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"Yesterday, up to 400 cities in 60 countries, from Antarctica to Pacific islands, confirmed that peace rallies, vigils and marches would take place."


I'm curious about which city will be protesting in the country of Antarctica.


Dude, its the penguins in antarctica. they're taking time off from seal blowing.



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Interesting reactions!


Thanks for that info, jb. Pretty amazing the international reaction to Bush's war-mongering! I think people overseas see so much more clearly the foreign policy aims of the US.


If you have misgivings about the potential war, I'd seriously consider attending if I were you. Don't let the cynics here sway you with their opinions about the street puppets and what-not. They seem to be simply tired reactionaries, old before their time. Sure protests draw freaks, so what? I'd rather hang with the street puppet freaks than the cynic freaks any day! And I personally wouldn't hang with Dwayner, at least until he gets his ass into therapy for his delusions of grandeur (and humor).



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Yup...join the festivities this weekend and hang with the pseudo hippie wannabes who are living off their trust fund and have "No war with Iraq" banners hanging off their Nissan X-Terras. Oh yeah...and don't forget to wear turtle outfit. It's a little cold to be dancing in the streets naked.


Ah yes, the ever-present "pseudo hippie wanna-be", outnumbering us "normal" folk by such a wide margin! hahaha.gif

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Ah, the visual and olafactory assault of Venice Beach. Mary Kay consultants have yet to crack that tough egg.


if you look just above the dudes head i think there is a a design for a 54 or so sided die. gollum, or whatever, might never find his way out of the cave of evil.


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Yup...join the festivities this weekend and hang with the pseudo hippie wannabes who are living off their trust fund and have "No war with Iraq" banners hanging off their Nissan X-Terras. Oh yeah...and don't forget to wear turtle outfit. It's a little cold to be dancing in the streets naked.


Ah yes, the ever-present "pseudo hippie wanna-be", outnumbering us "normal" folk by such a wide margin! hahaha.gif


I guess it depends on what you mean by normal. yellaf.gif

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If you have misgivings about the potential war, I'd seriously consider attending if I were you. Don't let the cynics here sway you with their opinions about the street puppets and what-not. They seem to be simply tired reactionaries, old before their time. Sure protests draw freaks, so what? I'd rather hang with the street puppet freaks than the cynic freaks any day! And I personally wouldn't hang with Dwayner, at least until he gets his ass into therapy for his delusions of grandeur (and humor)."


Hey "Sex-Cocoa" or whatever:

Listen up, pal. My viewpoints will hopefully eventually emerge as the future of protest. This is a new day that requires new approaches. (and yes, still peaceful tactics). The worn-out self-gratifying carnival acts should be recognized for what they seem to be: ineffectual. Masses of people marching can make an impressive point. I'm all for that. Masses of people making asses out of themselves in the process, or diluting the message with extraneous causes, greatly weakens the cause.


I usually don't say much about my personal life on this board because basically it's no one's business unless I care to make it such. But I'll say this, over the last six years I was the right-hand man of a major European advocate of world peace and a healthy environment, and this is what he had to say about it:


"Don't dye your hair blue, put a bone in your nose and sit down and protest. Stand up and do something."


I agree. In other words, get serious. Especially if you want to be taken seriously. Quit fooling around. Identify and address the real agents of change and attempt to convince them of your cause. Hang up your puppets, stop the charade, and get real. I might even be on your side of the war issue (then again, maybe not) but that's not the point. I'm pointing out faults with the methods.



shalom, Dwayner


By the way, very "open-minded" of you to think therapy is necessary for someone who disagrees with you.

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I've never heard of people dressing up in puppet costumes for protests before. Sounds funny. Maybe it's an American thing? Bringing kids along is easier to understand, since protests in civilized areas are usually peaceful and baby sitters can be hard to come by.


Then of course there is the French farmers form of protest, dump some manure and burn a McDonalds, heh. Bet there are no puppets or kids along for those.

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I kind of agree with Dwayner on this. Its not that the Earth Circus has no entertainment value, but I think if a current anti war protest wants to influence policy, it needs to not be some fringe piece of society, but represent the millions of ordinary folk who just aren't happy with the present direction. Just my two bits. Large crowd scenes tend to make me anxious, and I never do what the band tells the audience to do, much less join some group in chanting, but I'm likely to check out the Olympia version of this event down in Sylvester Park, and I'll dress pretty damn straight for the event.

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Thanks, Bilbo. hahaha.gif


And Dwayner, of course I agree with at least part of what you say. There is effective protest, and ineffective protest. The more marginalized the protest, in terms of fashion and tactics, the more marginalized the results. But I'm not gonna sit here with a sanctimonious tone lecture to others about their chosen form of protest. Personally I'd like to see a businessman's protest, with major media and business and political elite in suits and ties, headed by Schwartzkoff (put your money where your mouth is!). I think this would turn some heads.


But so will millions of people marching in many major cities world-wide. I truly believe it will make a difference, if not now, at least in the longer term.

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It is intresting after over 200 yrs how Washington's farwell address still affects the pysche of the american people. Isolatinism and appeasment have goten the US and the world in far more trouble than a few years of peace is worth. Anyone remember Czechasolvkia?


It will be my friends and comrades, my brothers, who will be storming through the desert. I respect and value your right to protest. However, don't put on a circus, make some kind of alternative plan. A circus just dishonors our fallen soldiers.


I want to remind you that these two oceans which have protected and isolated us for our entire history, do not protect us anymore. I don't see an invading army sailing into the Pugent Sound, but we are the target of many groups. I say groups instead of nations, because they have no nation, no law, no UN deligation. Talk can get you only so far. Appeasment can only get you so far. Isolationism will only get you sucker punched. Sometimes to make Peace you have to prepare for War.


P.S. For anyone who wonders what my auto-sig means: "To Free the Oppressed." It is the motto of the Special Forces and it says what we stand for.

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