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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Now that is a really cool set-up! Thanks, Rodger, for cluing the rest of the great unwashed into that little "secret" of yours.
  2. Looks like the raps on Index, NF of N Peak. Had to take a dump there in mid-rap off of something that looked like that. That turd's birth into this world would not be denied...
  3. sobo

    Static rope?

    If I understand your trip plan correctly, static rope is indeed what you want. These folks oughta get ya hooked up. In my college life, I did a lot of VA/WV/TN karst cruisin' (that's caving to the rest of us). PMI was the vendor of choice for our underground exploits. Take a look at their 11 mm Pit Rope in the Caving Essentials section. That's what we used for underground waterfall ascents/descents. It's tough stuff, with great wear resistance. It's a static rope, of kernmantle construction, but it's not a "dry" rope. It's a little stiff fresh off the spool, so be sure you finish your knots with back-ups. If you're gonna be rapping, jumaring, and hauling pigs, then you're gonna have to sac up and carry the extra weight to ensure some safety. We used to beat up our caving ropes pretty badly in a season or two...
  4. First off, let me say that there are plenty of kudos to go around on this episode. Mr. Pitts and Justin, I applaud your pre-trip planning and subsequent initiative on your (nearly) complete self-extraction. Also, your GFs deserve immense credit for "keepin' it togetha" in the face of media storms surrounding recent circuses on The Mountain of Doom. PMR, you guys always Barkernews, you too, for trying to edjumacate your colleagues. And lastly, to the cc.commers who didn't immediately jump right into their Barca-loungers and start the speculation. JohnGo: Your Warren Harding post reminded me of another account of Batso in Yosemite... Seems on their FA of The Nose, the NPS decided the team "needed rescuing" on their last night on the wall. They lowered ropes to them, and rappelled down to the team, hanging in their hammocks and "Bat-cave". Warren looks up and says something to the effect of, "You're here to rescue us? Surely, you must be mistaken. Here now, have some wine."
  5. Fuckin' lucky bastards... fuckin' lucky.
  6. sobo

    Show-and-Tell TR

    Man, oh man, Gurl, you are gooooooooooooooood!!!1
  7. start here... The second post is the one you want.
  8. Heyyyyyyy, I resemble both of dem remarks!
  9. sobo

    For the ladies

    Didn't we go through this with tvash already a while back? Whatever became of the Girls of cc.com Calendar?
  10. If you're headin' north to Copper Falls, check and see if Chilco is in.
  11. sobo

    Geek Question

    Purrrrfect! There ya go, tvash. And Happy Berfday to you, ZZ!
  12. Kat's got the beta. We used Shirtworks for our unit hats, jackets, and vests and they look great. But again, they're in E-burg, as she stated. But I suppose they only use Nikwax, so WTF do I know anyway?
  13. Bala, It's high 40s in Dayton right now, forecasted to be high 30s through next week. Given that Bluewood is a bit higher than Dayton, I'd say the temps would be in the low to mid-30s at best. Not low enough IMO to warrant a trip from Pullman to Bluewood. If anything is still up, I'm sure it's running water now.
  14. Look likes you could haul quite a lot of smoke in that puppy...
  15. sobo

    Geek Question

    Searched icanhascheezburger.com for "lolcats tinfoil hats" and got this: Lolcats serched 4 ur wurdz Waaaah? Nothin Found? Sry, but these r not the searches u r looking for. Bummer, d00d... Someone with more skilz than I needs to use the LOLCAT BUILDER and make one...
  16. Yeah, like I expected nothing more in a response from you. Cheeri-o, old chap!
  17. Chin up, man! Maybe's he's finally caught a current and he's too busy to write?
  18. Oh shit, Mel, that made my evening! Especially liked the kitten by the woodpile, when he tried to walk across the cacti. And the toddler that gets mugged while strolling through the garden. Priceless!
  19. That was well done by the shop owner. Especially liked the part about "...a gay little punch. Here it comes... wait for it... Oooo!"
  20. Have you priced out the NOLS WMI WFA/AWFA course? It's prix fixe no matter how many bodies you can drum up. We usually get about 25-30 folks every two years to pony up and split the cost. YMMV
  21. sobo

    Show-and-Tell TR

    Sherri, Maybe you should go ahead and re-shoot that stair railing photo and put the scale in there, as you opined in your PM. Perhaps that might sate DeC and cease his insinuations of code infractions, eh? Sorry to hear about the passing in your family. I hope you start feeling better soon. :kisss:
  22. Well thanx Dru, that was a really introspective post. Do you ever pause long enough to ponder the fact that perhaps there are those of us that have more important things in our lives to think about other than what DWR treatment we purchase? I have to tell you, that one hasn't been very high on my priority list lately. Things like how to pay the $3700 ER bill for fishing a quarter out of my daughters esophagus, what to do with a much-loved one-eyed cat that is now going blind in his remaining eye, and how to make my marriage better seem to be occupying my thoughts right now. But please, do carry on.
  23. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! All of this praise heaped upon ReviveX has caused me to rethink my DWR re-treatment priorities. And to think that all I thought was available in the land was Nikwax. How blind I have been not to realize that there are those on this board who are so wise in the ways of science.
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