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Be noisy and get a festival for your movement. Even if you don't pay the bills. I expect many of you will be in attendance as it probably suits your sexual desires.


The good thing about gay and lesbians is that they remove themselves from the gene pool in many cases.


You know... Every gay woman I worked with possessed a militant sense of emotions with an urge to prove themselves in any ridiculous way. Even if it wasn't appropriate. Mentally unstable. Gay men seem to be unstable in other ways. Maybe they belong in mental institutions.



Seattle Center will host this year's Pride festival; event to be just 1 day

By Sharon Pian Chan


Seattle Times staff reporter


Seattle's Pride festival will be a scaled-down, one-day event this year, based on a tentative agreement reached Friday between organizers and Seattle Center.


Two weeks ago, Seattle city officials threatened to cancel this summer's festival after organizers at Seattle Out and Proud failed to pay the group's $100,000 bill from the 2006 two-day festival. The group said it went broke after moving the event from Volunteer Park in Capitol Hill to Seattle Center.


"We're elated," said Out and Proud's vice president Weston Sprigg. "We couldn't be happier with the event."


This year's festival June 24 will be the 33rd annual community celebration for the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual community. It will kick off with a parade, and most events will be free to the public.


According to the tentative settlement, Seattle Out and Proud will pay the city $50,000 when it signs the agreement next week, and $25,000 each of the next two years to settle the debt from 2006. Center officials could not estimate how much this year's event will cost organizers, but "it will be substantially less," said Center spokeswoman Kari Shaw. The group also gave Center officials oversight authority over the group's 2007 budget.


Sprigg said Seattle Out and Proud hired IES, a production company that puts together the Capitol Hill Block Party, to organize this year's Pride festival. IES will pay the $50,000 up front to the city. A consultant will find corporate sponsors for this year's festival.


Even though the 2007 festival will last only one day, Sprigg said it will be huge. "We want to make sure that one day is just spectacular," he said.


City officials said the group ignored several letters requesting payment over the past six months. Thursday, group leaders met with Center officials and submitted a payment plan. Center officials announced the tentative agreement late Friday.

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Fiarweather (sstout): you can come out of the closet and none of US will condem you unlike your christian buddies. We all know that the "with Love" title won't get you into heaven so pay attention.



As far as your blanket claim that gays are "unstable", well, thats what your post makes you look like to most of the rest of us.

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Bill Coe,


I have never posted under any username but "Fairweather". Got it? I have defended the concept of homosexual marriage on this board and have never used religion to uphold my mostly-conservative beliefs. I find it amusing that free thinkers :noway: like yourself so easily pigeonhole all conservatives into the religious zealot box while boasting your own open-mindedness. Exactly how does that work, Bill?


As an aside, I would like to point out that the manner in which you savaged that newbie-girl who was seeking info for her thesis puts you solidly into the "asshole" column. Yes, Bill, you are an asshole. I would also like to suggest that Foraker take a remedial spelling course. The world expects more from a poser who claims to have a PhD. :noway:



Now, back to exile island.....

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Uhh...yeah, they are not the same person. But that doesn't mean that Mr. Stout isn't one of our good friends at ass.com who is CHALLENGING THE LIBERAL SENSIBILITY IN AND INCREDIBLY NOVEL AN UNPREDICTABLE FASHION. sickie


After all, the bigot side of the fence does represent a large part of OUR GREAT NATION. Now pardon me while I go wrap myself in the flag.

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SS knows it's not about getting people to agree with you; it's all about causing the biggest stir you can. You want to make a name for yourself then make a lot of noise.


I think a lot of Ascentionists believe that there are too many folks on their site that agree with them, and they love to come here since they know this site has a large crowd to argue with.

Edited by AlpineK
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As an aside, I would like to point out that the manner in which you savaged that newbie-girl who was seeking info for her thesis puts you solidly into the "asshole" column. Yes, Bill, you are an asshole. I would also like to suggest that Foraker take a remedial spelling course. The world expects more from a poser who claims to have a PhD.


Bill an asshole?.....I dont think so. Wise up buddy.



Now, back to exile island.....


What.....not big enought to play with the big kids?




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What's the matter, Fairweather? Mommy take your toys away?


BTW, you weren't 'exiled'. You ran away in a hissy fit with your panties in a bunch to be your 'think just like me' buddies. But, then, I don't expect a superior grammarian such as yourself to understand the difference. PS. You might want to work on those inferiority complex issues.

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Bill Coe,


I have never posted under any username but "Fairweather". Got it? I have defended the concept of homosexual marriage on this board and have never used religion to uphold my mostly-conservative beliefs. I find it amusing that free thinkers :noway: like yourself so easily pigeonhole all conservatives into the religious zealot box while boasting your own open-mindedness. Exactly how does that work, Bill?


How the heck would I know, ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you I'm not open minded. Don't claim to be. I was guessing you were Fairweather, guess I missed that boat.


As an aside, I would like to point out that the manner in which you savaged that newbie-girl who was seeking info for her thesis puts you solidly into the "asshole" column. Yes, Bill, you are an asshole.


Well now that we've ascertained I'm an asshole, did you see that the " newbie-girl " claims to be a Park Ranger living in Alaska in her profile? I just believed that it was some "govenment authority" or "contractor for such" inititating a study asking us to justify shutting the place down. I've been waiting for it to come and happen and it was looking like a self-fullfilling prophecy that I didn't want to play into.


See, I never claimed to be perfect and theres 2 things right off the bat I've f*ed up. If indeed you really are "the real" fairweather. Cause the real fairweather said something like "3 strikes and I'm out of here" as if he would not come and post here ever again. But here you are anyway.


Now, back to exile island.....


See you next time then. Feel free to stick around, nobody is kicking your ass out of here.


More shocking news gleaned from your post: Foraker has a Phd? Damn.

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More shocking news gleaned from your post: Foraker has a Phd? Damn.


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That's right, folks, you'll be amazed at what you receive with our "Piled High & Deep" offer... and with our easy and flexible payment plans... you'll wonder how you ever got by without ALL of what we're giving you... and, by the time you finish paying for it all, you'll wonder what it was you bought.

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