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Prole Eats Crow (Again)


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Prole was having a stroke last month:


Big surprise here. Sick fucks.


AP source: Hanged Census Worker Had 'Fed' On Chest


MANCHESTER, Ky. – A U.S. Census worker found hanged from a tree near a Kentucky cemetery had the word "fed" scrawled on his chest, a law enforcement official said Wednesday, and the FBI is investigating whether he was a victim of anti-government sentiment.


Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and teacher, was found Sept. 12 in a remote patch of the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky. The law enforcement official, who was not authorized to discuss the case and requested anonymity, did not say what type of instrument was used to write "fed" on his chest.


The Census Bureau has suspended door-to-door interviews in rural Clay County, where the body was found, pending the outcome of the investigation. An autopsy report is pending.


Investigators have said little about the case. FBI spokesman David Beyer said the bureau is assisting state police and declined to confirm or discuss any details about the crime scene.


"Our job is to determine if there was foul play involved — and that's part of the investigation — and if there was foul play involved, whether that is related to his employment as a Census worker," said Beyer.


Attacking a federal worker during or because of his federal job is a federal crime.


Sparkman's mother, Henrie Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., told The Associated Press her son was an Eagle scout who moved to the area to be a local director for the Boy Scouts of America. She said he later became a substitute teacher in Laurel County and supplemented that income as a Census worker.


She said investigators have given her few details about her son's death — they told her the body was decomposed — and haven't yet released his body for burial. "I was told it would be better for him to be cremated," she said.


Henrie Sparkman said her son's death is a mystery to her.


"I have my own ideas, but I can't say them out loud. Not at this point," she said. "Right now, what I'm doing, I'm just waiting on the FBI to come to some conclusion."


Gilbert Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper who directs an after-school program at the elementary school where Sparkman was a frequent substitute teacher, said he had warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his Census work.


"I told him on more than one occasion, based on my years in the state police, 'Mr. Sparkman, when you go into those counties, be careful because people are going to perceive you different than they do elsewhere,'" Acciardo said.


"Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as 'the government.' I just was afraid that he might meet the wrong character along the way up there," Acciardo said.


Acciardo said he became suspicious when Sparkman didn't show up for work at the after-school program for two days and went to police. Authorities immediately initiated an investigation, he said.


"He was such an innocent person," Acciardo said. "I hate to say that he was naive, but he saw the world as all good, and there's a lot of bad in the world."


Lucindia Scurry-Johnson, assistant director of the Census Bureau's southern office in Charlotte, N.C., said law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is "an apparent homicide" but nothing else.


Census employees were told Sparkman's truck was found nearby, and a computer he was using for work was found inside it, she said. He worked part-time for the Census, usually conducting interviews once or twice a month.


Sparkman has worked for the Census since 2003, spanning five counties in the surrounding area. Much of his recent work had been in Clay County, officials said.


Door-to-door operations have been suspended in Clay County pending a resolution of the investigation, Scurry-Johnson said.


The Census Bureau has yet to begin door-to-door canvassing for the 2010 head count, but it has thousands of field workers doing smaller surveys on various demographic topics on behalf of federal agencies. Next year, the Census Bureau will dispatch up to 1.2 million temporary employees to locate hard-to-find residents.


The Census Bureau is overseen by the Commerce Department.


"We are deeply saddened by the loss of our co-worker," Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with William Sparkman's son, other family and friends."


Locke called him "a shining example of the hardworking men and women employed by the Census Bureau."


Appalachia scholar Roy Silver, a New York City native now living in Harlan County, Ky., said he doesn't sense an outpouring of anti-government sentiment in the region as has been exhibited in town hall meetings in other parts of the country.


"I don't think distrust of government is any more or less here than anywhere else in the country," said Silver, a sociology professor at Southeast Community College.


The most deadly attack on federal workers came in 1995 when the federal building in Oklahoma City was devastated by a truck bomb, killing 168 and injuring more than 680. Timothy McVeigh, who was executed for the bombing, carried literature by modern, ultra-right-wing anti-government authors.


A private group called PEER, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, tracks violence against employees who enforce environmental regulations, but the group's executive director, Jeff Ruch, said it's hard to know about all of the cases because some agencies don't share data on instances of violence against employees.


From 1996 to 2006, according to the group's most recent data, violent incidents against federal Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service workers soared from 55 to 290.


Ruch said that after the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, "we kept getting reports from employees that attacks and intimidation against federal employees had not diminished, and that's why we've been tracking them."


"Even as illustrated in town hall meetings today, there is a distinct hostility in a large segment of the population toward people who work for their government," Ruch said.




Looks like the real sickness was in Prole's warped mind. What a sad, pathetic tool.



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Crazy stuff: full story for posterity with advertisement for the Twawna Brawley school of self hate mail order promo coupon not included.


Investigators: Kentucky Census Worker Killed Himself


A Kentucky census worker found hanging from a tree with the word "fed" written on his chest killed himself and staged his death to look like a murder, authorities said Tuesday.


Kentucky State Police said Bill Sparkman died at the same location where his body was found Sept. 12 near a cemetery in a heavily wooded area of southeastern Kentucky.


A man who discovered the body in the Daniel Boone National Forest said the 51-year-old was bound with duct tape, gagged and had an identification badge taped to his neck.


Police told a news conference Tuesday that Sparkman was naked except for socks and had his glasses taped to his face "so he could see what he was doing."


Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said the investigation revealed that the letters "fed" scrawled on his chest in black pen had been written from the bottom up and Sparkman's DNA was the only forensic evidence found at the scene.


He was touching the ground, and to survive "all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up," she said.


Sparkman spoke to a witness they wouldn't name about hanging himself and making it look like someone else killed him, according to Rudzinski.


Authorities say Sparkman acted alone in manipulating the scene to conceal the suicide.


"Our investigation, based on evidence and witness testimony, has concluded that Mr. Sparkman died during an intentional, self-inflicted act that was staged to appear as a homicide," Rudzinski said.


Sparkman's mother, Henrie Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., bristled at the conclusion: "I disagree!" she wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press.


Investigators believe he killed himself and made it look like a murder because he'd recently taken out two life insurance policies that wouldn't pay out for suicide.


But they didn't say what motivated Sparkman to end his life in the first place. He didn't leave a note, Rudzinski told reporters.


If Sparkman had been killed on the job, his family also would have been be eligible for up to $10,000 in death gratuity payments from the government.


He was not eligible for a separate life insurance policy through the government because his census work was intermittent, Census Bureau spokesman Stephen Buckner has previously said.


The Census Bureau suspended door-to-door interviews in the rural county after Sparkman's body was found.


Anti-government sentiment was initially one possibility in the death. Authorities said Sparkman had discussed perceived negative views of the federal government in the area.


A friend of Sparkman's, Gilbert Acciardo, previously told The Associated Press that he warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his census work.


Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper, said he told Sparkman people in the rural area would perceive him differently because he worked for the federal government.


Henrie Sparkman has said her son was an Eagle scout who moved to the area to be a local director for the Boy Scouts of America. He later became a substitute teacher in Laurel County and supplemented that income as a census worker.


Friends and co-workers have said that even while undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, Sparkman would show up for work smiling with a toboggan cap to cover his balding head. They said he was punctual and dependable.


The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Woahiamsosuprisedthathekentuckystatepolicehaveruledthisasuicide... :yawn:


Put him right up there with Emmit Till and Wesley Everest as the least likely suicides ever.


:lmao::lmao: OMG, Prole is reduced to conspiratorial hallucinations. Welcome to Kevbone's level of reality!

It's funny to see the degree to which leftists will hold on to a story that fits their world view any and all facts notwithstanding.

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i think you’re making more of this story than ever it was worth – even if it had been what it initially looked like it wouldn’t really have meant a damn thing – it’s not like anyone was worried there was a kentucky super-friends cabal down there poised to pull the whole house of cards down on our heads and this was just the tip of the iceberg – and even if homeslice was just a sad, sad suicide, its not like that means there are no crazy survivalist mother-fucker types hanging round appalachia

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There's some great climbing down there in the Daniel Boone National Forest, but man there's some hill-motherfuckin-billies there too.

my favorite site i hiked past down there was the half-collapsed a-frame, sans power n' water, flying a century old weather-beaten "the south shall rise again" flag out front :)

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Are you trying to claim that the Secret Service and FBI aren't being completely swamped trying to keep up with rising tide of racist, anti-government, and rightwing nutjob threats these days? Because that would make you pretty much an idiot in the attempt. Glenn and Rush are moderates these days and the fringe-influencing threat they alone pose is serious enough let alone the small media whacks right of them and the ocean of agitated white males currently experiencing a victimal nirvana.

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Woahiamsosuprisedthathekentuckystatepolicehaveruledthisasuicide... :yawn:


Put him right up there with Emmit Till and Wesley Everest as the least likely suicides ever.


:lmao::lmao: OMG, Prole is reduced to conspiratorial hallucinations. Welcome to Kevbone's level of reality!

It's funny to see the degree to which leftists will hold on to a story that fits their world view any and all facts notwithstanding.


Nah, unless new shit comes to light, I'm willing to accept the conclusions. (I could always plead the Kojak Defense and question the methodology and then pretend the issue never existed...) Despite the sadness of the story and the pain for this individual's family, it's a relief to me that this guy wasn't killed by a racist lynch mob incited by the right-wing media. You know what I mean?

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Are you trying to claim that the Secret Service and FBI aren't being completely swamped trying to keep up with rising tide of racist, anti-government, and rightwing nutjob threats these days? Because that would make you pretty much an idiot in the attempt. Glenn and Rush are moderates these days and the fringe-influencing threat they alone pose is serious enough let alone the small media whacks right of them and the ocean of agitated white males currently experiencing a victimal nirvana.


Oh man, don't ya just wonder in amazement at some of the crazy shit they must have to investigate massively stacked up in front of them. I don't envy them their work load, but hey, job security is job security and there are those gov't bennys.....


...wait till the mans been in office for 3 years....bet the line of whack jobs will be crowding over from Idaho all the way to pdx....

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i think you’re making more of this story than ever it was worth – even if it had been what it initially looked like it wouldn’t really have meant a damn thing – it’s not like anyone was worried there was a kentucky super-friends cabal down there poised to pull the whole house of cards down on our heads and this was just the tip of the iceberg – and even if homeslice was just a sad, sad suicide, its not like that means there are no crazy survivalist mother-fucker types hanging round appalachia


That's my point. But Prole thought otherwise a couple months ago...



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Are you trying to claim that the Secret Service and FBI aren't being completely swamped trying to keep up with rising tide of racist, anti-government, and rightwing nutjob threats these days? Because that would make you pretty much an idiot in the attempt. Glenn and Rush are moderates these days and the fringe-influencing threat they alone pose is serious enough let alone the small media whacks right of them and the ocean of agitated white males currently experiencing a victimal nirvana.


I suspect they were busier in the GWB days investigating your own kook fringe--but who knows. Hell, your folks even made a movie fantasy out of their dripping W hatred. Of course, they would NEVER have actually condoned such an act. :rolleyes:






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That's my point. But Prole thought otherwise a couple months ago...




Hmmm, what would give anyone such an idea, I wonder. I mean, it's so far-fetched, right?


FBI Report Notes Rise In Hate Crimes


by Deborah Tedford

November 23, 2009


The number of hate crimes against religious groups in the U.S. jumped more than 8 percent during 2008 — the most notable increase in a variety of hate crime statistics reported in data released Monday by the FBI.


In all, 7,783 hate crimes were included in the FBI's 2008 Hate Crime Statistics report. The report covers crimes involving a victim who was targeted because of race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin or disability.


The FBI's report reflects only the information gathered by participating law enforcement agencies. Experts warned that the numbers may reflect different standards for what constitutes a hate crime, as well as the inability of some law enforcement agencies to coordinate the report because of budget constraints.


"The most frightening thing about these numbers is what goes unrecorded," said Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza, the Hispanic civil rights advocacy group.


Still, the data show a 2 percent overall increase in hate crimes over the previous year, and a rise in each individual category, with one exception: attacks based on ethnic bias or national origin. Crimes based on racial hatred made up the largest number of reported incidents. Last year, agencies across the U.S. reported 3,992 incidents in which someone was victimized because of race — a 3 percent increase from 2007.


Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, said she expected to see an increase in the targeting of African-Americans because of the uptick in hate group activity before the election of President Obama.


"The anti-black numbers jumped around the elections, but we know that doesn't reflect anywhere near what [the figures] actually are," said Beirich. She said experts have noted inconsistencies in some jurisdictions, such as the relatively small number of hate crimes reports in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, where there is a large black population and a history of racial intolerance.


Blacks have historically been the most frequently targeted group. The FBI report showed 73 percent of the victims of race-based hate crimes were black.


Poor Reporting Affects Accuracy


The biggest year-over-year increase was in attacks on religious groups, which rose from 1,400 in 2007 to 1,519 in 2008. Most of the reports involved crimes against Jewish people, although attacks against Catholics and "anti-other religion" showed the biggest percentage increase. Crimes against Muslims fell from 115 in 2007 to 105 this year, according to the report.


Most of the crimes involve vandalism and intimidation, but they also range from assault to rape and murder.


The FBI figures also showed that there were 1,297 incidents of crimes against gay people, up from 1,265 in 2007. That represents a more than 2 percent increase in the number of incidents.


But that crime may be under-reported, according to professor Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, because attacks on gay people are not recognized as hate crimes in some states. In addition, many victims do not want to make their sexual orientation public.


Illegal immigrants are also wary of involving law enforcement, said La Raza's Murguia. According to the FBI data, attacks on the basis of ethnicity and national origin went down in 2008 — from 1,007 in 2007 to 894 last year. Most of the victims in that category were Hispanic.


"We look at these numbers as the tip of the iceberg, and even then, the trend over the past five years is unmistakable," Murguia said.


The FBI does not report hate crime trends, saying differences in annual reports may be attributed to the number of agencies participating in the reporting. Of the 13,690 agencies that submitted data, only 2,145 agencies reported hate crimes in their communities.


Levin said authorities won't have a true picture of the number of hate crimes in the U.S. until reporting is standardized.


"There are problems regarding lack of uniformity and consistency of reporting," Levin said, that should be addressed in order to get a true picture of the problem. A federal survey of victims in 2005 showed there were 191,000 hate crimes in the United States, he said.


But not to worry Fairweather, you can still keep the murderers of abortion doctors, Federal Building bombers, Holocaust Museum rampagers, Olympics and gay bar bombers and bashers, etc. even if you have to scratch "census worker lynchers" off you list. For now, anyway...

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Hell, your folks even made a movie fantasy out of their dripping W hatred. Of course, they would NEVER have actually condoned such an act. :rolleyes:


sure FW, a movie is going to have the same effect as fear and hate-mongering spewed on 24 hours a day TV channels and radio programs.

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