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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Clearly, you're very new here. Do a search on this site for any of the following (in no particular order): horsecock Chaps Annabelle Bond Enumclaw horse farm/beastiality goatse uncage the soul Dan H o w i t t Mounties There are a bazillion other terms represented in that pic, gathered through 7 years of cc.com-ness, but I think that with the above list, you'll soon get the idea and come right up to speed with us here. Oh, and welcome to our own little version of hell.
  2. Love the new avatar, Couloir. I've always been partial to the backsides of tasty women...
  3. Brian, Just noticed this thread, and I see you've made your decision to head to Cali. Given your situation, I'd have to agree with your decision, based on the comments of the likes of willstrickland's, Kurt's , WC's, Gary's, and several others. I wish you the best of good fortune in this, no matter how it turns out. And I will keep you, your wife, and all of your family in my thoughts (since I don't pray). I do not envy your circumstance, but you will get through. Of that, I am confident. Best of luck, Brian.
  4. sobo

    Elephant Sanctuary

    That's great news, Sherri. Here's another place that Check out the No More Homeless Pets link.
  5. That needs a caption contest... I'll start: "Tits and pussy - it's what's for dinner."
  6. I read too much into your post, too. Positive vibrations, mon. Peace out, d00d. :kisss:
  7. Hey Billy, that's a nice trick to know. Thanks!
  8. Christianity is hardly unique in this respect. Islam also portrays Allah as being "always right" and perfect in every way. Islam, like Cristianity, also attracts those who have no idea how to live a life by their own construction. Islam goes so far as to say that men must wear beards, women must be veiled lest they arouse the male libido, you can't be in the same room with a dog, you can't touch a woman to whom you aren't married, and you have to wipe your ass with your left hand only. I wouldn't know, I've never read the Koran nor had any Islamic religious training. Have you? I won't claim I've "read" the Qur'an, but I've "looked" at it enough (you can listen to recitations on teh interwebz) to know its general contents. Plus, I've read a lot about Islam and have talked for years with Muslim friends. Plus, my father spent the last 30-odd years (1968-2000) of his career in the Middle East working/dealing/interacting with Muslims on a day-to-day basis, and has shared his experiences with me at length. So in that respect, I'd say, "Yes, I would know." I've mused over your posts for a long time, tvash. You seem to be an intelligent, informed individual by most measures. You'd even be surprised at how similar I believe our philosphical/spiritual viewpoints to be. So why always the antagonistic attitude from you? Can't a guy ask a simple question around here without everyone getting all huffy? Jebus. Maybe I read more into the (what I thought to be pejorative) "Have you?" than I should have. For that, I apologize.
  9. Christianity is hardly unique in this respect. Islam also portrays Allah as being "always right" and perfect in every way. Islam, like Cristianity, also attracts those who have no idea how to live a life by their own construction. Islam goes so far as to say that men must wear beards, women must be veiled lest they arouse the male libido, you can't be in the same room with a dog, you can't touch a woman to whom you aren't married, and you have to wipe your ass with your left hand only. I wouldn't know, I've never read the Koran nor had any Islamic religious training. Have you? I won't claim I've "read" the Qur'an, but I've "looked" at it enough (you can listen to recitations on teh interwebz) to know its general contents. Plus, I've read a lot about Islam and have talked for years with Muslim friends. Plus, my father spent the last 30-odd years (1968-2000) of his career in the Middle East working/dealing/interacting with Muslims on a day-to-day basis, and has shared his experiences with me at length. So in that respect, I'd say, "Yes, I would know." I've mused over your posts for a long time, tvash. You seem to be an intelligent, informed individual by most measures. You'd even be surprised at how similar I believe our philosphical/spiritual viewpoints to be. So why always the antagonistic attitude from you?
  10. Yeah, I remember that part. We did it in March once... Spent the rest of the next day washing my tools down.
  11. Christianity is hardly unique in this respect. Islam also portrays Allah as being "always right" and perfect in every way. Islam, like Cristianity, also attracts those who have no idea how to live a life by their own construction. Islam goes so far as to say that men must wear beards, women must be veiled lest they arouse the male libido, you can't be in the same room with a dog, you can't touch a woman to whom you aren't married, and you have to wipe your ass with your left hand only. We agree on something.
  12. So would you say that WI-3 is correct for Peekaboo?
  13. Compare to the Great Wall in January of 2004. This pic is shot from MilePost 1, with Sniveling Gulley out of frame on the near right. The curtain in center frame that doesn't touch down is Two-Face. The flow on the left in the far distance that touches down is Peekaboo. Here's another pic for y'all of Peekaboo. That's Cragg at the base, on the day after we snagged the FA, in January of 2004. Photos are in my Gallery on Page 4, if you want to see larger versions.
  14. All powerful = omnipotent All knowing = omniscient Class dismissed.
  15. First pic's Peekaboo, viewed from upstream of the climb. Sweetest route on the Great Wall ('cept mebbe Sniveling Gulley). Peekaboo, from opposite viewpoint of Pic #1. Two-Face. If you led it, you may now very likely have the FA. Cragg and I have only TR'ed it. Unclear... appears to be the flow that never forms, located between Two-Face and Sniveling Gulley. Listed as "Unnamed on the Great Wall" on page 207 of The Guide. Unclear... Definitely NOT Sniveling Gulley. SG is in an amphitheater at MilePost 1, right after you turn the bend at the downstream end of the Great Wall. Can't miss it. Surprised you guys didn't try that one. So, is this shot across the river at Drowning Pool? Or is it in the trees on the road side and just shy of Great Wall as you drive upstream? FYI: There is a climb hiding behind some trees just on the corner before reaching the GW. Has some tall pines growing right next to it that "scratch your back" all the way up. It's short but steep. Paul Eggurud of Mountain Mojo's in Crackima snagged the FA of that little gem last year.
  16. Not only is Les Calanques some really cool climbing and close to town (you walk from the Cassis town square), but the fjords are "home" to many scantily clad college girls on vacation. Gaston would be proud of what his old stomping grounds have become!
  17. Shit, Joe, half of NC is closed by that measure. I remember cutting my teeth on NC granite at Whitesides, "the Gorge", and Looking Glass. About the only rock open by that posting is Stone Mountain, unless the State Parks people have done that one in by now. They were always threatening to close SM down to climbers.
  18. I was thinking of that for mid-August this year meself...
  19. Yeah, Horsetail, Union Creek, and most of the other Chinook Pass stuff is about the easiest access to ice I've seen anywhere. 10 minutes or less from the car. Makes for pretty lazy (read: spoiled) climbers after a while...
  20. Believe me, the thought had occurred to me... But that would be a hard one to have to live down after the fact. Also, who would Alex have to go with him to the 3rd Annual Winter Training Prime Rib Feast and Beer Swilling Event at the lodge?
  21. and it would be hann solo not darth god what kind of nerd are you (lol) You've not been around here long enough to know who the Evil Dark Lord is. Check his avatar pic and embark on the path to the Light Side... Gator's the guy who would have to ride out on a taun-taun in a Hoth ice storm to save your padwan ass on Rainier. Best not to be dissin' him or his Sith buddies, neither.
  22. So what did you find? How did Strobach look from the highway?
  23. how many do you want? you got a team of three... that's enough. That would be Divot, Icefall, Crampon... With Arc as back-up...
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