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Climbing Movie


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OK, so reading another post just now after watching "K2 The Ultimate High" earlier today made me quandary confused.gif" border="0 : What do you feel is the best climbing movie (Hollywood, non-documentary type) that has ever been made? Your only allowed one vote so if your torn between a couple you MUST choose! grin.gif" border="0

My vote: K2 The Ultimate High

What's yours?


[ 02-26-2002: Message edited by: CraigA ]

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The Eiger Sanction 1975 - USADirector - Clint Eastwood

The Eiger Sanction stars director Clint Eastwood, as a history professor whose is black-mailed into a return to a long past career as an assassin. The film is a very accurate and dramatic re-telling of Trevanian's fine action novel of the same title. The ACTION takes place high in the Alps, where Eastwood is supposed to murder one of three other climbers on an icy assault on the Eiger. The trouble is, he won't know which of the three is his target until he is in no position to maneuver out of it. Great fun!


[ 02-26-2002: Message edited by: trask ]

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Hollywood (or anyone else) doesn't do too good a job of making movies about climbing. K2 wasn't bad. Eiger Sanction was better. I'd also give a nod to:

THE ASCENT Produced By: RHI EntertainmentProducer: Njeri KaragoDirector: Don ShebibStars: Vincent Spano, Ben Cross, Rachel WardDistributer: Cabin Fever EntertainmentScreened: September 9, 1994

Basically a Hollywood version of Felice Benuzzi's story of being a prisoner of war (WWII) in Ethiopia at the foot of Mt. Kenya and escaping to climb the mountain - for the hell of it. This is rare and hard to find.

So, that is my vote. Others that are worth watching just for kicks are:

MOUNTAIN (1956) with Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner. Sort of the mountain crash, we will save them and have some problems on the way. Great scenery but poor special effects.

STORM AND SORROW (1990)with Lori Singer. Based on true story of Molly Higgins who teams up with some Americans (including at least one NW living legend) to go to Russia to climb with their best. Good scenery, some insight on John Roskelley and some horrible acting.

I've heard HIGH ICE (1980) is intersting - shot on Whitehorse Mountain. Never seen it, supposed to be rare.

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I like K2. Though the Eiger Sanction is cool too.

K2 does have some pretty bad parts, tecnically at least. But as far as expedition climbing goes i think it hits the spot. The story is at least interetsing without going overboard. And the scenery is really good.

I remember the 1956 Mountain with Spencer Tracy. It was a good movie for its time. Poor special effect but good story. I think a snow bridge colapse kills the bad guy.

How about Cliff Hanger? Sure a total Hollywood flick, but at least enertaining at times with some good scenery.

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Wow AJ, I didn't think anyone who didn't grow up in Darrington would know about that flick. The story line revolves around a rescue of some weekenders who get thrown through an avalanche and lose a couple members of their party. David Jansen plays a forest service ranger who goes up to rescue the party from a ledge they've managed to get stuck on. Hypothermia, helo crashes, heroic rescue attempts, it's all in there. Overall it's a decent movie.

What?? No nominations for Vertical Limit? What's up with that? [Wazzup] That movie rocked. Yeah. Sunk like a rock that is. grin.gif" border="0

(--Climb on,,,

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My vote: Eiger Sanction! Especially because it is so classic 70s and politically incorrect!!

Honorable Mention:Storm and Sorrow - ok, but too much hugging. But the avy scene is downright terrifying!

K2 - Good expedition story, but cheesy Hollywood ending.

Vertical Limit - Excellent cinematography and scenery in general, but too much one hand hanging on for dear life, and then there's that leap of faith with the ice tools . . .! wink.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by MounTAIN Woman:
My vote: Eiger Sanction! Especially because it is so classic 70s and politically incorrect!!

but too much one hand hanging on for dear life, and then there's that leap of faith with the ice tools . . .!
wink.gif" border="0

hey i practiced those moves for month before i even tried it in front of the camera....

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Werner Herzog (the guy who did Fitzcarraldo, Nosfaratu, etc) made a film about Messner and someone else enchaining two himalayan summits, as I recall.It's called "Gasherbrum - the shining mountain"

I saw it at the Harvard Exit in the early 80's when it was still a repertory theater, and well before I got interested in climbing.

I checked once at scarecrow video, but they didn't have it there.

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El Capitan. The film by Fred Padula featuring the third ascent of the Nose by Dick McCracken, Gary Colliver, and Lito Tejada-Flores. Yvon Chouinard calls it the best climbing film he has ever seen. I have to agree.

Oops, not a Hollywood film.Please disregard.

[ 02-27-2002: Message edited by: ScottP ]

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Best Hollywood Climbing Movie?My vote goes for "The Mountain" (1956)Starring Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner.The Mountain in question is The Matterhorn, if I remember correctly.

The ending scene is classic (reminiscent of "Too Late the Hero" with Cliff Robertson & Michael Caine) where one of the two men is walking down from the mountain. Observers below can't tell who it is (and either can the movie viewers). This makes for great suspense. Which of the two has survived? The bad guy or the good guy?

Great stuff.

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Originally posted by ScottP:
El Capitan. The film by Fred Padula featuring the third ascent of the Nose by Dick McCracken, Gary Colliver, and Lito Tejada-Flores. Yvon Chouinard calls it the best climbing film he has ever seen. I have to agree.

I have heard this is a good one. Any idea where I can find a copy?

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Originally posted by CraigA:
What do you feel is the best climbing movie (Hollywood, non-documentary type) that has ever been made?

I didn't too much like the way rock-climbing was presented in Deliverance, but I can recommend the way ice-climbing, or at least the feel of it, is presented in Runaway Train. All the elements are there.

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