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from Bill Mahr. Okay, he's a humorist, but where is he wrong?


"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any

more. There's no more money to spend--you used up all

of that. You can't start another war because you used

up the army. And now, darn the luck, the rest of your

term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping

poor people.



Listen to your Mom. The cupboard's bare, the credit

cards maxed out.



No one's speaking to you. Mission accomplished.



"Now it's time to do what you've always done best:

lose interest and walk away. Like you did with your

military service and the oil company and the baseball

team. It's time. Time to move on and try the next

fantasy job. How about cowboy or space man? Now I know

what you're saying: there's so many other things that

you as President could involve yourself in. Please

don't. I know, I know. There's a lot left to do.

There's a war with Venezuela. Eliminating the sales

tax on yachts. Turning the space program over to the

church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving

embryos the vote.



But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now. Why?

Because you govern like Billy Joel drives. You've

performed so poorly I'm surprised that you haven't

given yourself a medal. You're a catastrophe that

walks like a man. Herbert Hoover was a shitty

president, but even he never conceded an entire city

to rising water and snakes.



"On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies,

the surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a

piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans.

Maybe you're just not lucky. I'm not saying you don't

love this country. I'm just wondering how much worse

it could be if you were on the other side.



"So, yes, God does speak to you. What he is saying is:

'Take a hint.'"

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Who, George Walker Bush or Bill Mahr?


The right to whine is in fact protected speech, and I've never disputed anyone's right to it, even if they don't vote. Well, maybe I have, but I'm sure I didn't mean it. yellaf.gif


Dear Dubya,

Please stop spending so much god-damned money. At least when the liberals did it, they taxed people to pay for it, they didn't sell our country to the communist Chinese. I used to always be able to rely on the Republicans to push for balanced budgets, at least publically. All that seems to have changed. What gives? I mean, you have all 3 branches right now, you could be axing programs left and right. Am unwilling to pay for your pork barrel Christmas for the next 50 years. Maybe while you're at it, you could stop fcuking over the parks and national forests and the environment, but, hey, I'll cut you some slack on that for a week or two.


PS. Stop asking Condie for hall passes to the bathroom. Just a suggestion.


I have an old newspaper from Bend that I saved because it had the Smith Rock fire on the front page, and one of the columns in the back is from some Republican columnist bitching about how Democrats need to balance the budget.

Seems like that Republican ideal went out the window.

I can undertsand deficit spending for some things, but Defecit spending, tax cuts for the top 5%, an enormous transportation bill, a "war" that Mr Bush didn't include in his budget estimates, and a badly handled response to a very bad natural disaster, seems like maybe we need to think about where all this money is going to come from.

I blame Congress too. (SCHWAKAH! is the sound that whip must make)

But fuck, if they're just going to throw money at everything, throw some this way! I voted for a couple of those monkeys! wazzup.gif


Instead of spending all that money on Iraq, maybe the US gubmint could make all public transportation free. Yes, you heard me - FREE. They want people off the roads? They want people to take busses? So make it all free. No more fishing around for the exact change. Just hop on a bus on any corner.

Just my grand pie in the sky solution to our energy woes. wave.gif

Dear Dubya,

Please stop spending so much god-damned money. At least when the liberals did it, they taxed people to pay for it, they didn't sell our country to the communist Chinese. I used to always be able to rely on the Republicans to push for balanced budgets, at least publically. All that seems to have changed. What gives? I mean, you have all 3 branches right now, you could be axing programs left and right. Am unwilling to pay for your pork barrel Christmas for the next 50 years. Maybe while you're at it, you could stop fcuking over the parks and national forests and the environment, but, hey, I'll cut you some slack on that for a week or two.


PS. Stop asking Condie for hall passes to the bathroom. Just a suggestion.


Hell, the last "liberal/democrat" government didn't have a balanced budget either, they ran a fucking surplus!!!!! And actually left the country in the black.


But we all know that trickle down economics is 100% effective and that corporations and wealthy people like to look out for the interests of other people because it's socially conscious. Oh, and of course free market forces are capable of regulating the environmental impact of industry because people as a whole actually think through the long term impact of each and every purchase they make rolleyes.gif


Maybe you should be more careful about who you vote for...


You can say the government is responsible for our problems--and they sure as heck are. But it is our duty as citizens to watch them closely and not roll over when the start to abuse their power.


The blame ultimately rests on the lazy American public.


We are insulated and feel secure in our SUVs, Rediculously large suburban dwellings, 401 Ks, Surround sound home entertainment theatres, seemingly endless supply of energy and material resources, etc.


Well honey, the good times are coming to an end sooner than you may think. The world's oil production is peaking, if it hasnt already. No amount of drilling is going to catch up with the ever increasing demand.


IT will become harder to justify the cost of gas guzzlers, the suburbs are going to become obsolete. A concrete and asphault wasteland. People will retreat to the cities. People will again begin to watch their wallets more closely, including just what the heck is the government spending their money on...


We will unplug, pull our heads out of the sand, and realize we are living in a matrix of sorts. It will be very disorienting and confusing at first. There will be lots of anarchy and riots occuring in our own country. And if we arent careful, there will be Neo-Cons in control of our military, treasury, judiciary, and legislature. They will step up and tell us that if we keep them in power, they will "protect" us from all these scary things (which they helped shape in the first place).


Before you know it, the 4th Reich will take power in America.


The reality is that this may have already occurred, but the worst is yet to come.


But there is hope... People are waking up. They are thinking more globally. They are seeing thru the smoke, mirrors, and distractions. Evil can only hide its face for so long before the stench gives it away...


Keep up the consciousness. Our government needs a SEVERE reform or overhaul. I am not proposing open revolution... Revolutions are bloody and painful.

There is power in numbers and especially unity. There are more of us (pawns, middle class, minor lords, and the oppressed) than there are of them (the ultra wealthy and powerful). Its not a race thing. Its a class thing. Simple as that. These people dont care about religion. They simply use it as a control tool.


You really think Bush says a prayer before he signs orders to drop bombs, rape the environment, steal more money from the people and give it to his rich friends, etc.


""Dear Gawd. Please bless amurika as it tries to punish the evil-doers. Daddy told me that being poor is a sin. Please send a hurricane to wipe them from the earth. I will do my best to prevent people from trying to save these wretched sinners.


Oh, thats the end of my prayyer. My little tallywacker is beginning to burn again. You must excuse me for a bathroom break.


Your faithful master,


Emperor Bush II

Facing up to the truth can be a difficult process...


I wish it wasnt so alarming but we really do need to




Dude, as long as people can gas up, it's not going to matter. When people can turn a house around for ~20K more than they bought it in a few months (even less in a lot of places), there won't be change. Things are going to have to get RRREAAALLY bad before most Americans wake up.

Now give me my free money!! hahaha.gif


gas prices keep going up. toyota sells more hybrids, but in the end, SUVs are still selling like hotcakes. It's going to take a bit more than $3 gas to get people to wake up.


Regarding drilling oil, it is actually becoming cost effective to go back to the abandoned oil fields to suck the last bits out. Small oil companies are making a killing by buying up the 'dry' fields from the big oil companies, then they apply better technology to get a hell of a lot more oil out. It's going to be a long while before the oil dries up...

I heard that Bush recently compared himself to FDR. hellno3d.gif


Can he really be that ignorant and egotistical?? madgo_ron.gif


nah he is just confused, he doesn't know the difrence between starting a great depression, and ending one

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