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Everything posted by sobo

  1. more like 400. Is that the (implied) admission that you were after, prole? That we Americans have had our own little problems with religious intolerance? I'm not ashamed to admit the truth. Still, it shows that most of the rest of the world, at least, has evolved and can respect alternate viewpoints.
  2. HC, it's your attitude that pisses me off. You scoff at everything, in every post. No one's ever right but you. It becomes weary after a while. Go back and read my very first post on this thread. I mean read it. Is there any reason to take any issue whatsoever with what I posted? Did I say that my information was the be-all, end-all of where to acquire avalanche awareness skills? Did I allow for no other venue or source? Nope, didn't think so. You sure you don't want to leave this in the PMs?
  3. "These people" are fundamentally no different than those fuhqs that wanted to kill the school teacher for letting her students name their Teddy bear "Mohammed." Remember this one? Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors. No one seemed to get this irony in the thread above, so I won't try to convince anyone again. But I will say this: These motherfuckers have their heads firmly and deeply sunk into their asses, which are stuck in the Seventh Century. Islam has been called one of the world's "great religions," but it is little more than one man's way of empowering himself over his contemporaries and doing so by the sword. Mohammed literally cherry-picked the tenets of his "religion" from Judaism, Christianity and other religions of the time. Anyone who did not agree and submit was murdered in the name of Allah. With such a powerful reason to agree, converts were lining up at the local mosque to become Muslims and Mohammed was soon solidly in power and was never to release it, even 1400+ years later. His minions today have been told the lie that is Islam for so long that they believe it unconditionally. They are born into it, raised in it and are brainwashed to believe that it is their solemn duty to go out and convert the world to it. They believe it is their birthright to kill anyone who does not convert and that the laws of the various nations around the world against murder are of no consequence in the quest to turn the world to Islam. They think Islam gives them the right to murder infidels with impunity because Allah has commanded it. To make it short and to the point, for an infidel to allow the naming of a kid's Teddy bear "Mohammed", or to draw a cartoon with Mohammed wearing a "bomb-turban", is like a Christian calling Christ "that bearded homo who ran around Judea with 12 other queers." To say such a thing may be offensive to some, but anyone of a tolerant persuasion would forgive the sayer and offer to bring "the Word of God" to him. Our tolerant, peaceful, fundamentalist Muslim friends would just kill the sayer of such a thing as it compares to Islam. The former is tolerant and forgiving; the latter is neither. Fundamentalism and extremism in any form is unacceptable in today's world. Look around and become enlightened. I expect joblo will chime in here with some "peace, love, and understanding Kumbaya" shortly.
  4. Again, no one is arguing that. I'm moving our discussion to the PM section. No one else wants to read this, and we've both stopped contributing anything meaningful to to this thread a while ago. It's all just our opinions now.
  5. sobo


    Couldn't resist this post...
  6. Firstly, no one's arguing that conditions do not vary between regions. Secondly, no one's arguing that 2 days is sufficient for avalanche training. Thirdly, no one's arguing that you need to be a guide or in SAR. In fact, those positions are probably better filled by others than yourself, given your attitude represented in other threads upon this board. I'm just sayin'... have a nice day. :wave: :wave:
  7. Hit the "snooze" button and keep dreamin'.
  8. chris, You must understand that Hugh knows fucking everything. Let me reiterate: fucking everything. Hugh, you ever climb in NH? Hint: I have, and it ain't always ice, even in prime ice climbing season. So "get fucking real" your own damn self, to borrow a phrase.
  9. Is that a bike helmet? Sweet, I'm gonna try that. Looks ultra-light! Way better than my ol' Joe Brown for ice climbering (although it's well-insulated). Oh yeah, the climbs in the Lostine River canyon in the Wallowas would have been primo a week earlier. They were coming down as we stood beneath them this past weekend. Pup_on_the_mountain took some pics. Mebbe he'll post 'em up somewhere.
  10. sobo

    Elephant Sanctuary

  11. Bagged on Strobach as well. In normal years, those climbs are funnels for a lot of small rocks and shit anyway. This year's cycle, it'd be like climbing Cascade in Banff right after a two-foot dump! No sense asking for trouble. I'm heading over to NE OR with POTM for a little Lostine River Canyon action. Tell Steve at TG Brewery we're stopping in afterwards! :brew:
  12. sobo

    Elephant Sanctuary

    That is so cool for Max to have found you, chirp. And you him. And thanks for supporting any no-kill shelter. Awesome!
  13. Me? Or Squall?
  14. sobo


  15. Bala, Got your PM and contact digits. Heading home to begin the packing chore. Check your PMs again, then go mobile. Over and out.
  16. Bala, Check your PMs.
  17. sobo


    Fuhq! I go to work for an hour and a half and I come back and some 'tard is burnin' crosses in my front yard. Yeeesh! FWIW pink, you cannot woo the likes of minx with dead vegetation and hydrogenated oils. Get real.
  18. sobo


    I love that you call them anti-choice instead of pro-life. I have a crush on you now. I've had a crush on minxie for a while now. Now I'm full-on, head-over-heels in wuv wif her. :kisss: FWIW: Pro-choice, pro death penalty. And I don't even need them to have 3 strikes, neither.
  19. Well now that winter training is postponed, want to go to chinook pass? Unless stuff at banks lake is still in...which i doubt because of the heat wave we've been having. The stuff up Chinook Pass way has got to be coming apart by now, based on the conditions report from FBCC on the previous page, coupled with the recent chinook winds. I would expect that Banks would be, IMHO, even worse. Now, if we start talking about Strobach (base elev. = 4,500 feet AMSL, which coincidentally is the same elevation as White Pass, which is currently at 26 degrees)... We'd need both days, unless you have a sno-mo, because the hike in is ~3 hours. Shoot a PM real quick-like if you're interested, as I need to either commit to one or both days this weekend, or turn in my penis pass back to the wife. The clock is running. GO!
  20. sobo


    Silly Trogdor!!!!1 Valentine's Day you ninny! 'course, Dad's birthday is February 17, so he coulda hit it a few times during that week...
  21. sobo

    Elephant Sanctuary

    My wife and I donate to Best Friends every year, and have for eons (although it was just her before we hooked up, which was how I learned about it). One of the items on her "100 Things to Do Before I Die" list is to go there and spend a week volunteering and meet Michael Mountain. She actually saw him when he was in Seattle a couple of eyars ago, but was too "groupie-fied" to go up to him and introduce herself (Mel can relate to that re Heydan Christensen, but Mel got over her fears ). Rebecca has been to a few of BF's rescues, the last one being the Rabbit Round-up in Reno in the summer of '06.
  22. sobo


    I don't think that you can "just add nine months" to everyone's delivery date. Each gestation period is different. So I think it might have more to do with actual birthdays. Sprouting out from between Mommy's legs is a pretty good indication that you've been born (or hatched, or spawned, or whatever) and therefore a pretty good way to fix a date for your entry into this world. Guessing at the date of conception may be a might trickier. Although in my case, I know exactly when my dad hit that. My birthday is November 15. Now you do the math...
  23. Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge there, Captain Obvious... Now to the matter at hand... Dave C- The National Ski Patrol is also a resource to look in to. They provide Avalanche 1 and 2 training seminars. Avy 1 is a full weekend course (one day classroom, one day slopes). You come out with a good understanding of causes, how to assess, what to avoid, etc. The AIARE courses are some top-notch $eminar$. The NSP course are sufficient, and probably cheaper and easier to find an opening locally to fit your schedule. YMMV.
  24. Yeah, timing is everything. Twenty years ago or so I dropped a microdot before heading to the Astrodome for some stupid moto-cross event (WTF??). My tickets were with another group of us in a separate car. I drove on the shoulder around the 610 loop to beat the traffic. Thing was, when we got to the Dome, my group went in and left me standing outside the turnstiles, cuz their tickets were with them and my tickets were with the other group stuck in gridlock out on the 610 somewhere. After a few failed tries at trying to bribe my way in, I stood outside the Dome rattling the cage doors while my mates stood on the other side saying, "Sorry d00d." Then I started peaking... Suffice it so say it was a long night and one that I didn't wish to repeat with tabs. So I switched to 'shrooms! So then there was this outdoor Frampton concert under a full moon, and we brought in all this "tea" for our group beverage...
  25. I was thinking of that for mid-August this year meself... Why wait for august? In addition to the obvious reasons that Wayne stated, it's also the only time of year that I will have available for this trip. PS: Learn how to add an autosig that isn't part of every one of your posts. No one likes to quote a post and have someone else's autosig pasted into their reply. Click on "My Stuff" at the top of the page, then go to "My Profile" and scroll down to Signature. Obvious from there. Good luck. Carry on.
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