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How did you celebrate Earth Day?


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Gore clearly states "that when you fly along the shelf in a helicopter" leaving the impression that he, or someone, did just that. There are so many claims in his little production that have been demonstrated to be patently false that this little fib is just the icing on the cake. You are either stoopid...or willingly ignorant.

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Gore clearly states "that when you fly along the shelf in a helicopter" leaving the impression that he, or someone, did just that. There are so many claims in his little production that have been demonstrated to be patently false that this little fib is just the icing on the cake. You are either stoopid...or willingly ignorant.


Strangely similar argument from radio host/part time professional climatology expert


He lied. He used something from a popular movie that was computer generated. Sam Champion, off camera: "And it raises another question for you to consider. Is it wrong for a documentary to use a fabricated Hollywood shot to make a point, even if there's science behind it? Well, we tried to ask Al Gore and the movie studio, but neither responded to our calls." Yeah. I wonder why? By the way, that's not the only false image in this thing. The polar bear stuff, that's totally manufactured and ginned up. The global warming people have to resort to lies and fakery and fake imagery in order to work people up into a frenzy.


Computer generated or not- strikingly similar features do exist. Here's a picture (not computer generated):



"Adding delicious insult to injury, this was presented by one of ABC's foremost global warming alarmists Sam Champion," the weather guy, "during Friday's '20/20'." This is Sam Champion speaking: "Al Gore's 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, makes the same point with actual video of ice shelves calving. Which shots have more impact?" and then they cut to the movie, and there's Algore saying: "And if you were flying over it in a helicopter, you'd see it's 700 feet tall. They are so majestic."


Indeed, if Gore had shown this instead:




or shown some images of Larson B:






then the viewers of his movie would've seen right through his bullshit lies, right? I sure don't see any resemblence between the computer shot and the real thing. :rolleyes:



By the way Larson B, just one of many sections of ice shelf is estimated to be 220 meters thick (about 720').




Gore lied indeed- he said 700, not 720.


Gore clearly states "that when you fly along the shelf in a helicopter" leaving the impression that he, or someone, did just that.


Um, yeah, I continue to be under the impression that someone has at some point "done just that". Even if Gore has not done so personally (or has he? I have no idea), I'm not sure how that renders his commentary on physical descriptions of ice shelves deceptive or inaccurate.


Again, Gore's exact statement:


"And if you were flying over it in a helicopter, you'd see it's 700 feet tall. They are so majestic."


So what exactly about this statement are you contesting is a "lie"?

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Al Gore's movie is a documentary about "truth". When he stands on stage and trumpets fiction as fact--all the while images of prophesy realized flashing across the big screen behind him--it should be clear to the average thinker that there is a big credibility issue ala Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, or Tammy-Faye Baker. Combine this with the movie's many other fraudulent claims, and you have what is commonly called a lie. It is clear that you worship at the altar of The Church of Global Warming and I apologize if I have challenged your belief system or insulted one of your prophets. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on anthropogenic global warming.

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Spent part of the day out on a cliff Sunday (4/20). Then in the interest of self-preservation and self-interest, I planted Jewelweed in 3 public places I won't identify to any of you f*ckers and in my backyard as well.


Then I listened to Bongo and other music from the earth day celebration 1/2 a block away from my house while I my dehydrated ass got tipsy on a single bottle of Ujahn's unbelievably fine handcrafted primo Porter.

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I chopped down some rain forest, clubbed a baby seal, sponsored a whale hunt, drilled for oil in the ANWR, bought an H4, took a ride in the Concorde, and I didn't recycle a goddamned thing all day. Then I had sex in a pile of 50 sweaty people that I didn't know from Adam, none of whom were wearing deorderant. Did I miss anything?

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I chopped down some rain forest, clubbed a baby seal, sponsored a whale hunt, drilled for oil in the ANWR, bought an H4, took a ride in the Concorde, and I didn't recycle a goddamned thing all day. Then I had sex in a pile of 50 sweaty people that I didn't know from Adam, none of whom were wearing deorderant. Did I miss anything?



what...no meth?

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Al Gore's movie is a documentary about "truth". When he stands on stage and trumpets fiction as fact--all the while images of prophesy realized flashing across the big screen behind him--it should be clear to the average thinker that there is a big credibility issue ala Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, or Tammy-Faye Baker. Combine this with the movie's many other fraudulent claims, and you have what is commonly called a lie. It is clear that you worship at the altar of The Church of Global Warming and I apologize if I have challenged your belief system or insulted one of your prophets. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on anthropogenic global warming.

you kinda remind me of the guy on the left


so, to understand you, are you sayign there is no reason to be concerned about having large amounts of co2 in the atmosphere? (there appears to be little debate about the basic science that shows the current level is the highest measured in the past 400,000 years, right?)


it seems to me the whole debate unfolds from the answer to that one question

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Al Gore's movie is a documentary about "truth". When he stands on stage and trumpets fiction as fact--all the while images of prophesy realized flashing across the big screen behind him--it should be clear to the average thinker that there is a big credibility issue ala Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, or Tammy-Faye Baker. Combine this with the movie's many other fraudulent claims, and you have what is commonly called a lie. It is clear that you worship at the altar of The Church of Global Warming and I apologize if I have challenged your belief system or insulted one of your prophets. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on anthropogenic global warming.


I'll grant you this much- Al Gore is messianic about this issue and is using apocalyptic tones to stir people up, and he's also a partisan, liberal politician with an agenda. I suspect that your problem with global warming stems more from these issues than from a desire, much less an ability, to categorically dispute the overwhelming scientific evidence and data, whether that data is presented by Al Gore, or by the vast majority of climatologists worldwide who feel that, at a minimum, it deserves our full attention. As for the latter, I would have to assume that you accuse climatologists of having a universal socialist agenda juxtaposed with their motivations in their chosen field, that or you proclaim to know more about climate and atmospheric science than people who have studied it throughout their lives.


Actually Fairweather I suspect that there is probably little we can reasonably do as humans to change whatever changes are already taking place in the atmosphere- if humans are causing this shift in climate at all, by the time we figure out what to do about it, the Earth will already have adjusted to it however it does. Maybe it'll wipe us out, maybe not. Moreover, were evidence that convincingly demonstrates that global warming is not caused by humans discovered, I would be fully prepared to change my view. Which differs significantly from your absolutist view of all things.


All this notwithstanding, using politics to denigrate and defame scientists and longstanding scientific principles, dismiss the problem outright, and sweep it under the rug is, at a minimum, "Stoopid" and irresponsible. Further, this issue has unfortunately now become the entirety with which the debate over pollution controls in general is framed. Finally, on that note I'd suspect that your rush (no pun intended) to ridicule and dismiss the problem as a whole coupled with your unwillingness to analyze the evidence with a more unbiased and critical eye has as much or more to do with something else- were it not for the fact that you worship at the Church of the Free Market and Unfettered Profits for Monopolistic Industries .


I'm left wondering how much more interested would you be in the issue of climate change if addressing it involved a huge military contract and some grand action that promised billions in profits for someone (not that it would matter if you'd see a cent of that profit of course), rather than what is being vollied about currently- government regulation of energy industries and an overhaul of energy technology. The fact that most energy industries are at large already acting on global warming issues tells me that in another 10-15 years, the market will have shifted to favor such industries and we'll be seeing new technology. At that point, the elderly Rush and co. will be trumpeting how conservative principles and the free market defeated global warming despite the attempts by liberals to perpetuate it, tax you to death, and destroy industry; up will still be down, and we'll have moved on to fighting about some other vacuous issue.


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I believe Fairweather's statements on Global Warming have much more to do with his hatred of Al Gore than scientific facts.


It isn't too surprising that behavior like this still happens. I heard on the news the other day that 20% of all Americans still believe the sun revolves around the earth.

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I believe Fairweather's statements on Global Warming have much more to do with his hatred of Al Gore than scientific facts.


It isn't too surprising that behavior like this still happens. I heard on the news the other day that 20% of all Americans still believe the sun revolves around the earth.


I believe Al Gore's statements on Global Warming have much more to do with his ego than scientific facts.


It isn't too surprising that behavior like this still happens. I heard on the news the other day that Al Gore believes the universe should revolve around him. He is actively working on realizing this goal by gaining as much mass a possible and increasing his gravitational pull.


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Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously



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Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously




More glaciers to climb? Sweet!

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Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously




More glaciers to climb? Sweet!


From a peer-reviewed article (Pike et al. 2008) I was reading just today:


"The recent rate of glacial loss in the Coast Mountains is approximately double that observed for the previous two decades". Hmm?

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Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously




More glaciers to climb? Sweet!


From a peer-reviewed article (Pike et al. 2008) I was reading just today:


"The recent rate of glacial loss in the Coast Mountains is approximately double that observed for the previous two decades". Hmm?


More rock to climb? Sweet!

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