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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.


LOL your the reason the liberals lost the last election. Keep up your out of reality of life and you will loose again. People get sick of hearing this sensless screeching. Liberals could reighn in there freaks they might win.

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Actually, when you total up the disasterously deleterious effects religion has had on our government and country in the past six years alone it's clear that even 'mainstream' evangelical christianity represents a 'clear and present danger' to our nation. I consider fundamentalism the true enemy of freedom and regard christian fundamentalists within our borders more of a threat than radical islam outside them. That, anyway, is the source of my particular 'discomfort'.


Freedom is a relative word. Nobody is truly free under any form of government. Christians are no more guilty of restricting freedoms than those who seek to restrict the Christian's freedom and demonize them for what they believe.


America's most lofty ideal is "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Self-determination is the best thing you could ask for from a government and I think any intellectual, no matter what their faith, would be reluctant to chip away at this principle. But government must step in and provide some structure to live by. Everyone will disagree on the details of law, but that is healthy. A one-party system is a dictatorship. I and most people don't agree 100% with how either of our parties does its business, but the nature of any system with more than one party is fundamentally one of dialogue and choice. Just be careful you never advocate for "laws that restrict the free exercise" of my religion because I will never try to restrict yours.

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.


LOL your the reason the liberals lost the last election. Keep up your out of reality of life and you will loose again. People get sick of hearing this sensless screeching. Liberals could reighn in there freaks they might win.



In 2000 Bush was APPOINTED, not elected. And since then over 3000 innocent American have died for Bushes pocket book.

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For clarification, I started to thread, and I am having a good time. And to help fuel any hate replies, " I personally think Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and He has done too many things in my life for me to believe otherwise...even when things don't go the way I think they should, It does not mean He is not there. Most of my crud in life is of my own making. Jesus is Lord.


By the way, what are your thougths on Satan everyone???

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.


LOL your the reason the liberals lost the last election. Keep up your out of reality of life and you will loose again. People get sick of hearing this sensless screeching. Liberals could reighn in there freaks they might win.



In 2000 Bush was APPOINTED, not elected. And since then over 3000 innocent American have died for Bushes pocket book.


Stop this liberal conspiracy crap. lol If Clinton had done his job 3k would never died. He was too busy getting his cock sucked.

Edited by Seahawks
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Tragedies and problems do not deminish the reality of God, but reinforce our need for Him more than ever. Now, having said that, I will probably see responses filled with anitchrist pictures and language that can only be associated with this forum. Let it spray!!!



Dude….you are one of the biggest trollers around…….keep it up!



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I believe the time has come to take bold new steps to protect our nation from the Christian hordes who have overrun our homeland. It is time for America to convert its big box churches into internment camps, where a carefully screened staff of hate-filled atheists and feckless agnostics will deprogram our Christian population through a round the clock diet of high decibel dethmetal, pole dancing shows, and selected readings from Nietzche, William S Burroughs, and Mark Twain. After deprogramming post-Christians, postians if you will, will be subjugated into a slave class to serve the needs of their godless masters. Never more will we uber pagans need to serve our own cocktails, wax the Prius, make our own Thai massage appointments, or re-fill the bong. Never more will we be subjected to another Pat Robertson doomsday prediction, seamy Ralph Reed scandal, tearful Jim Bakker confession, or miraculous gay to straight testimony ala Reverend Ted. 'Rapture' will regain its former romantic meaning, 'witnesses' will be once again found only in court, and the term 'believing ON the lord' will be extinguished forever. Man will have finally succeeded in finding both Heaven and Hell, right here on Earth.

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.

Believe me, anyone who doesn't have his head in the sand knows that the Republican party has undergone a terrifying transformation. Christians don't vote for them because they like wire-tapping and indefinite imprisonment without indictment and unjust war and fiscal irresponsibility and the list goes on. They often hold certain deeply held values like sanctity of life, etc. above others and those are the issues they vote on. Rhetoric like yours about considering Christianity the most insidious enemy of America only scares people even more into voting for those who are generally pro-Christian, which recently has been the Rep. party.

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I believe the time has come to take bold new steps to protect our nation from the Christian hordes who have overrun our homeland. It is time for America to convert its big box churches into internment camps, where a carefully screened staff of hate-filled atheists and feckless agnostics will deprogram our Christian population through a round the clock diet of high decibel dethmetal, pole dancing shows, and selected readings from Nietzche, William S Burroughs, and Mark Twain. After deprogramming post-Christians, postians if you will, will be subjugated into a slave class to serve the needs of their godless masters. Never more will we uber pagans need to serve our own cocktails, wax the Prius, make our own Thai massage appointments, or re-fill the bong. Never more will we be subjected to another Pat Robertson doomsday prediction, seamy Ralph Reed scandal, tearful Jim Bakker confession, or miraculous gay to straight testimony ala Reverend Ted. 'Rapture' will regain its former romantic meaning, 'witnesses' will be once again found only in court, and the term 'believing ON the lord' will be extinguished forever. Man will have finally succeeded in finding both Heaven and Hell, right here on Earth.


Your a fucking Nazi. You part of the KKK???

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George Bush Huh... Kevbone, could you do a better job. Maybe cuss out the senate or something and tell them how war is bad for us? SO is chocolate, but I have eaten my share.


Kevbone out of touch. I understand he liberal. Heck I agree with some of there stuff. But to be siding with this conspiracy crap shows a lack of smarts.

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.

Believe me, anyone who doesn't have his head in the sand knows that the Republican party has undergone a terrifying transformation. Christians don't vote for them because they like wire-tapping and indefinite imprisonment without indictment and unjust war and fiscal irresponsibility and the list goes on. They often hold certain deeply held values like sanctity of life, etc. above others and those are the issues they vote on. Rhetoric like yours about considering Christianity the most insidious enemy of America only scares people even more into voting for those who are generally pro-Christian, which recently has been the Rep. party.



The entertaining part here is, here's Climbing Panther and Seahawks- two self described Christians. For every one of CP's thoughtful responses that attempt to debunk prejudicial notions of Christians, we're treated to another one of Seahawks' mindless, reactionary posts that help affirm the above mentioned notions being asserted by JosephH et.al.

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For clarification, I started to thread, and I am having a good time. And to help fuel any hate replies, " I personally think Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and He has done too many things in my life for me to believe otherwise...even when things don't go the way I think they should, It does not mean He is not there. Most of my crud in life is of my own making. Jesus is Lord.


By the way, what are your thougths on Satan everyone???


just curious, what exactly has jesus done in your life? i know he sends me spam from time to time but that's about it. being dead and all sort of limits what he can actually do.

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It's really been a sad and remarkable transformation of the right in the past few years. In a stroke they've completely swept aside almost every tenant of traditional conservatism - small gov't, fiscal conservatism, no nation building, gov't out of our lives, right to privacy - you name it and it's been thrown under the train by the conjoined nightmare of corporate pirates and their willing and witless tools - the religious right and evangelical base. Every erosion of privacy and civil rights promulgated by this administration is one that would have had Eisenhower himself marching in the street - as it is he's turning in his grave.

Believe me, anyone who doesn't have his head in the sand knows that the Republican party has undergone a terrifying transformation. Christians don't vote for them because they like wire-tapping and indefinite imprisonment without indictment and unjust war and fiscal irresponsibility and the list goes on. They often hold certain deeply held values like sanctity of life, etc. above others and those are the issues they vote on. Rhetoric like yours about considering Christianity the most insidious enemy of America only scares people even more into voting for those who are generally pro-Christian, which recently has been the Rep. party.



The entertaining part here is, here's Climbing Panther and Seahawks- two self described Christians. For every one of CP's thoughtful responses that attempt to debunk prejudicial notions of Christians, we're treated to another one of Seahawks' mindless, reactionary posts that help affirm the above mentioned notions being asserted by JosephH et.al.

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