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Pig Flu


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The regular flu kills thousands a year. We are worried about this one why exactly? I seem to remember the same hype about SARS, Bird-Flu ect. More of the same from the media playing on people's fear.



Oh my....I agree with Scott. The powers that be are way over hyping this. It is just a regular flu that some unfortunate folks in Mexico that did not have access to treatment died from.

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Actually it is over hyped a bit but that is because they have not clearly identified it's behavior. They don't know how quickly it mutates for instance. Other unknowns have been uncovered since the onset but the hype continues.....

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The regular flu kills thousands a year. We are worried about this one why exactly? I seem to remember the same hype about SARS, Bird-Flu ect. More of the same from the media playing on people's fear.



Oh my....I agree with Scott. The powers that be are way over hyping this. It is just a regular flu that some unfortunate folks in Mexico that did not have access to treatment died from.


Well, it's not a regular flu. It could possibly get out of control and rapidly spread and kill more people than a war in a much shorter time period. That's one reason. This one kills much like the "Spanish Flu" of 1918 did, by drowning in fluids. Same demographic as well, the strong, not infants and old people.

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everybody enjoys a good zombie-apocalypse story - its why jesus caught on so big, world wide, yes?


the shadow of 1918 does stretch a long way though - and an eventual repeat of a disaster of that magnitude is as certain as another california earthquake or indonesian tsunami, so its more deserving of newspaper ink than the fucking octomom :)

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hey guys...its not pig flu any more...seriously keep with the times...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30398682


i mean, really how often do y'all check the news


they said a black man could never be elected as President....100 days into it - Swine Flu.


Badabump. (insert rimshot noise here) :rawk:

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For all the harr-umping going on this in in fact the real deal. An actual pandemic, the first to occur in 40 years. Easily trasmitted from human to human, lots of people are going to get it. The question is mortality rates, mixed news there, but it's appearing to be not as severe as first reports indicated.


Reagrdless, hold on, when people start dieing in your community (and they will)people are going to freak the fuck out.

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For all the harr-umping going on this in in fact the real deal. An actual pandemic, the first to occur in 40 years. Easily trasmitted from human to human, lots of people are going to get it. The question is mortality rates, mixed news there, but it's appearing to be not as severe as first reports indicated.


Reagrdless, hold on, when people start dieing in your community (and they will)people are going to freak the fuck out.

several of my students were wearing masks today - didn't seem to interfere w/ them swigging down their mountain dew though :)

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For all the harr-umping going on this in in fact the real deal. An actual pandemic, the first to occur in 40 years. Easily trasmitted from human to human, lots of people are going to get it. The question is mortality rates, mixed news there, but it's appearing to be not as severe as first reports indicated.


Reagrdless, hold on, when people start dieing in your community (and they will)people are going to freak the fuck out.

several of my students were wearing masks today - didn't seem to interfere w/ them swigging down their mountain dew though :)


Perhaps they were making a commentary on your instruction?

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The regular flu kills thousands a year. We are worried about this one why exactly? I seem to remember the same hype about SARS, Bird-Flu ect. More of the same from the media playing on people's fear.



Oh my....I agree with Scott. The powers that be are way over hyping this. It is just a regular flu that some unfortunate folks in Mexico that did not have access to treatment died from.



Sounds like your saying that the US already has a vaccine for this strain?


Although I agree the media does hype stuff up there really is no way to hype up the fact your own goverment has declared a US health emergency or that the WHO has raised the pandemic alert value to 5.


Maybe you are confused on what a pandemic is?


Anyways we need a real good pandemic to wipe out a lot of people, ease up on the planet for a bit.

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Anyways we need a real good pandemic to wipe out a lot of people, ease up on the planet for a bit.

hey, a seeing the silver lining in the cloud kinda guy!


hmm - the 1918 flu pandemic killed somethign liek 25 million - if it was even twice that today we'd still make good on the loss in just a couple of years, so it probably wouldn't be that much of a reprieve for our voracious appetites anyhow :(

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Apparently officials in the CDC believe that Mexico inflated their numbers to bring attention to them. The one death in America was a Mexican baby brought across the border and happen to die while in America. Only 9 hospitalizations have occured out of all the cases in USA. General antiviral medications and healthy immune system you'll be fine.


On the other hand, 6 probable cases in Washington, 3 King, 2 Snoho, 1 Spokane. Stay tuned for official results from CDC soon...

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