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Christian Climbers.


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We're comin' for ya, CP. An army of child eating, self-hating atheists. By the time we're finished with the Tricycle Cities, you won't be able to see the endless horizons of dead grass for all the uber hip coffee shops and porn arcades.


I think you missed the context, I was making a funny and telling the zealots to lay off. Anyway, I'd love some uber hip coffee shop, as long as it had good coffee and was open past 10!!! The rest of your urban vices will quickly wither in the light of the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!

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We're comin' for ya, CP. An army of child eating, self-hating atheists. By the time we're finished with the Tricycle Cities, you won't be able to see the endless horizons of dead grass for all the uber hip coffee shops and porn arcades.


I think you missed the context, I was making a funny and telling the zealots to lay off. Anyway, I'd love some uber hip coffee shop, as long as it had good coffee and was open past 10!!! The rest of your urban vices will quickly wither in the light of the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!


I totally got it, my man. Just thought I'd paint an uber ridiculo landscape to keep the love going...

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Gforce, what is the root of all evil?


You've probably all seen the first one, but I hadn't seen the second one before...




Proof that girls are evil:

First we state that “girls require time and money.”

Girl = Time x Money


And as we all know “time is money.”

Time = Money


And because “money is the root of all evil.”

Money = sqrt(Evil)


Originally we have:

Girl = Time x Money


And now we substitue everything in, we get:

Girl = Money x Money

Girl = sqrt(Evil) x sqrt(Evil)

Girl = (sqrt(Evil))^2

Gril = Evil


But here’s another proof to show how men are THREE TIMES worse


Proof that men are 3 times more evil:

First we state that men need time, money, girl and sex.

Men = Time x Money x Girl x Sex


We all know “time is money.”

Time = Money



Men = Money x Money x Girl x Sex


And we all know to many men:

Girl = Sex


As for men’s proof showing “girls are evil” So

Girl = Evil then,

Evil = Sex


Men = Money x Money x Evil x Evil

Men = Money^2 x Evil^2


And because “money is the root of all evil.”

Men = (sqrt(Evil))^2 x Evil^2

Men = Evil x Evil^2

Men = Evil^3


Men’s proof:

Girl = Evil


Girl’s proof:

Men = Evil^3


So we are forced to conclude men are worse than girls.


the correct quote is that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.



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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


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Gforce, what is the root of all evil?


You've probably all seen the first one, but I hadn't seen the second one before...




Proof that girls are evil:

First we state that “girls require time and money.”

Girl = Time x Money


And as we all know “time is money.”

Time = Money


And because “money is the root of all evil.”

Money = sqrt(Evil)


Originally we have:

Girl = Time x Money


And now we substitue everything in, we get:

Girl = Money x Money

Girl = sqrt(Evil) x sqrt(Evil)

Girl = (sqrt(Evil))^2

Gril = Evil


But here’s another proof to show how men are THREE TIMES worse


Proof that men are 3 times more evil:

First we state that men need time, money, girl and sex.

Men = Time x Money x Girl x Sex


We all know “time is money.”

Time = Money



Men = Money x Money x Girl x Sex


And we all know to many men:

Girl = Sex


As for men’s proof showing “girls are evil” So

Girl = Evil then,

Evil = Sex


Men = Money x Money x Evil x Evil

Men = Money^2 x Evil^2


And because “money is the root of all evil.”

Men = (sqrt(Evil))^2 x Evil^2

Men = Evil x Evil^2

Men = Evil^3


Men’s proof:

Girl = Evil


Girl’s proof:

Men = Evil^3


So we are forced to conclude men are worse than girls.


the correct quote is that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.



So then:


Love x Money = sqrt(Evil)




Girl = Evil/love^2


My conclusion is that love covers many evils (note the square denominator). Gotta love math. :tup:


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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


i'm oddly reminded of Muslims and cartoons.

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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


i'm oddly reminded of Muslims and cartoons.


really? where are the Christian death threats against cc.com'ers? or riots in the streets?

Edited by KaskadskyjKozak
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Gforce, what is the root of all evil?


So we are forced to conclude men are worse than girls.


the correct quote is that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.


What I really like though is that we are "girls" and you are "men". It is kind of like calling a black man "boy"; just plain offensive.

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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


Looks like I can include "turning the other cheek" among the Christian practices not understood or exhibited by adherents.

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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


Nauh, dis funny. Heuh we gots dis av'tah witta nicknamuh KKK defeninna blaick folks. He also wahnnin' n cryin' bout OH-fensive pichas wit Chrise gittin down wichis boyz, when Ah seemta RE-call soitun pichas a deaid bahdeys n buine chillin n sheeit, real offens'v imges ebby sing-el wuhn, he been postin' recenly.


Ah guess white folk lahk our KKK feel dey kin play bah diff'n rules dein da resuv us, thas awll.

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Looks like I can include "turning the other cheek" among the Christian practices not understood or exhibited by adherents.


ah, yes, there's nothing more ironic than non-believers - especially the most vitriotic variety - trying to lecture to believers using teachings from the theology they reject. seems so hollow, somehow



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The offense portrayed in responses to images and /or writings here has revealed the frailty of a number of persons' veneer.


bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans.


Nauh, dis funny. Heuh we gots dis av'tah witta nicknamuh KKK defeninna blaick folks. He also wahnnin' n cryin' bout OH-fensive pichas wit Chrise gittin down wichis boyz, when Ah seemta RE-call soitun pichas a deaid bahdeys n buine chillin n sheeit, real offens'v imges ebby sing-el wuhn, he been postin' recenly.


Ah guess white folk lahk our KKK feel dey kin play bah diff'n rules dein da resuv us, thas awll.


and your affected accent is supposed to do what? give you some kind of "street cred"? From your photos on line you look about as white bread as they come.


as for "KKK" that's just name mangling by ingorant juveniles throwing shit in the hope it sticks. it's "KK", you half wit, as in:


Каскадський Козак


two words, both starting with "K". :fahq:



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as for "KKK" that's just name mangling by ingorant juveniles throwing shit in the hope it sticks. it's "KK", you half wit, as in:


Каскадський Козак


two words, both starting with "K". :fahq:



Ackshully, Ah'm gittin KKKKK fum yo av'tar. 'Fith o K', o 'full house K', o maybe 'Fahve Finga K' or 'K-Fist', o sumthin.


Az fo 'street cred', whatthu Hail you talkin' bout? Ain' no av'tar live on no street; we jus ranum nural land-o-lincoln logs em'natin fum sum punkass't sprayuh's bung, thas awll. What kinna street cred you gonna fahn inna E-lectron? How 'bout hypahtex Prot'col; do it pimp along in cybahspace in its vey own 'Splanade wit da two fahn bitches fo hood orn'mints? 'Splain dat to me sumtahm.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Looks like I can include "turning the other cheek" among the Christian practices not understood or exhibited by adherents.


ah, yes, there's nothing more ironic than non-believers - especially the most vitriotic variety - trying to lecture to believers using teachings from the theology they reject. seems so hollow, somehow





At least I'm not some motherfuckin' round-eyed Buddhist tryin' to pass himself off as some summamma-bitchin' offended Christian climber on an innernet website for his own twisted perverted shits 'n' giggles personal entertainment!




perhaps it is admonishment for which you protest

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At least I'm not some motherfuckin' round-eyed Buddhist tryin' to pass himself off as some summamma-bitchin' offended Christian climber on an innernet website for his own twisted perverted shits 'n' giggles personal entertainment!


C....mon…..we all know this is not true. You are too!

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