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Mosque at ground zero?


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I prefer not to climb with Jews. They're either kicking your ass or nursing a delicate stomach.




The cheap bastards never pay for gas either. Thank Allah the Jews have such a stand up guy like fairweather to defend them from the attacks of you leftist jew loathing freedom haters!


P.S. Rumor has it a Jew was climbing "heart of gold" in Leavenworth today, likely looking for spare change.

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Not much of that's been happening courtesy of Islam since the Treaty of Granada, but thanks.


Well, I wish you luck with your own personal jihad, then. "Remember What Happened Prior To The Treaty Of Granada (c. 1492)" doesn't make much of an impact as a slogan, though does it? I understand there's a defunct Rwandan radio station looking to unload some gear if you're interested.


The folks who have been, and will continue to get the worst of it are all of the folks in the Muslim world who aren't able to defend themselves, particularly those who fall into categories that self-anointed progressives make a pretense of being the most concerned about.


Talk about pretense, are you trying to exercise some kind of "white guilt" for your support of policies that undermined or outright toppled the secular left and secular nationalist governments that presided over the high-water mark for the adoption of "western values" in favor of building madrassas and funding terrorists (nee "freedom fighters") in the name of cold-war realpolitik? No wonder you're more interested in unearthing mouldering 7th Century obscurities...



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Yes - because there's been an evenly distributed tendency towards theocratic fanaticism across all countries that were either colonised in the 19th century or were client states during the cold war, no matter what religion had it's deepest roots in their society prior to either of the above occurring....






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Yes - because there's been an evenly distributed tendency towards theocratic fanaticism across all countries that were either colonised in the 19th century or were client states during the cold war, no matter what religion had it's deepest roots in their society prior to either of the above occurring....






Direct access to a personal god (via Christianity or Islam) freed the poor bastards from the oppression of their Lemarckian existence and many of it's omnipresent social obligations. Can you blame them for wanting relief? On a somewhat related note, I suspect the Meme Brothers--aka Prole/j_b--are actually ex members of the John Frum Cult and are just pissed off that their cargo never arrived. :noway:

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I prefer not to climb with Jews. They're either kicking your ass or nursing a delicate stomach.



The cheap bastards never pay for gas either. Thank Allah the Jews have such a stand up guy like fairweather to defend them from the attacks of you leftist jew loathing freedom haters! P.S. Rumor has it a Jew was climbing "heart of gold" in Leavenworth today, likely looking for spare change.


If either of you think think any of this bullshit if funny I got newz for you. It's not. It's whatever the opposite of funny is.

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I prefer not to climb with Jews. They're either kicking your ass or nursing a delicate stomach.



The cheap bastards never pay for gas either. Thank Allah the Jews have such a stand up guy like fairweather to defend them from the attacks of you leftist jew loathing freedom haters! P.S. Rumor has it a Jew was climbing "heart of gold" in Leavenworth today, likely looking for spare change.


If either of you think think any of this bullshit if funny I got newz for you. It's not. It's whatever the opposite of funny is.

That would be unfunny.

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I prefer not to climb with Jews. They're either kicking your ass or nursing a delicate stomach.



The cheap bastards never pay for gas either. Thank Allah the Jews have such a stand up guy like fairweather to defend them from the attacks of you leftist jew loathing freedom haters! P.S. Rumor has it a Jew was climbing "heart of gold" in Leavenworth today, likely looking for spare change.


If either of you think think any of this bullshit if funny I got newz for you. It's not. It's whatever the opposite of funny is.

uh...josh is like....uh....jewish, dude :) can't tea-sipping fairy-footed liberals at least be able to make fun of themselves? :P

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Newsweek Poll: Republicans Think Obama 'Probably' Wants To Impose Islamic Law

Eric Kleefeld | August 31, 2010,


As Sam Stein has pointed out, a majority of Republicans suspect that President Obama wants to impose Islamic law, also known as Sharia, throughout the world, according to a new national poll from Newsweek. But even as they say this, a lot of them aren't completely sure.


The poll asked: "Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?"


The top-line result was definitely true 7%, probably true 24%, probably not true 36%, and definitely not true 25%. Among Republicans, however, it was definitely true 14%, probably true 38%, probably not true 33%, and definitely not true 7%.




Another question asked: "Thinking about Barack Obama and what he has said about issues like the proposal to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque a few blocks from the World Trade Center site in New York City... Do you think Obama favors the interests of Muslim Americans over other groups of Americans, or do you think he has generally been even-handed?"


The top-line result: favoring Muslims 30%, he has been even-handed 60%. Republicans said that Obama favors Muslims by 59%-34%, Democrats said he has been even-handed by 82%-9%, and independents pretty much matched the top-line, saying he has been even-handed by 62%-28%.


more: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/newsweek-poll-republicans-think-obama-probably-wants-to-impose-islamic-law.php

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