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Who hacked the Infinite Bliss- "Drill in Wildern.?


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probibly the same guy as today


I'll buy him a case of beer!!!!

please make it go away!!!!!!


OK, but make it good beer this time will ya cause I can't choke down Old English any more. :lmao: If you are Jonesing for a piss poor thread on this very subject: there's an active one already that is huge. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/896687/Sport_vs_Trad#Post896687


I'd like to limit Don to a single thread at a time on the same subject. Of course, I don't work here, I only play here.


Now.... who wants to help me drink that beer?



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PM Bug, he's the Infinite Bliss guardian

Wilderness actually.

I don't care much for Infinite Bliss.

Looks like I O billco some beer.... a day crank'n some of those overbolted sport routes and a case of beer around the fire sounds like fun what do you say old hardman?

I finnaly figgered why his name is BUG...it's cuz he eats shit and BUGS people :lmao:


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Naw Dick, the Bug's okay. He holds forth on what matters to him, but he usually doesn't loudly proclaim that whatever he doesn't do is invalid.


Photobombing, the subject of this thread, is not so cool. I really liked the photo Choada Boy posted in that thread, and the implication of comparing that vast open pit to the horrors of bolting is pretty valid, but pictures that large are inserted with the intent of making a thread unreadable, and that's not so cool. Bill's big sun (also adopted by others) is not quite so massive, but its still intended to mess with page formatting and load times...

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Naw Dick, the Bug's okay. He holds forth on what matters to him, but he usually doesn't loudly proclaim that whatever he doesn't do is invalid.


Photobombing, the subject of this thread, is not so cool. I really liked the photo Choada Boy posted in that thread, and the implication of comparing that vast open pit to the horrors of bolting is pretty valid, but pictures that large are inserted with the intent of making a thread unreadable, and that's not so cool. Bill's big sun (also adopted by others) is not quite so massive, but its still intended to mess with page formatting and load times...

Your right OFF!!


Sorry!! After climbing yesterday I feel much better now.

I suppose I have stooped to the level of those that want to kick a dead horse and promote others to chop another climbers years of hard work for their personal agenda when they don’t climb anymore or don’t get out to climbs as committing as IB, I will try to keep my emotions in check from now on cuz some posters intensions are to stir up needless shit and those that should say something just sit back cover their ass.

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I didn't mean to "photobomb", just to point out the doublethink required to bitch about bolts in the wilderness area while simultaneously ignoring or accepting even worse natural degradation. For example: some people bitch about bolts while having and raising children. Which is worse for the environment?

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and the implication of comparing that vast open pit to the horrors of bolting is pretty valid...


I disagree. That's the old LAME excuse that as long as there is a bigger mess somewhere else, you don't have to deal with the smaller ones. By that logic, anything short of strip-mining should be O.K. So, chop some convenience holds, grid-bolt them crags, and power-drill away because there's a ski-area nearby and some clear-cutted hillsides across the way. :rolleyes: There's an open sewer in Pakistan, so I'm absolved from cleaning up the piles of dog crap in my own backyard. Whatever!

Believe it or not, climbers can both clean up their own mess AND care about the bigger picture.

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