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It's not your mommas tea party... that's for sure. But you really can't deny the fact that in spite of it all, this site is still an incredibly valuable resource and is frequented by a lot of people who know a hell of a lot more about a hell of a lot more stuff than I'll ever know. So you really just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

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Not enough chest beating griz.


my spray is above your pay grade, marmot molester.




for the feeble minded...checklist for my post:





Pathetic gossip...check!


white trash...check!

sick vulgarity...check!


boarderline criminal insinuations...check!



self-embelishing remarks ...check!

retarded replies...check!

full of BS...check!


I'm thinking brett and artfag might make some fine gym partners at vertical world someday.

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Last night we had a secret cc.com board of directors meeting. It has been decided we are going to split the website up into two seperate distict websites. YOU MUST choose which website you want to use, you can only use ONE. Starting Monday there will be cascadeclimbers.com and a new lattedrinkingsensitivenewageyogacascadeclimbers.com.

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Last night we had a secret cc.com board of directors meeting. It has been decided we are going to split the website up into two seperate distict websites. YOU MUST choose which website you want to use, you can only use ONE. Starting Monday there will be cascadeclimbers.com and a new lattedrinkingsensitivenewageyogacascadeclimbers.com.


Fuckin' classic, Jon. thumbs_up.gif


Can the S.N.A.G.S still lurk? hahaha.gif

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griz, dude, I wasn't being sarcastic. Someone with your obvious qualifications shouldn't hold back. And "artfag"? Come on, again you're not really trying are you.


yeah. fagschool is obviously funnier.


Maybe there should be a site for 15 year olds pretending to be hardcore climbers.

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Funny, but most of the folks I've met from this board are great people. Maybe it's just my old fart back-in-the-day perspective, but it seems a little odd pairing the words "respectable" and "climber." Of course, it takes a lot of colors to make a rainbow, and you will be able to find other online climbing forums that starch their shirts with more vigor. It'll be easier to find what you need elsewhere than to hope to remodel this place to suit your sensibilities. bigdrink.gif Good luck out there...

thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif offwhite ... ever one of the few voices of reason. wink.gifwave.gif i've met tons of great people on this site, a few of whom may have flipped me more than my fair share of shit here and there (the_finger.gif - you know who you are!) but that's just how life goes sometimes. this board really is just one huge dysfunctional family - siblings will be siblings as it were, and so on ... and just like becoming the stepchild of a "real" family, it sometimes takes time and effort to figure out how you fit into the big picture.


meeting these folks in person can really make a difference. bigdrink.gif

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Off White always does seem pretty clear headed and as a moderator I have a question for you...So I joined this thread by kidding griz about some chest beating and the retort involved the use of a familiar gay epithet. Anyway, not a big deal, I've been called alot worse. But it got me thinking...If "fag" is ok to use on this board what else is ok? Maybe I'll say something that someone will think defines me as African. Can I be "artnigger' then? Jewish? How about "artkike". Did I just cross a line?

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It's a good question, and the answer is fuzzy. I suppose it depends on a combination of context and the mood of any given moderator at the moment. Racial epithets are pretty clearly on the "over the top" list as is posting porn, pedophilia, and such. Strangely enough, sheep and goat sex is in bounds. If I'd thought Griz was engaging in some serious defamation rather than just some pro-forma posturing, if I was feeling tense and snappish, or if it was in some forum besides spray, I might have reacted and trimmed, deleted, or berated. As it was, I thought it was merely some flaccid flagellation and didn't merit any reaction. It wasn't exactly funny, but it wasn't exactly offensive (to me, or really, to you either I suppose). Often as not assholes hoist themselves on their own petards, and at least within the Spray forum, they're given enough room to do so. Note that other forums require a greater degree of decorum.


Odds are, if I took offense to such a post, I'd go ahead and edit or delete, and engage the poster in some sort of pm dialogue with a reasonably polite request for behavior modification.


Anyway, the rules, such as they are, are sort of variable and arbitrary, at least to my way of thinking. This might best be expressed in considering a title such as "capricious warlord."

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