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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Just got the ping about an hour ago. Total of about 7 or 8 folks in 3 separate parties missing up behind White Pass. Initial reports have it looking like adolescents and/or juveniles skiing/boarding OB somewhere in the Hogsback area. NSP is already searching, and has requested additional resources from Yakima County SAR. The CWMR truck departs Yakivegas at 0400 Christmas morn. Merry Christmas, folks!
  2. That's a worthy goal, 'specially since it's a cc.com T-shirt. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
  3. D00d, I don't think Sherri and Company worry about the lid being left up or down...
  4. That's it, I'm outta here! Scrooge can dock me for the last hour!
  5. Oh that's classic, Sherri! Sherri: "OK, we're agreed. No presents this year, right?" Friend: "Well, if you're sure about that, OK." Sherri: "Eee-yup, I'm sure. NO presents." Later that same day... Sherri, to herself: "What the hell have I done?? She really didn't believe me, did she? Naaaah, she's gonna get me stuff. Yeah, she will. I'm sure of it. I really didn't mean it anyway. She knows that, right? Sure she does. She should, at least..."
  6. sumpin' like that, yeah...
  7. sobo


    It's that box that draws you toward it and makes you desire to start new threads. Thank god for the KittyInhibitor to prevent that.
  8. Muffy, Birth certificates come with an expiration date. I'm just letting you know, in case there was something you really wanted to do and you were worried about a time limit...
  9. He's a little under-developed in the arms and a bit thinner than I remember him as a kid... But he's got one helluva third position there with them boots!
  10. Mt. Rainier webcam sez it's cloudy... Check out the Evil Dark Lord Gator's Rainier blog.
  11. Forgot to mention Skagit Mountain Rescue, since you were once a SAR/MR guy. They's good folks. So too with the Everett MR guys. And the Seattle MR folks, and the Tacoma MR peeps. And the... shit, they're all good people!
  12. The road to Muir from Paradise is pretty much a cake walk. That said, it also depends greatly upon what the conditions are like. At times, it is a Zen garden path with flagstones through the wildflowers for the first mile or so (literally!), while at other times it can be a sub-polar exercise in climbing by Braille. The grade is never steep, except for the short push up from Glacier Vista to Panorama Point. The slog from Pebble Creek to Muir averages somewhere between 15 to 20 degrees for the whole way, but it’s a long two miles, in that the foreshortening effect tricks your eyes into thinking your constantly “almost there” for the next hour or so. Best to know that going in. Lastly, remember that conditions are everything. Just this past week a young man (22 yoa) was killed by an avalanche not even one hour’s hike out of the Paradise lot, in the Edith Creek basin. A couple of years ago an uncle/nephew team was killed by exposure/hypothermia on the march to Muir above Pebble Creek. They were seen by many while they were still alive, and appeared by all accounts to be in reasonable shape. When the white-out moved in, they weren’t seen alive again. Things can happen fast. I applaud your determination in this regard, but I still suggest to you to leave your son at home for a few more years yet. Get a lot of experience in all manner of conditions on several peaks under your belt before you decide to subject him to dangers that he knows not of. We would all hate to read about you and your boy in the papers, if things were to go awry...
  13. T-minus 3 hours, 23 minutes...
  14. sobo


    OK, I'll agree that getting off yer ass and outta the house does get extra points.
  15. I ain't talkin' 'bout the 'merkan made shite. I'm talkin' 'bout the 'talian made stuff. Besides, wiki say dat dere ain't no trans fat in the NA version. I read it on da interwebz; it's gotta be true!
  16. You people are sooooooooo lost. This is where it's at:
  17. sobo


    Wouldn't it just have been easier for Kirk and Spock to jump through the rock doughnut behind Bones and then fix your fuck-up before you fucked up? I'm just sayin'...
  18. ...I would like to take this small moment to wish all of you much peace in your lives, unfailing grace towards others, and heart-felt fellowship with the human race. Now go piss off and eat yer damned burnt, tryptophan-laden bird and open yer fuckin' presents! Oh yeah... Happy Ramahannakwanzmas!
  19. Relax, TT, Dru still has it. Product testing, ya know...
  20. Lotsa people on this board are Mounties. Lotsa people on this board will shit all over the Mounties. Several Mounties will shit all over themselves for being part of the Mounties. It's all a matter of perspective. That being said, I've never been a Mountie, but I hear that it's a decent place to meet some folks, but prolly not the best place from where you'd wanna take your instruction. Given the experience that you have, it'd prolly be OK just to put an ad in the Climbing Partners forum to chum the waters and see what happens. Sometimes you have to be more persistent to hook up, rather than just throwing a hook and bait out there. There's plenty of folks here that'll take you out, no problems.
  21. sobo

    Myths exploded!!!

    We only use 10 per cent of our brains: Rising to fame at the turn of the last century, the statement has been erroneously attributed to Albert Einstein. Various studies have since concluded that no part of the brain is ever completely dormant. Unless you post regularly on cc.com...
  22. sobo


    Priceless! You have a future in television advertising.
  23. sobo


    TREETOAD "found" it last week: 12th post down from the top of the page... Gotta admit though, they do have the marketing one-liner down to a fine art. I bet there's a lot of Nervous Nellie's out there lining up to buy it for their Weekend Warrior SO's for Christmas. The next logical step, from their advertising agency's POV, is to put their TV ad up immediately following the next Mt. Hood/Mt. Rainier/Crystal Mountain tradegy. That'll be sure to increase publicity and $ale$...
  24. Kirk Reiser's body was recovered Friday afternoon, December 21, at the base of Edith Creek falls under about 8 feet of snow. He was still wearing his pack. About 3 dozen or so Mountain Rescue folks from Central Washington, Olympic, Tacoma, Seattle, Snohomish, Everett, and I believe 1 or 2 folks from Bellingham MR assisted the NPS in the probe search. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
  25. Kirk Reiser's body was recovered Friday afternoon, December 21, at the base of Edith Creek falls under about 8 feet of snow. He was still wearing his pack. About 3 dozen or so Mountain Rescue folks from Central Washington, Olympic, Tacoma, Seattle, Snohomish, Everett, and I believe 1 or 2 folks from Bellingham MR assisted the NPS in the probe search. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.
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