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New Facebook SUCKS


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I've been backing out. It's such a pain in the ass. I canceled a lot of you folks as friends....but didn't get everyone, so I keep getting more friend requests. Thinking of deleting my account all together.

User tips:

Try creating a list of climbers, hide the I phone mega blogers, It's not a game, the one with the most friends doesn't win, Hide your friends list.

I have come to like it to know what the crew is up to on the weekends and to keep up with friends spread accross the country.

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Why is it that old guys always get frustrated with fb and delete their accounts? Why not just ignore it or forget about it or something? Seems like to much effort, and you're not making a statement to zuckerberg by leaving. It's not like he gets a personal note: "bill quit."




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Why is it that old guys always get frustrated with fb and delete their accounts? Why not just ignore it or forget about it or something? Seems like to much effort, and you're not making a statement to zuckerberg by leaving. It's not like he gets a personal note: "bill quit."




the funny part is your information doesn't actually "go away" once you delete your account. The bastard son of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates keeps it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I figured out how to search classmates by year, they hid it, click your account than click help center than click getting started on the left than click go to classmate search than search your high school or college and the year …why do they have to make things sooo difficult.



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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI once you change to the new profile your no longer in your high school by year or a least I am not so useing facebook to find classmates is over, I did like that feature.

It was kinda of cool letting people from my home town know they had friend'ed a nark.karma is a wheel!

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