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HardGore Liar


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I read all this crap and then googled Yvon Chouinard just to see what the deal is on his house. see this link



Now this guy has more wealth than Gore and could pretent to need a big house as Gore uses as an excuse. I've read about the Gore energy use is that he needs the mega house for entertaining, guests, etc. to push his political agenda. I say BULL SHIT.

Chouinard may not be on the top of my top ten list but at least he puts his foot, fingers and assets where is mouth is. I've met this guy in the mountains, visited with him, ate with him and enjoyed my time with him. He's the real thing not a fucking flack on TV hobnobbing with celebrities pretending to care about the environment.



Edited by RedNose
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I read all this crap and then googled Yvon Chouinard just to see what the deal is on his house. see this link



Now this guy has more wealth than Gore and could pretent to need a big house as Gore uses as an excuse. I've read about the Gore energy use is that he needs the mega house for entertaining, guests, etc. to push his political agenda. I say BULL SHIT.

Chouinard may not be on the top of my top ten list but at least he puts his foot, fingers and assets where is mouth is. I've met this guy in the mountains, visited with him, ate with him and enjoyed my time with him. He's the real thing not a fucking flack on TV hobnobbing with celebrities pretending to care about the environment.



I've met Chouinard, too. And let me tell you he gives one hell of a blow job.

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I read all this crap and then googled Yvon Chouinard just to see what the deal is on his house. see this link



Now this guy has more wealth than Gore and could pretent to need a big house as Gore uses as an excuse. I've read about the Gore energy use is that he needs the mega house for entertaining, guests, etc. to push his political agenda. I say BULL SHIT.

Chouinard may not be on the top of my top ten list but at least he puts his foot, fingers and assets where is mouth is. I've met this guy in the mountains, visited with him, ate with him and enjoyed my time with him. He's the real thing not a fucking flack on TV hobnobbing with celebrities pretending to care about the environment.



And your opinion, or the size of Gore's house, changes this graph how exactly?





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I read all this crap and then googled Yvon Chouinard just to see what the deal is on his house. see this link



Now this guy has more wealth than Gore and could pretent to need a big house as Gore uses as an excuse. I've read about the Gore energy use is that he needs the mega house for entertaining, guests, etc. to push his political agenda. I say BULL SHIT.

Chouinard may not be on the top of my top ten list but at least he puts his foot, fingers and assets where is mouth is. I've met this guy in the mountains, visited with him, ate with him and enjoyed my time with him. He's the real thing not a fucking flack on TV hobnobbing with celebrities pretending to care about the environment.



And your opinion, or the size of Gore's house, changes this graph how exactly?





i thought the size of his house was causing that???


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Recent photo of Rednose. This may explain a lot




I guess your by line is correct you are angry and you are dumb. Too bad you admit that. Maybe you should go back to the U and finish you degree in Chemistry and revisit your roots at the Society of Friends (http://www.quaker.org/) asking them to help you get over the hate you feel for posters that disagree with you and especially your hate of LDS members. BTW...you've met me ONCE and I ain't who you think I am. I'll burn a candle for you at the local church and say a few prayers for you to give up your drugs and alcohol so you to can start living a truly beautiful life on this wonderful earth of ours.

In the mean time please find a safe and friendly outlet for your pent up feeling by visiting a homeless shelter and donating sometime there or go to a Boys Club and donate some of your time there it can only help Kurt otherwise you'll spiral into a miserable black hole of self destruction.

Have a wonderful day and may the gods bless you.


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If you want to get into a real debate then you should be disputing this previously posted image:




My guess is you have no arguement for it so your only option is to go after my general statement that you are an idiot. You can't do it but at least try and stick to your point.

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One other point. Trying to argue that Gore should fly second class is just plane dumb. Remember he was the vice president, and as somebody with that past he is going to get extra security for a long time. After Bush leaves office the secret service will be keeping tabs on him since the world is full of nutjobs, and he'll probably take secure flights to wherever he goes for a long time.


Like I said the real question is what should we as a society do about a problem that we created.

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One other point. Trying to argue that Gore should fly second class is just plane dumb. Remember he was the vice president, and as somebody with that past he is going to get extra security for a long time. After Bush leaves office the secret service will be keeping tabs on him since the world is full of nutjobs, and he'll probably take secure flights to wherever he goes for a long time.


Like I said the real question is what should we as a society do about a problem that we created.


Fly 2nd class? He can certainly fly 1st class - ON A REGULAR FUCKING PLANE, not his own fucking lear jet.


His behavior exemplifies the elitist arrogance of the rich and powerful dictating that WE must make sacrifices to avert "global disaster" (hysterical hyperbolic bullshit in itself), while he does whatever the fuck he wants - and is "entitled" to it. Fuck him.


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One other point. Trying to argue that Gore should fly second class is just plane dumb. Remember he was the vice president, and as somebody with that past he is going to get extra security for a long time. After Bush leaves office the secret service will be keeping tabs on him since the world is full of nutjobs, and he'll probably take secure flights to wherever he goes for a long time.


Like I said the real question is what should we as a society do about a problem that we created.


Fly 2nd class? He can certainly fly 1st class - ON A REGULAR FUCKING PLANE, not his own fucking lear jet.


His behavior exemplifies the elitist arrogance of the rich and powerful dictating that WE must make sacrifices to avert "global disaster" (hysterical hyperbolic bullshit in itself), while he does whatever the fuck he wants - and is "entitled" to it. Fuck him.


You just don't get it. Your buddy Bush will not be flying first class anywhere after office. He gets a special flight with secret service folks. That's the way things work in the USA. If you feels so strongly about the general issue then surely you would want Bush to take a regular flight like everybody else. Why don't you demand that too?

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You just don't get it. Your buddy Bush will not be flying first class anywhere after office. He gets a special flight with secret service folks. That's the way things work in the USA. If you feels so strongly about the general issue then surely you would want Bush to take a regular flight like everybody else. Why don't you demand that too?


No, YOU don't get it.


Gore is fronting himself as a spokesman for the "crisis" that is global warming and insisting we ALL make drastic changes to avert that crisis, and himself is a profligate consumer of energy. That's out and out hypocrisy.


Just as the lefties hold all the conservatives to a higher standard for moral behavior because they take moral stances, so should Gore be held to a higher standard for his position and his hypocritical personal behavior.


Bush doesn't go around moralizing to us about energy use so he can be as profligate as he wants. Just as morally corrupt lefties can get away with their moral failings without reproach, since they don't moralize.


Like a taste of your own medicine? Bitter, eh?



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If you want to get into a real debate then you should be disputing this previously posted image:




My guess is you have no arguement for it so your only option is to go after my general statement that you are an idiot. You can't do it but at least try and stick to your point.


Wow, 0.6 degrees Celcius in 60+ years! I'm underwhelmed! Exactly how much is due to man alone, and how much otherwise? By exactly I want a number with certainty from peer reviewed journals (ala Foraker). And, if we do nothing then the temperature will rise another 0.6 degrees in 60 more years? or maybe 1 or 2 degrees? Alternatively if we make huge sacrifices in our personal lives in the US for those 60 years we'll do EXACLTY what? Limit the rate of growth by 1%? Maybe 5%? I want hard numbers man. And I want accurate predictions (which we don't get) on EXACTLY what will happen in either case, not the bullshit hand-wringing hyperbole we hear today.


And if I am to sign up for huge personal sacrifices, I expect EVERYONE to do the same, including Al Gore, hollywood, and all you fuckers on the list who swallow this line of thought. Yes, that means less unnecessary trips to climbing areas - both in state and around the world - no more trips to Denali, the Dolomites, or whereever. :wave:


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I'm afraid you don't get it. Former presidents and vice presidents get protection after they leave office no matter what they do with their time. If Bush chose to spend his after office time gambling in Vegas he wouls still get SS protection. It's just the way things work.


I'm afraid you're the one who's bitter. Sure it's ok for you not to like Gore, but he gets the same treatment that every other VP or Pres would get.

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I'm afraid you don't get it. Former presidents and vice presidents get protection after they leave office no matter what they do with their time. If Bush chose to spend his after office time gambling in Vegas he wouls still get SS protection. It's just the way things work.


I'm afraid you're the one who's bitter. Sure it's ok for you not to like Gore, but he gets the same treatment that every other VP or Pres would get.


You're avoiding the real issue - Al Gore's hypocrisy. No surprise, since it is an "inconvenient truth".

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If you look at the data there's been very limited change prior to WW2. After that time period the change is pretty dramatic. Take a good look at the trend over the last 20 years.


1) explain the downturns in temperature over the last 60 years

2) look at the stock market immediately prior to 2000, sure seems like the slope "changed" in a drastic way upwards... until a year or so later

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KK, in my view you and your buddy Stout may have a point about Mr. Gore's energy consumption. I say "may" have a point because I really don't know how his energy consumption compares with others of his social and economic class, or whether he has undertaken any effort or made any personal sacrifice toward energy savings. Certainly, to suggest that somebody who speaks out about global warming is immoral or whatever your suggestion is if they don't live green or pursue a modest lifetyle is silly - if that is what you are saying.


However, I'm curious: are you saying that you don't believe that our release of CO2 is causing climate change or are you just beating a drum to get a reaction?

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My take is that some people feel like the contrast between Gore's rhetoric and his lifestyle make him the greenhouse-gas equivalent to Ted Haggard. If you preach against something in public, your own conduct should be beyond reproach, and if it isn't, the odds are high that you'll have to answer for this contradiction in public in some fashion or another.


I don't have the expertise to properly evaluate most of the scientific work associated with climate change, so I - like most of you - simply have to take the expert's word for it. I expect the same of those who participate in the debate on evolution, so I can hardly do otherwise here.


However, the scientific data is one thing, the policy prescriptions that follow from it are another, and there is plenty of room for debate with respect to what represents the most rational, feasible, and ethical response to the problems associated with mankind's C02 emissions.


I personally think that even if the risks associated with climate change can't be defined with absolute certainty, it makes sense to invest in technologies and make some changes that may mitigate the worst of the effects - in the same way that it makes sense to invest in homeowners insurance even if you can't ever know the probability that your home will be destroyed with absolute certainty. I am also biased towards taking actions that will benefit mankind even if the worst case scenario fails to materialize. This includes things like investing in improved energy/resource efficiency. I also think that we should engage in a clear-headed analysis of the costs and benefits associated with these actions.


There's lots of low hanging fruit out there in the realm of technologies and behaviors that can be changed to reduce power consumption without sacrificing much in the way of economic growth, comfort, or convenience - but at some point we will arrive at a juncture where we have to take a hard look at the cost/sacrifice-to-temperature change ratio and make some hard choices. If one of the primary reasons for fighting climate change is to reduce human death and misery, there may come a point at which we have to choose between dedicating resources to reducing global C02 emissions and, say, combating infectious disease, providing clean drinking water, or some other measures which would do far more to reduce human misery/death on a per-dollar basis.






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