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field trips


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I started this rumor in high school that we were taking a field trip to the Cheese Factory (the one that used to be by Issaquah). Everyone got really excited, the teachers even believed it. Then, I told them I made it up.


was this in wisconsin? the cheese state?






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With my sunday school class I visited services at about a dozen different churches, temples, Quaker meeting, etc. at age 12. The fact that there were so vastly different approaches to worship made a big impression on me.


Wow. That is very cool and open minded.


Open minded, huh? Did you visit a coffee shop full of angry, espresso jacked atheists railing against the tyranny of deism?


Didn't think so.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I started this rumor in high school that we were taking a field trip to the Cheese Factory (the one that used to be by Issaquah). Everyone got really excited, the teachers even believed it. Then, I told them I made it up.


High schoolers getting amped about a cheese factory? An excellent trick though. Silly teachers.


I learned to keep my trap shut most of the time. Most of the time.

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when i was a kid and living in germany the cold war was still on - my boy scout troop went to berlin - we went through checkpoint charlie to check out the brandenberg gate - while attempting to passback through the checkpoint into the freedom-loving side of the city a few hours later the goons said we were 1 person short of what we'd entered w/ - the scout master shit himself and we spent the next hour searching behind the iron curtain for the missing 9 year old

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In 2nd grade, our gay teacher took us on BART (bay area rail transportation), to San Francisco where the Mayor was just shot, we visted his office, he was killed for supporting gay unions, and then we went to a demonstration, we all wore yellow ribbons.



You did a field trip to San Francisco from Issaquah? Cool. I was not aware that BART ran all the way up to Washington.

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Visted MMA and Museum of Natural History in NYC several times while in middle school. At the end of the day the buses went to China Town. I distincly remember being given 1.5 hours of free time, with a buddy, to go explore. Just had to be back at the bus on time. I doubt that happens much these days for 7th graders.

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4th Grade: Chief Lalooska Cultural Center. Pretty interesting for the most part. We ended up in the large main tepee gathered around listening to a talk on Native American history. It was very dim in there with really the only light being the fire in the middle of the room. I was sitting in the far back near the wall of the tepee.


I turn my head to the right and I see a large Indian man standing above and about 6 feet away from me with some sort of a leather wrap or sarong-type thing around his waist along with the standard Native American regalia on top. Well, he had one leg up on the bench we were sitting on and I see this guy is going full-commando! :noway: Junk everywhere! It totally freaked me out! I looked up at him and he gave me this creepy evil grin. I immediately turned my head forward and locked eyes on the speaker. I got the hell out of there when it was over, but I will never forget that.

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Southern San Joaquin Valley of California:


Went to a cotton gin...loud, dusty place. Got some cotton and cotton seeds.


Went out into the foothills to a basque shepherd camp. Watched sheep shearing with manual shearing scissors. They worked fast and drew a lot of blood.


On the other end, I took a middle school science class up to the Big 4 Ice Caves to see real examples of various parts of the water cycle. One of my students had a hypoglycemic episode at the end of the trail and passed out. I had to piggy-back her dead weight back to the parking lot. (She wasn't petite.) I gained a much greater appreciation for backpack suspension systems after that field trip, which was the last I ever planned.



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I chaperoned at a field trip recently for my 10 year old son. He's in 4th grade, and we all had to ride the bus about an hour each way from Port Townsend to Keyport. On the bus there was a girl who kept telling my son what she was going to be doing. "Joel, I'm going to take a nap now", "Joel, we're playing bus bingo", "Joel, I'm...." you get the picture. So on the way home I asked what the story was. Oh, she likes me he says.


Now a month later he's spent several evening hanging out with her, watching her softball practice etc. My 10 year old son. Damn, I'm getting old. Anyway, I seem to remember that field trips were a close second to summer camp for falling into puppy love. But now I'm kind of wondering what my own parents were thinking of us when THEY were chaperoning.

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My sunday school class went to a local retirement home run by the Lutheran Church when I was about 11. We called them old folks homes back then. We spent a while there, visiting the old farts, learning about the importance of respecting our elders. I ended up in a game of checkers with a resident, and I won. I was excited, but I don't think I was gloating or anything. He reaches over and slaps me in the face. I don't think he liked it there. I didn't either.

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That completely triggered the memory of a school camp/outing that I had not thought about in a while. In the 6th grade (Seattle Public Schools) you go off to camp for a few days. I forget the name of the camp, we stayed in these a-frame cabins down around Rainier, near a small lake... I guess it must have made a big impresssion. I think we rowed in some boats and saw a beaver damn, or maybe we just saw a muskrat.


Anyway, there are something like 6 cabins, 3 for boys and 3 for girls, with each cabin having a teacher as resident chaperon.


One night after dinner, we are all in our cabins doing whatever, I think learning some dice game called roses and stones... when in comes our teacher and he tells us "Everybody get over here, there is an emergency. Ms Jones just got back to her cabin and found the front door busted off its hinges, and all of the girls are missing."


I think they must have been telling us about bigfoot earlier that day, because that is immediately what we all think has happened to the cabin. He then tells us all to get our flashlights and gather in the living room, and he turns out the lights. He leaves, saying he will return shortly, but he has to go help try to find the girls. He says under no circumstances whatsoever, are we to go outside until he comes back.


He leaves and we are start debating about what it could have been. Some of us think bigfoot, others think it was a gang of Hells Angels. He is gone for a while, and we hear a bunch of adult voices outside yelling and making a big commotion for the next half hour or so.


Well, I guess it must of gotten out of hand, because he returns and takes us all to the dinning hall, where we see all of the other kids, and a bunch of them are crying. One of the teachers gets up and tells us all it was just a prank, and everybody is fine. It was a bit of a letdown, I think I was kinda hoping bigfoot was real.




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