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Saturday was spent working in Portland, but we did squeeze in a first visit to Broughton Bluff in the afternoon. It was an interesting encounter with boot polished holds covered in a fine layer of dust. What I found particularly interesting was gawking along the base, trying to match up the confusing array of cracks, roofs, and such in the columnar basalt with the hand drawn guidebook, and none of the 6 parties I spoke with could tell me what route they were on, and most had no clue of the rating. Fun though. What's the best time of year for this crag?


Sunday and Monday were spent at the Puyallup Fair providing parental support while my daughter was showing her goats.

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I got some more trad leads in (its been since beginning-mid summer since Ive had the opportunity). They were great leads, in the sense that I didnt worry so much about my climbing...I was much more confident, less mind games. Even onisghted a lead/climb (big mental challenge for me)! Turned a silly 40- 50 ft climb into a multipitch to practice for my trip out to Wa/Or next month. Learned a lot about communicating with your partner in regards to racking gear and such.


Climbed the next day and got spanked on some harder stuff (ya! more climbs to work on! grin.gif).


drank beer

Watched the band, Built to Spill, put on a great show! rockband.gif

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Washington pass south-west rib on South early winter spire and the next day it started raining so we didn’t want to chance it and drove to 11worth originally wanted to do the west face of Jell-o-tower but it was so jam-packed that we went and did Spaghetti sauce all XY and wanted to do Classic crack again but a whole school of kids on field trip turned us back

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Beckey route on Liberty Bell on Saturday. I really suck at climbing by the way. Geek_em8.gif Sunday it started raining in the morning and we were tired so we went home. Stopped at the bunny restaurant in Marblemount for breakfast HCL.gif (highly recommended thumbs_up.gif), where I got mildly molested by some short older scary women because I was wearing some furry fleece. wazzup.gifhellno3d.gif

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