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return to cold war?


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Our carrier groups are being systematically probed by the Chinese, Iranians, and now Russians. You can bet they're sharing intel on all these transactions. Now, I'm a peace-loving guy, but this is getting out of hand - the next time a Chinese sub surfaces inside a carrier group, a Tupolev overflies one under 30k ft, or a speed boat breaches an outer picket I believe we should firmly demonstrate exactly how unacceptable and dangerous we find such provocations. The longer we allow these kinds of probes the weaker we appear.

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It's not a matter of starting a world war - there are very real dangers and threats presented in each and every probe. And neither the Chinese nor the Russians will blink at the loss of a sub or bomber in the midsts of such provocations. There would be a lot of diplomatic hand-wringing, and then the provocations would stop. A clear and public warning from our Navy, the DoD, and the Whitehouse would be in order at this point as well; that way there would be no misunderstanding of the consequences.

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Our carrier groups are being systematically probed by the Chinese, Iranians, and now Russians. You can bet they're sharing intel on all these transactions. Now, I'm a peace-loving guy, but this is getting out of hand - the next time a Chinese sub surfaces inside a carrier group, a Tupolev overflies one under 30k ft, or a speed boat breaches an outer picket I believe we should firmly demonstrate exactly how unacceptable and dangerous we find such provocations. The longer we allow these kinds of probes the weaker we appear.


Maybe if we (Yes, by that I mean George Bush) weren't so busy putting provocative missile batteries in Poland and Czec Republic the Russians wouldn't feel the need to step back up to a war-footing. How's that for role-reversal, J?

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That's absolutely the reason for the Russian provocation, but the fact remains that carrier groups are the heart of our ability to project power and as such should not be subject to probing of any kind, for any reason. There are many other ways for the Russians to express their displeasure with our policies - this one is inherently dangerous. The US is making a mistake not making it publicly clear such provocations against carrier groups will not be tolerated for any reason.

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Why should we be entitled or able to project power? And why shouldn't China or Russia check our ability to do so?


If you have to ask...


Last time I checked, an overflight by a friendly country wasn't justification to shoot down the offending aircraft. Come off it. Get real.


They aren't a 'friendly country' and overflights under 30k of a carrier group by any military aircraft is an unwise proposition at best. Again, by the very nature of their tiered defenses, breaching them is a risky and unwise provocation.


Don't let the Tupolev's looks fool you, they are fast, capable, and act as a weapons platform as well as our B-52s.

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