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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Wow, from all the crap you guys have put up with, I gotta consider myself pretty damn lucky. All my old roomie did was eat all my food and rip humongous, tear-jerkin' farts in the can.
  2. Ooooooooooooooooh, I gotta git me a few of d'em! Xspecially since I already did d'em all... Now, where did I put my Speedy Stitcher...
  3. A lot of people complain that kids make you old before your time... I'm finding that I'm having to keep pretty young to stay one step ahead of the little blighters!
  4. Ditto here for our kids for about the first year. Nicholas was just over a year old when we took him to Virginia to meet his grandparents. The little cutie broke my father down and got his first swig of Pepsi. My wife and I were livid. Thanks, Dad... Elaina, on the other hand, just started pawing through the cabinetry until she found something sufficiently intoxicating. My wife's homemade ginger snaps, IIRC...
  5. Do get a hold of me next time you're through. We could do your frosty beverages "live."
  6. Proof positive that there's a place for everyone in the world...
  7. Know just how ya feel, man. My wife did the same with our Nicholas, and our Elaina. Cooked the stuff up, ran it through the blender, froze it into ice cube trays, thawed it out and mixed it into shit and fed it to 'em. They ate it up. Now that they're 5 and 3 years old, respectively, we can't get them to eat that stuff to save their damned lives! This kinda shit kills me: Cage-free organic eggs, $2.40/dozen. Organic milk, $3.16/half gallon... WTF??? That's twice as expensive as frikk'n gasoline!
  8. Thing is, it really does look like a rosary. And I would know, but that was a long time ago... Goes back to that "Catholic Girls" comment in a Zappa-related thread a coupla weeks ago...
  9. I'm curious, Couloir. What do you do for a living?
  10. IMHO, more than anything else, gene and Bug have hit the highlight. Learn something about avalanche awareness and terrain traps - before you go! A lousy sleeping bag, a tempermental stove, or shitty clothing choices will certainly make for one long miserable night out, but you will in all probability survive to make it back to your car and laugh about it over a few brews with your buds at the bar. But not paying attention to weather cycles, avalanche loading patterns, and terrain traps will kill you quicker than shit. Just plain dead. If you need more proof, see this thread and this one, too.
  11. Nice trip and pics, tvash. Especially like the "lichen hatching from rime egg" and "rime forest" shots. I'm a sucker for macros... BTW W_C, the "Cheney-Tvash Grimace" side-by-side is priceless.
  12. Network/inside connection, Gary. I never really wanted to believe that, but it's true. At least for me in my last two jobs over the last 14 years.
  13. sobo

    "Dreams of Dragons"

    We'll be "keeping an eye on you" there, Mikester...
  14. Interesting postulate. But maybe the aliens haven't seen our warp signature yet. Once they do, I can see your position. We need to be assimilated. Or be extincted.
  15. :lmao::lmao: Darla is precious! "All my dreams are dead."
  16. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    You *know* you're living vicariously thru me on that one, don't you?
  17. sobo

    sexual deviancy

    :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  18. Or pin it on your chest. *tap* "Picard to Bug! WTF is my Earl Grey?"
  19. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeee-it! Double sheeeeeeeeeeeeee-it!!!1
  20. "I luv animals. They taste great!" "Earth first! we'll strip mine all the other planets later "
  21. I sure would. I have not forgotten your generosity, as much as it may seem that I have. Can that stuff be shipped in the mail, or do you prefer a delivery service with that personal touch?
  22. sobo


    I agree, Steve, Ms. Jones attempted to maintain at least some modicum of decency by fessing up, but do you think it might have been because she saw the posse closing in? If you're gonna get busted, would it not "look better" to sing first, instead of continued steadfast denial and then be proven to be a liar (which seems to be the tack MLB players are taking)?
  23. Oh, now that's nice... havta remember that one.
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