADT is akin to giving gays "special privileges."


What a twatface.

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