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Worst Skin-Track Evar!!!!


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Whoever put in the skin-track out of Swift Creek last week should have been aborted. You fail. Read a fucking book. Volken/Wheeler perhaps; Free Skiing is good too, but I doubt you can even tie your shoes. Illogical, unnecessarily meandery and strenuous with no coherent plan or destination. Your skin track sucked. Next time sit at the bottom and wait for someone else to come along and put it in for you or go back to snowboarding.

Edited by prole
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Yeah, folks can lay down some shitty skin tracks. I'm more inclined to say make your own better ones. Sometimes not, but most times you can do it without trashing the downhill slopes.


If we were going to get into idiots on backcountry snow, the king idiot is the snow shoe crowd. Yes at one time it was a good way to travel on snow, but a long time ago folks came up with the ski. People are set in their ways, but if you are too lazy to learn to ski then stay the fuck out of the skin track. A few skiers worked to break a trail. It's for skiers.


I know if you're on slow shoes you think you can cut your work load breaking a trail by taking advantage of a skin track. Sorry folks you picked a crappy tool pay the price. Don't screw up the skin track.

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I do not mind the shoers as for the most they do not totally fuck up the like booters. I have chewed out a few booters for screwing up a skin track. With the advent of fat skis - skin track etiquette has gone to to hell. Last winter I penned an article on simple backcountry etiquette. One point was that putting in a skin track is like doing doing community service. A track that goes up as steep as possible is dumb - though longer a more gentle track is faster and less work. More and more I find that I do cut my own track after some bonehead with fat skis comes through.

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I've been up and down that trail 20 or so times and I can never remember being annoyed at others tracks. Probably because I've been so pissed off at the snow-machines down below. If you're on foot you're a friendly as far as I’m concerned. I've had snow machines throw beer cans at us and blast by near the parking lot attempting to rooster tail us with snow. I was mad enough to throw down on that dude but he sped off like a pansy... Beside that, you can make tree-line quick enough. From there you can lay tracks wherever you want. Man, I need to get up there....

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This whole thread is a fucking joke. If skiers are taking the path of least resistance up/along a slope, then it is understandable why snowshoers and booters would too. I have never stomped on top of a ski track when on showshoes--because I'm a skier too-- but I don't get upset at others that do. Do skiers own the fucking hills now? I used to become annoyed when downhill boots would obliterate a nice uphill boot-track, until I realized my annoyance was a symptom of inadequate physical conditioning. I suspect this is what is at the root of Prole's irritability. Also; how fat is too fat? I'm skiing a 122/95/114--now considered "mid fat"--am I not "allowed" to use an existing track? Who's gonna stop me? Do you guys bitch when it starts snowing too?

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Fat skis don't shralp skin tracks, booters and slowshoers do. Booting a skin track is bad form, as is being from Tacoma.


Exactly. :tup:


I've skied plenty of places like the bc out of Whitewater (Nelson BC). Lots of folks skin and snowshoe. The tracks are distinct, and it's common to correct folks about the right uptrack for them. It takes some effort to break a skin track. If you choose slowshoes pick a different line.


True there are some unavoidable conflicts like the waterfall zone on the Phantom Slides, but once through the confined track zone there's no reason to ruin the rest of the skin track.

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Whoever put in the skin-track out of Swift Creek last week should have been aborted. You fail. Read a fucking book. Volken/Wheeler perhaps; Free Skiing is good too, but I doubt you can even tie your shoes. Illogical, unnecessarily meandery and strenuous with no coherent plan or destination. Your skin track sucked. Next time sit at the bottom and wait for someone else to come along and put it in for you or go back to snowboarding.


you're the dumbass for following it. maybe they put it in just to get a workout or to screw with later visitors.

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This whole thread is a fucking joke. If skiers are taking the path of least resistance up/along a slope, then it is understandable why snowshoers and booters would too. I have never stomped on top of a ski track when on showshoes--because I'm a skier too-- but I don't get upset at others that do.


Do you get upset when others pee on the skin track?


Do skiers own the fucking hills now?


No. But it just takes one snowshoer to ruin a skin track for all following skiers.

The collective need for ease for the skiers overrides the need for ease for the one snowshoer. More than one showshoer? Then they should take turns breaking their own track (which will likely be a straighter line than the skin track).


An analogy would be that I don't own a public bathroom, but I'm gonna be annoyed if someone left without flushing their shit down the toilet.


Or another analogy.. tokin' in the Muir hut..

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Whoever put in the skin-track out of Swift Creek last week should have been aborted. You fail. Read a fucking book. Volken/Wheeler perhaps; Free Skiing is good too, but I doubt you can even tie your shoes. Illogical, unnecessarily meandery and strenuous with no coherent plan or destination. Your skin track sucked. Next time sit at the bottom and wait for someone else to come along and put it in for you or go back to snowboarding.


somebody call the waaaaahmbulance!


Hey Prole, maybe they should pay your student loans too? :provoke:

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