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Bitch about Bob While He's in Europe Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got a PM from Bob, he's going to clown-punch me like a weeble for this thread. shocked.gif


He got caught in a lightening storm in the Tatra's ( confused.gif) , and it struck 25 yards from him! hellno3d.gif


Oh, well. Nobody has a perfect aim, even God the_finger.gifboxing_smiley.gif





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Polish Bob lived in Poland. His name was masculine in Spain, therefore he was a man, so he thought he was special. Bobiloski noticed that his shoelace was untied. He started to cry. "Why me? Why me?" he asked repeatedly.


"What's wrong?" asked Bobiloski's sidekick, Shoeshine Boy.


"My shoe is untied untied my shoe my shoe is untied my shoe is shoe untied," said Bobiloski between sobs. He clicked his feet together like he saw a guy do in Washington D.C. at the [Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?] Suddenly, a tornado carried him and Shoeshine Boy to the Land of Waz.


"We are in the Land of Waz" said Shoeshine Boy.


"Hey! We're in the Land of Waz," said Bobiloski.


"That's what I just said."






Suddenly, the Little People jumped out of the bushes and started singing a beautiful malady. Bobiloski woke up and found that it was all just a dream, however. Odd thing was that his shoes were still untied. He decided to tie them. He did so, and his feet were stuck together. That was the untimely end of Bobiloski, and Poland will always remember him as The Great One.


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Bob Goes on a Urinating Spree! Yipee!


Bob drank twenty gallons of water. Then he urinated on his neighbor's lawn. "I'll get you for this!" shouted Bob's neighbor.


This angered Bob, so he urinated on his neighbor and ran away. The next stop was the local firestation, where the old ladies were playing bingo. Bob urinated on the cement floor, splattering about ten old ladies. Then he ran to the well with the little boy that had fallen into it. He urinated into the well, soaking the boy good. The boy cried. Bob fled the scene and started urinating on everything he saw. He urinated on a bush. He urinated on the dog that was also urinating on the bush. He urinated on every ant he saw crawling on the sidewalk. He watered a garden with urine. He went into McDonalds and urinated in a urinal in the restroom. He urinated on french fries. He urinated on a Big Mac. He ate a different Big Mac. By this time, Bob had emptied his giant bladder. So Bob bought a small soft drink and got 87 refills. He was ready to urinate some more.


Bob urinated in his pants. He urinated on more ants. He urinated from a roof. He urinated like a goof. He urinated on the walls, on the floors, on the ceilings, and on the doors. He urinated on punks, he urinated on drunks. He urinated on men, women, children, and pets. He urinated until everything was wet. He soaked the ground, he soaked the sky. Nothing in the world was going to stay dry. The rivers flooded and the oceans grew. The world turned yellow instead of green and blue. The North Pole turned yellow. Just like lemon Jello. The ice all melted from the heat of his piss. and flooded all but Mount Everest.


This is where Bob lives today, alone. He is king of the world now called Urine. Pretty soon he will begin devising a plan to undo the damage he has done. Until then, he will just have to hold it or he'll flood Mount Everest's peak and drown.


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