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Obama administration last year co-sponsored a UN resolution to encourage countries to enact laws that would make it illegal to criticize Islam.





"This is what change looks like," a triumphant Obama said from the White House, minutes before midnight.





President Obama on Wednesday will make clear that he opposes any compromise that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy beyond this year, officials said, adding a populist twist to an election-season economic package that is otherwise designed to entice support from big businesses and their Republican allies.




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Obama administration last year co-sponsored a UN resolution to encourage countries to enact laws that would make it illegal to criticize Islam.





"This is what change looks like," a triumphant Obama said from the White House, minutes before midnight.





President Obama on Wednesday will make clear that he opposes any compromise that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy beyond this year, officials said, adding a populist twist to an election-season economic package that is otherwise designed to entice support from big businesses and their Republican allies.





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Perfectly Suited to Save America!!!


"In 2003, she expressed her dismay at the idea of coed college dorms, asking, 'What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?"




"She explained her thinking about sex and religion in a 1,400-word Washington Post essay in 1997. In it, O'Donnell describes her experience "pitching abstinence to the young and the restless" with other members of SALT at HFStival, a music festival. "The SALT, as our group is called, was founded by young Christians to help rebuild a moral foundation for Generation X," O’Donnell wrote, adding, "One of our first projects is to distribute stone tablets with the Ten Commandments and encourage public officials to display them in their offices."

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Ho-ly cow. Just when you think repulicans can't pick a more stupid candidate to hang their hopes on, well there ya go.

Surely there must be some other redeeming value she brings to the table other than apparently making sure that all of our penis's don't go where she thinks they shouldn't go.

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Ho-ly cow. Just when you think repulicans can't pick a more stupid candidate to hang their hopes on, well there ya go. :lmao:


If the trend continues the Dems will pick up seats.




Doubt there's much of a probability that the Democrats will emerge as net winners in the next round of elections, but the long-term trajectory of religio-conservatism doesn't seem like a terribly good horse to hitch the wagon to these days.


Keep wishing that the creationists and the protectionists would coalesce into a single party.



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Keep wishing that the creationists and the protectionists would coalesce into a single party.



The RNC is certainly hoping for such. I'm thinking that it would help if moderate republicans (alive?) would denounce the wacko far right portion of their party, ya know, just as they advocate for the moderate Muslims.

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It isn't a big surprise that the republicans are taking a hard swerving hard righthand turn after Bush. The battle lines in the party were drawn up almost immediately between those saying the party needed to return to its moderate roots and those who felt Bushco simply failed to go right enough. What was most predictable was which side of that the rightwing media machine was going to fall - media-boring moderates or entertaining nutjobs.

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Oh dear. Like shooting fish in a barrel.


And Palin, who spoke recently to BallroomFantasy.com, appears to be in good hands with Ballas, a two-time DWTS champ. "[He's] an amazing teacher and an awesome coach," she says, adding that he's trained her to use "muscles that I've never used before."


And Alaska's former first daughter has her work cut out for her. "She's the prime example of what this show is all about. She's never danced a day in her life. She's a complete fish out of water," Ballas told the site.


"Learning the steps and learning to choreograph it and have rhythm to everything," says Palin, "is extremely challenging."


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Obama administration last year co-sponsored a UN resolution to encourage countries to enact laws that would make it illegal to criticize Islam.


Say it an't so!


It's most likely a distortion or an outright lie by the right wing. Note that the assertion you quoted isn't in any of the articles cited by PP. Classic scumbag move, but what would you expect from someone citing FOX "news"

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if you read the language, it doesn't mention muslin tearists.

his info has just been filtered for consumption by the idiocracy.


however, any attempt to silence Americans is not going to work. We loves us some freedom of speech. Imagine if they took away your right to spray!



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