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Mosque at ground zero?


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The "problem of Islam" is better stated as the 'problem with Israel and the Palestinians'. As a strategic concern compared to China, it is simply an unfortunate (and entirely self-inflicted) political distraction no different than the "problem with illegal immigration". It serves solely to bring out the correct [Pav]Rovian response in right-leaning electoral sheep.


Palestinians vs Israelis are not the main event for US policy makers IMO. The main event is that according to some in the US - Muslims are living over there right on top of our oil wells and crimping our unquenchable thirst for same. When a billion car-driving Chinese with near empty gas tanks come winging down the road head on towards our 300 million large SUV drivers (numbers approximated) - it's going to be quite the spectacle when they crash.....probably appropo that it would be in the middle east I suppose. Certainly getting a few straws in the ground, even if you are selling some of it to the Chinese as it is a world market, is the goal.


You're a lot closer to the root of the problem than our paranoid Joseph. Only problem I see with your statement is that there are still one billion rural Chinese who are not enjoying China's new-found prosperity. The other .3Bn who live in the cities should understand that Mao still lurks in the countryside.

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Those are exactly the strategic national interests I'm speaking of when I say our interests are at risk. We will remain at a disadvantage relative to those interests every month there is not a peaceful resolution of the Israeli / Palestinian problem.


By this, of course, you mean when Israel grants "right of return", Jews are voted off their land, subsequently imprisoned, and later deported and/or exterminated? Yes, this is exactly what you mean. Again, I'll point you toward yesterday's Hamas attack on the eve of peace talks.

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Want to contrast the funding to Israel with that of Egypt and Jordan for us?


I see 2006, we funded Egypt $1,795,000,000 while Israel got slightly more at $2,520,000,000. Jordon less. Egypt gets less due to military funding being less than Israel. Strange as they have so little oil? For all that I know of no one who even got so much as a Camel ride or a thank you note.


Worth a look, it's your money.








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"Islam has been liberal when weak, and violent when strong. Let us not give it credit for what it was merely unable to suppress."


Ernest Renan, 1883.


My guess is that ever since the West has no longer had the will nor the capability to forcibly repress Islamists, they've simply returned to form - and the norms that have persisted in their faith since its founding - when and where the opportunity presented itself.


Hmmm, now where have I heard this sort of thing before? It's telling that you find quotations from the 19th century so appropriate here as the kind of essentializing meme on display is fundamental to the white man's burden narrative. The objects are virtually interchangeable (Islamists, Jews, Vietnamese, Negroes, Natives) as are the terms used to describe them (lazy, stingy, violent, etc.) Whether the "true nature" stems from blood or creed, the pathology always lurks just beneath the surface. So, not suprisingly, it's all about "the will and capability to forcibly suppress" the recalcitrant savage. Bravo Jay, once again you've shown the more you open your mouth the more disgustingly clear your worldview becomes. Good luck with your invasion/forcible deprogramming/Koran-burning campaign (the only prescription that could come from such a rotten foundation), lord knows humanity's track record proves we'll need it.


Yes - every person, culture, or nation that's been on the receiving end of Jihad since the seventh century has been a victim of the same "esentializing meme." Yawn.





Tell us more about your 1300 years of white European victimization! You're a fraud and a douchebag.

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Over 50% of regressives believe that Obama sympathisizes with islamic fundamentalists who want to impose sharia over the entire world. AND, we are asked to believe that such crazy nonsense isn't fueled by the racist and islamophobic propaganda spewed by Fox 24/7.

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"Islam has been liberal when weak, and violent when strong. Let us not give it credit for what it was merely unable to suppress."


Ernest Renan, 1883.


My guess is that ever since the West has no longer had the will nor the capability to forcibly repress Islamists, they've simply returned to form - and the norms that have persisted in their faith since its founding - when and where the opportunity presented itself.


Hmmm, now where have I heard this sort of thing before? It's telling that you find quotations from the 19th century so appropriate here as the kind of essentializing meme on display is fundamental to the white man's burden narrative. The objects are virtually interchangeable (Islamists, Jews, Vietnamese, Negroes, Natives) as are the terms used to describe them (lazy, stingy, violent, etc.) Whether the "true nature" stems from blood or creed, the pathology always lurks just beneath the surface. So, not suprisingly, it's all about "the will and capability to forcibly suppress" the recalcitrant savage. Bravo Jay, once again you've shown the more you open your mouth the more disgustingly clear your worldview becomes. Good luck with your invasion/forcible deprogramming/Koran-burning campaign (the only prescription that could come from such a rotten foundation), lord knows humanity's track record proves we'll need it.


Yes - every person, culture, or nation that's been on the receiving end of Jihad since the seventh century has been a victim of the same "essentializing meme." Yawn.





Tell us more about your 1300 years of white European victimization! You're a fraud and a douchebag.


Not much of that's been happening courtesy of Islam since the Treaty of Granada, but thanks.


The folks who have been, and will continue to get the worst of it are all of the folks in the Muslim world who aren't able to defend themselves, particularly those who fall into categories that self-anointed progressives make a pretense of being the most concerned about.


"Hey - being mutilated with acid for going to school *and* showing a bit of ankle underneath the burkha was terrible, but thankfully...no one was culturally insensitive enough to object to the practice without carefully examining their own latent biases and complicity in the modes of hegemonic neo-colonial moral discourse before doing so! What should western progressives *really* fixate on - how about the male-only membership rules at Augusta! I mean really, those who live in glass houses..."





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For all that I know of no one who even got so much as a Camel ride or a thank you note.







Careful there, Bill! Left&Co will brand you a racist for comments like that. Oh, wait, I guess they pulled that card out long ago...


Much of our aid to Egypt and Israel is part of the deal that came with Carter's "brilliant" peace treaty. It wasn't enough to just stop killing eachother - we need to pay both sides not to do so - in perpetuity.

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Careful there, Bill! Left&Co will brand you a racist for comments like that. Oh, wait, I guess they pulled that card out long ago...


For someone with a long history of vile racist comments like you do, you certainly play the victim a lot.

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Want to contrast the funding to Israel with that of Egypt and Jordan for us?


I see 2006, we funded Egypt $1,795,000,000 while Israel got slightly more at $2,520,000,000. Jordon less. Egypt gets less due to military funding being less than Israel. Strange as they have so little oil? For all that I know of no one who even got so much as a Camel ride or a thank you note.



Joseph said 'compare', not cherry pick. Israel's aid officially amounts to ~3 billions per year but it gets another 3 billions per year in indirect aid. From 1949 to 2001, Israel got ~100 billions in aid. By comparison, Egypt gets about $2 billion per year (1/3 Israel's total). Egypt has no oil but sustaining the Mubarak dictatorship is critical to keeping in check pan-arab nationalism in oil rich regions. Big oil hates it when arabs want to control the resource under their sand.

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So, the nincompoops are having this big freakout about muslims and the first black prez 2 month before the mid-term elections, and it's all a big coincidence. They aren't race-baiting like they did during every single election cycle for decades now, it's your stupid lying eyes. :rolleyes:

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