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The name means 'old cheese' and it smells like it! It is made by maturing the cheese in a very damp atmosphere, which applies to most of Norway, then working the mould growth on the outside back into the cheese. It is actually not old but quite a young cheese as it only matures for about a month. Thought to date from Viking times, if you were English and they did not get you with a sword then their breath would kill you! It is blue veined and strong tasting if you can get it past your nose. Norwegians regard it as a delicacy and delight in feeding it to foreigners, going hysterical at their reactions of disgust!


My mom used to make me try it as part of my heritage, one of THE most hideous cheese experiences out there.


Cheeses of the world.


"I just had a bad flash back of the "cheeses of Nazareth" joke.

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